| I come anew on this topic, just because I've seen this on a
| webpage :
| What are doing the lawers ??? It's a copyright infringement. :)

Indeed; that's what started this off.  A couple of weeks  ago,  there
was  a great news report concerning a recording (from Mike Batt) that
included a 1-minute silence that was attributed to  John  Cage.   Mr.
Batt reported that he received a letter from Cage's heirs complaining
about this infringement.

It seems that they didn't actually sue or anything like that; it  was
all  done  in "the John Cage spirit", and Batt and others had a great
time discussing the issue and the deep significance of  Cage's  work.
One of the better (with only a few clueless folks) is on slashdot:


Most of the contributors seem to have gotten into the spirit of  this
great  work  of  art.  I even got a high rating from a story from the
80's, about AT&T making a copyright claim on a blank line, and how  I
had the nerve to openly publish the entire source (one blank line) of
a program that they claimed copyright on.  And AT&T's lawyers  didn't
hassle  me  at  all.  A lot of people were hoping that they would; it
would have made a wonderful court case.  We  had  some  very  similar
discussions then of the absurdity of it all. It's gotten even funnier
in recent years.

| Talking about old games tunes, I'm transcribing some of them into
| Abc (it was originally on a 3-voices Commodore C64), so it's a
| proof Abc is good for every purpose. (I've even transcribed some
| tunes from heavy metal bands into abc...)

Great! This will certainly help bring abc to the attention of  a  new

BTW, speaking of John Cage ... I just did a run of the search bot for
my  abc  tune  finder, and noticed a new index file pop up whose name
starts with two zeroes.  The index files use the first two  chars  of
the tune's title in the name.  I was curious by this title, looked at
the file, and mentally slapped myself on the forehead.  I'd forgotten
that  during the discussion, I'd come across Cage's later composition
titled 0'00", and I made an abc transcription of it.  Naturally, it's
now the first "tune" in my index.

Cage's instructions were very detailed.  He said that  it  is  to  be
performed  by  anyone  on any instrument at any time.  I suspect that
there have been a lot of performances of this work.

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