Who doesn't like an(other) discussion about random numbers?

I reading an article on Monte Carlo simulations and came across a method
for getting a random value from a standard normal distribution. (The
standard normal distribution is the familiar bell curve where the mean is 0
and the standard deviation is 1.) Typically I might pull out the old 4D
Math database and get the complicated formula from there and work out
something. But there is a really easy way to accomplish this using the
baked in Random function.


The original idea is based on a Rand() function that returns a value
between 0 and 1. So you add up 12 of these random values and subtract 6. 6
is the expected mean of 12 selections from a standard random distribution
so the subtraction adjusts the mean to 0 without changing the standard
deviation. The result is not technically a standard distribution but a
reflection about the mean of zero with a standard deviation of 1 - which
the most of what defines a standard deviation.

We can do that too:


Dividing Random by 32767 gives that same value since Random returns a value
between 0 and 32767.

It turns out to be slightly faster to avoid all those division operations
and so the version I gave first. Apparently this approach is well known in
some areas but I had never seen it before.

Playing with this in v18 I notice the distributions become quite normal
when they get large ( ~5000 iterations). It is fast with iterations of 100k
averaging about 870ms uncompiled. To look at resulting distributions I made
a simple form with a picture variable and a button and borrowed the code
from the Graph document page for the button method.


*ARRAY TEXT*($aX;19)




















*For* ($i;1;100)



*End for*

*C_OBJECT*($obj)  //Initialize graph settings

*OB SET*($obj;Graph type;1)

*GRAPH*(vGraph;$obj;$aX;$aY)  //Draw the graph

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

What can be said, can be said clearly,
and what you can’t say, you should shut up about

*Wittgenstein and the Computer *
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