----- Original Message -----
From: "Forgeot Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 4:59 PM
Subject: [abcusers] RE : The day the music died! & voting for abc standard

> Yes, I think it's quite boring to read all those endless quarrels
> about the standardization of a musical format I found already
> rather perfect : if it becomes too complicated, then there is not
> point using it instead of midi...

Seems we live in a different world! I know you like MIDI, but what about
NIFF instead of it ? No, seriously...did you drink too much scandinavian
moonshine beverage when posting this mail or what?

 > Instead of arguing on loose points, abcusers could debate on
> specific points, and "vote" for the resolution of them.

Actually, this is  exactly what a number of reprobates have been asking for
ages on this list, of course implying that the results of the ballot had to
be incorporated in the standard... we do have experienced a couple of
problems so far:

FIRST: for years the responsability of an update of the standard was in
WALSHAW's hands. Finally C. W. (R.I.P), who relying on the debate going on
in this mailing list hasn't able to produce than drafts that the developers
that virtually monopolize this list were anyway
claiming not to be available to implement in their softwares, gave up . Then
a self
appointed committee declared it was in charge of updating the standard, and
a number of recent email show that its memebers can't even actually agree
about the basic question if they  are not up to the task... Maybe we should
make clear who is entitled to take any decision before we discuss about how
decisions should be taken!

SECOND: I agree abc users should debate and vote, yet a large percentage of
them is actually not subscribing to this list, because the minority of abc
native software developers
that has a virtual monopoly on it (with the complicity of some fools LIKE
YOU [yes, I'm being deliberatly offensive here... and you know why!])
have discouraged them from entering an inane debate in which their points of
view are - as a rule - deliberately ignored or distorted, and if they insist
in asking to discuss them with at least a bit of care and common sense got
abused (or get silly replaies by someone like you... actually, I dare say
I'm not being offensive, I'm just judging you by the total lack of sense of
a number of you postings!).

Given this, I think we really should reflect - and an awful lot - about the
current state of affairs. I fear it's to late to involve a large majority of
the abc users in the debate of this minority-monopolized mailing list. Yet,
I think some concrete alternative solution might/could be found.

I'll post my own proposal about the way the problem could be solved. I give
for granted that I'll be rather ignored and/or flamed by those that are
going to
be hurted by the statements I'll made (Eric in first place... he seems
unable to read through the messages he replaies to, but he's not alone in
this mailing list), but I couldn't care less... What it's
under everybody's eyes is that the abc notation potentialities are far from
being fully exploited, and until a comprehensive update to the standard will
be available they never won't. As I still hope it's not too late...



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