Date:28/09/2008 URL: 

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A 'remote' keyboard for the PC-TV 

Anand Parthasarathy 

diNovo Mini combines the functions of keyboard, mouse and remote 


It is a featherweight at 650 gm

Rechargeable lithium batteries are rated to work for one month between charges


- Photo: Anand Parthasarathy 
REMOTE KEYBOARD: Logitech's diNovo Mini, combines the functions of a PC 
keyboard and a TV remote. 

Bangalore: There was a time when the separate worlds of the personal computer 
and the television set gave rise to two modes of usage. There was the 'lean
back' style of typical TV viewing, where one sat back comfortably on a sofa, a 
few metres away from the screen, 'remote' in hand. The other was the 'lean
forward' style of the PC user, hunched over keyboard and mouse, up close to the 

All that is changing, as a new category is born: users of wall-mountable large 
screen PCs, or TVs which also include an Internet connection. They want to
have the best of both worlds, enjoying the multiple TV channels that their 
cable or satellite dish provider offers; and switching at will, to surfing the
Internet or checking their mail - sometimes splitting the screen to do both at 
the same time!

This is great - but there is a small hassle: You need a 'remote' to do your TV 
channel surfing; and a keyboard-mouse combo, to access the PC and Web browser
features. Things can get quite messy, especially if your PC peripheral devices 
are not wireless. Out of this pain, is born a device like Logitech's diNovo
Mini, a clever, palm-sized tool, that neatly combines the functions of 
keyboard, mouse and remote.

The diNovo is a featherweight at 650 gm. and is only slightly larger than one 
of those old-fashioned spectacle cases. Even as you flip the lid open, the
orange back lighting kicks in. This indicates that it is ready to use like a 
standard PC keyboard, complete with full QWERTY key pad. The mouse pad is
similar to what you would find on a notebook PC. Flip a slide switch from PC to 
TV mode and the back lighting changes to green, highlighting the portions
of the keyboard that perform the functions you would find with a TV or media 
player remote. The touch pad of the PC avatar, now morphs into a directional
pad in its TV role: you can use it to move in four directions to make on-screen 
menu selections.

To wirelessly link the diNovo to the PC-TV, the makers harness Bluetooth and 
provide a suitable 'dongle' - a USB-type plug-in that you insert in a suitable
slot in the PC or TV. Its range is about 8-10 metres and the rechargeable 
lithium batteries in the diNovo are rated to work for one month between charges.

The device costs Rs. 9,495 from Logitech's national distributors, Rashi 
Peripherals - which works out about double what you would pay for Logitech's own
cordless standard PC mouse-keyboard set. Not cheap - but when you launch into a 
new customer category that merges lean back functions into lean forward,
you have to pay for the privilege of being a pioneer!
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