I've had vague plans for a while to build a relay based sound
distribution thing for the space. Looking back at orders for some of the
parts shows I started collecting bits to do this in June...

I think I've firmed up the plans enough now that I might be ready to
actually do it so thought I'd let you all knwo what the plan is and see
if there is consensus that this is something we want in the space. I
also have plans for a similar setup at home so the parts can go there if
the space doesn't want it.

I'm thinking to make 2 4x4 crossbar switches (one for each stereo
channel) to connect any of the 4 inputs to 4 outputs. Plus a pi of some
description driving shift registers to control the relays and have a web
interface of some description to let people pick which input should be
connected to where. Or might put a nodemcu in for the feeding the shift
registers and have the web side running on alford (that would make more
sense if it is also (going to be) running interface to control the

I know there are "better" ways to switch audio signals but I like the
clicky noises relays make so want to do it this way. I'm actually very
tempted to have extra switching the relays on and off whenever it
changes things just to have more clicky noises.

4 inputs I'm thinking: pimpd, chromecast audio, bluetooth and 3.5mm
jack. I have a bluetooth board for that input, and the others are there

For the outputs I have 4 amp boards whose listing has vanished from
Amazon but are very similar to this one (same amp chip and look similar,
except the PCB is red):

One of them is currently driving the speakers in the main room.

I have a spare pair of speakers that can be donated for this, and
possibly antoher pair that I could steal from their current use. That
still leaves 1 pair short though: if anyone has any bookshelf style
speakers (or car speakers)they could donate that would be
great. Otherwise I can see what can be found on eBay.

I'm thinking two pairs of speakers in the main room; one pair at the end
they currently are and a pair in the corners by the roof at the other
end of the room. One pair somewhere in the workshop and one pair in the

I don't have any plans for adding anything upstairs to this (mostly
because I can't be bothered running cables between, but it could be
extended to have more outputs (or move one of the ones from downstairs)
if folks think that would be better.

Parts I (or the space) already have:
 - relay boards (2* 16 relay boards for switches and 1 * 8 channel for
   mutes on the amp boards)
 - 4 * amp boards
 - Bluetooth input board
 - pimpd
 - chromecast audio
 - 24V 15A power supply (Not actually enough to max all 4 amps but
   probably plenty loud enough).
 - Pi and/or nodemcu
 - shift registers
 - 2 (or 3) pairs of bookshelf speakers.

I think more/better speakers are the only parts I'm still looking for.
So, thoughts? Objections? Anyone want to help (greatly increases the
chances of it getting done in the near future if anyone else wants to
get involved)?

Robert McWilliam     r...@allmail.net    argh.technology

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.
     -- Dick Wirthimer 
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