I believe that there is a place for incorporating functional programming
aspects into 4d programming.  As the size of a given function increases, we
have a tendency to grow the number of outside dependencies. (Database calls,
Non-locally scoped variables,etc...) Code that has a large number of
externalities becomes practically untestable.

Functional code is 100% unit testable.  This is a primary consideration in
larger systems where we are investing in code quality.  Being able to reduce
regressions lends itself to more flexible code as the system changes.  

In Object Oriented world the S.O.L.I.D. principles are well revered and lend
themselves to maintainable code.  The D stands for dependency injection and
is a pattern used to reduce the externality of a given chunk of code.  By
isolating external functions to their own function, the rest of the code
base can become more functional in nature.  While this may seem like extra
overhead, the benefit comes in maintainability.

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