Title: RE: [abcusers] free Encore
Sounds like a little hanky-panky to me. The Finale is being given away by the authors.
I usually associate religion with ethics as well :-(
Title: RE: [abcusers] Distributing DLLs
PROPER setups will only replace DLLs with NEWER versions. The embedded version numbering/date resource fields are checked. A setup should NEVER EVER replace a DLL with an older one. Anyone distributing such a monster should be hung from the thumbs until
Title: RE: [abcusers] ABCcheck
I too, prefer that installation stay off these DLLs.
Win98 is a very fragile system and one false move and you are dead.
BTW, I installed the program without a hitch.
Title: RE: Trillian.mit.edu ABCconverstion
That CGI is a bit too finicky.