page hangs when the installed ghostscript is version 8.6. Everything seems fine when using ghostscript 8.15
ghostscript 8.6 debuging shows the following page -V results in segfault page -v stops with the following log reading through pdf... cmd: /PAGEOUT (/dev/fd/4) (w) file def cmd: /PAGE== { PAGEOUT exch write==only PAGEOUT (\n) writestring PAGEOUT flushfile } def cmd: (\n//GO.SYSIN DD\n) PAGE== fernan -- Public PGP/GnuPG key ( pub 1024D/3576CA71 2006-02-02 Fernan Bolando Key fingerprint = FDFE C9A8 FFED C1A5 2F5C EFEB D595 AF1C 3576 CA71