Hi, April 24 is Kids on the Grid Day, held in conjunction with the national annual Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day. This year we will again host this Access Grid event. Kids on this day who come to work will interact with other kids across the country and world to experience different cultures, activities, and technologies. In the past activities have included backgammon, tic-tac-toe, shared whiteboard, remote controlled robots, etc. We want to focus on kid interaction rather than the technology per se, but definitely let them see the technology we are working with.
This year RIT, NIH, U. Texas, and U. Puerto Rico will be organizing this event. We are looking for additional organizers. But mostly we are looking for other sites that might have kids connected to the Access Grid. We would also like to have sites connected that have activities that the kids can enjoy. We are scheduling the actual events at 11, 11:30, and 1pm Eastern Time. The exact program is yet to be finalized. Look here for photos from last year's and previous year's events. http;//rc.rit.edu/kids.html We will create a web page and seek press coverage, but for now we just want to know who is participating and at what level. Thanks for your interest. -gurcharan khanna -- ------------------------- Gurcharan S. Khanna, Ph.D. Director of Research Computing Office of the Vice President for Research http://rc.rit.edu Director, Interactive Collaboration Environments Laboratory Center for the Advancing the Study of Cyberinfrastructure http://rc.rit.edu/ice.html --- Rochester Institute of Technology 1 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, New York 14623-5603 Phone: 585-475-7504 ~ Cell: 585-451-8370 Email: gurcharan.kha...@rit.edu Http: people.rit.edu/gskpop