> After obtaining a disk drive for an old PC I've had for a little while, I
> was overjoyed to turn it into a dedicated 9 machine. I realized could have
> a second server as part of my 9junk grid! However, it seems the original
> site from bell labs is down, and that since 9front apparently can't find a
> bootstrap processor, so I decided to give 9atom a try. It installed
> successfully, minus this "spurious interrupt 39" message everywhere.
> However, there seems to be an issue using the mouse. It's just a generic
> black dell USB mouse. Whenever I right click to open a window (or use the
> menu at all), it seems as if it detects the release much too early, and
> doesn't always give me time to choose the correct option. Before I go out
> to buy a new mouse (which I don't mind at all, considering money is no
> object for my love for 9), is there anything I can write into a config file
> of some sort, or edit and recompile in a driver?

i don't see any confirmation, but it looks like the install was from the cd 
if so, i recommend using the usb install image instead 


this *should* fix all those issues.  posting a few details on the processor 
be helpful in figuring out any issues.

- erik

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