
you can find lots of WSB audio @ 

www.wdzr.com/wsb/wsb.htm also has links to lots of other realted sites.

...as for 'experimental thoughts'

to make your Mud Wresling proposal truly experimental we could strap mic's to 
the buts of the wrestlers and process the pick up thru a home made program that 
could layer and randomise the sounds.  Then we could also use the sound of the 
roaring mullets (did you know this is some kind of strange mating ritual)in the 
audience for percussion....My hypothesis is that the resulting sound would be 
somthing similar to EP7 poorly beatmixed with chicks on speed.

U see it is becuase of my intricate understanding of the world of wrestling 
(not to mention my extensive studies on the mating rituals of the mullet) I am 
able to take this knowledge and expand on it, thereby formulating an hypothesis 
that transcends the seriousness of such a thread and plunges it into the mud 
that is absolute silliness.

See experimenting is all about fun!  Just ask WSB.



np.Sextant - Herbie H.(is this an experiment?)


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