1. support multiple subtrees
   new config parameter in windwows sync agreement:
   winSyncSubtreePair: <DS Subtree>:<AD Subtree>

   winSyncSubtreePair: ou=OU1,dc=DSexample,dc=com:ou=OU1,DC=ADexample,DC=com
   winSyncSubtreePair: ou=OU2,dc=DSexample,dc=com:ou=OU2,DC=ADexample,DC=com
   winSyncSubtreePair: ou=OU3,dc=DSexample,dc=com:ou=OU3,DC=ADexample,DC=com

 . Attribute type "winSyncSubtreePair" is added to the objectclass
 . If "winSyncSubtreePair" is not set, there is not behavioral
   difference: the AD subtree "nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree" and the
   DS subtree "nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree" are used for the sync
   target checks.
 . When "winSyncSubtreePair" is set, the above 2 config parameters
   are ignored.
   To determine if an entry is the target of the synchronization,
   the DN is examined whether the DN is a descendent of any of the
   subtrees or not. If it is, the subtree of the counter part is
   Moving an entry from one subtree to another is synchronized.
   Members of a group is synchronized as long as the member entry
   is in any of the defined subtrees.

2. support filters
   new config parameters in windwows sync agreement:
   nsds7WindowsFilter: <additional filter on AD>
   nsds7DirectoryFilter: <additional filter on DS>

   nsds7WindowsFilter: (|(cn=*user*)(cn=*group*))
   nsds7DirectoryFilter: (|(uid=*user*)(cn=*group*))

 . The filters are set to the windows_userfilter and directory_
   userfilter in the private area in the windows agreement.  And
   when each server is searched the filters are added to the internal
   filter.  For instance, filters shown in the above Example allow
   synchronizing the entries which CN contains "user" or "group".

3. Misc
 . Added slapi_sdn_set_ndn_byref, slapi_sdn_set_ndn_passin, and
   slapi_sdn_common_ancestor to dn.c (see also slapi-plugin.h).
 . Fixed memory leaks.
 . Fixed some of the mixed indentations.

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