apologies to all. turns out this event was NOT scheduled to be an AG 
event after all. with all the nice integration of all the eresources
on their website it just made me assume it was an AG event, too.
(perhaps it should be :-)

thanks anyway,


gurcharan khanna wrote:
> the previous post had the wrong subject header. sorry for any confusion.
> -gurcharan
> gurcharan khanna wrote:
>> hi,
>> can anybody confirm if this event tomorrow is on and what venue it's in?
>> (i can't find ATLAS listed anywhere). i can't seem to get any reponse 
>> from the owner of the site.
>> thanks,
>> -gurcharan
>>  Details
>> ESNW and MRCCS SEMINAR: Walking in a Semantic Wonderland
>> (Wed Dec 21 2005)
>> Speaker: Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
>> Date / Time: 21st December 2005, 14:00
>> Venue: Atlas 1
>> Put a little SPARQL into your Christmas celebrations!
>> The W3C´s Semantic Web Activity statement [1] states:
>> The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is as broad as that of the
>> Web: to create a universal medium for the exchange of data. It is 
>> envisaged to smoothly interconnect personal information management, 
>> enterprise application integration, and the global sharing of 
>> commercial, scientific and cultural data. Facilities to put 
>> machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly becoming a high 
>> priority for many organizations, individuals and communities.
>> The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place where 
>> data can be shared and processed by automated tools as well as by 
>> people. For the Web to scale, tomorrow´s programs must be able to 
>> share and process data even when these programs have been designed 
>> totally independently. The Semantic Web Activity [...] develops open 
>> specifications for those technologies that are ready for large scale 
>> deployment, and identifies, through open source advanced development, 
>> the infrastructure components that will be necessary to scale in the 
>> Web in the future.
>> So what does this all actually mean? This seminar will cover some 
>> introductory material relating to the Semantic Web. We will address 
>> questions such as:
>> o What is the Semantic Web?
>> o What is an ontology?
>> o What are the outstanding issues?
>> o What will the Semantic Web do for *me*?
>> o What can *I* do for the Semantic Web?
>> The seminar will be informal, hopefully including an element of 
>> audience participation! It *is* panto season after all....
>> [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Activity
>> Owned By: Constantinos Astreos
>> [Source: E-Science North West]
>> [Inform the owner if there is a problem with this resource]

Gurcharan S. Khanna, Ph.D.
Director of Academic Research Computing
Rochester Institute of Technology
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623-5603
Phone: 585-475-7504 ~ Fax: 585-475-6886
Email: gurcharan.kha...@rit.edu
Http:  www.rit.edu/~gskpop

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