I'm thinking to make ladder style uprights like the ones on the shelves I made 
previously and link them with 2x3s¹.  I'm thinking 2 2x3s per "shelf"  - this 
wouldn't actually be  a shelf but is cheaper than any of the sheet material 
options and will be pretty strong. It'll work fine for putting boxes on (so 
long as the bottom of the box can support its contents in the bit between the 2 
2x3s) and we can put sheet material on bits of it if we want actual shelves for 
anything that needs it.

For height: I'm thinking to just use full 2.4m 2x3s for the uprights which will 
give about a 6cm gap  to the ceiling above them. 

To go from the pillar to the east wall (where it bumps into the room around the 
stairwell/cupboards/kitchen bit) would work with 5 uprights giving 3 1.2ish² m 
bays and one 2.4ish m bay. This'll take 35 2x3s for a total of £95.90. That's 
with 4 shelves per bay, about the same pitch as the tall set from the last ones 
I made, would be another 1.5 2x3s per shelf per 1.2m bay to have more shelves.  

I'm thinking to put fabric on the outside (of the hackspace) side of the shelf 
wall to give a clean look to the rest of the room (rather than the collection 
of junk look of seeing into the hackspace bit of the room). I think the 
cheapest way to get enough fabric to cover that is 2 super king size sheets. 
ASDA has them for £9 each³ with a choice of grey, white, cream or pink.

So total of £113.90 for this section - probably ~£125 to give some money to 
cover screws and glue. I'm thinking make this section first and we can then 
decide if the same approach is what we want for the other bits or if we want to 
do something different. 

Would want to cover about twice that distance for the other side coming across 
from the windows so ball park would be twice as much for that section. But I'm 
thinking that would be more shelves than we actually need so should probably do 
some other stuff with some of the bays on the other side (wood (or other long 
thin stuff) rack, some hooks for hanging stuff, any other ideas?) 

I'm away this weekend so was planning to build this the following weekend (22nd 
and 23rd) if the rest of you think this is a good plan and directors approve of 
the spending. Some help then would be appreciated (or if anyone wants to get 
going before then: even better). 


¹ This time I've actually bothered to look up the dimensions of a 2x3 and 
wikipedia has them within a mm of what B&Q list these as so I think I can call 
them 2x3s.

² The "ish" is because there will be some overlap between the shelf components 
of adjacent bays and I'm planning to tweak that to fill the gap between the 
pillar and the wall.

Robert McWilliam     r...@allmail.net    argh.technology

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