Electronic Papyrus
12 Jul 2008, 0001 hrs IST

Tablet sized e-Book readers that allow people to peruse their favourite authors 
on portable screens have several advantages over conventional paper tomes. 

Hundreds of books can be stored on the same device, readers can adjust text 
size and font and read in low or even no light. Although the device runs on 
electricity, the production of e-Books does not consume paper, ink and other 
resources used to produce printed books. 

Yet in spite of such obvious benefits e-Books have never really caught on with 
the same zing other devices like cellphones and hand-held personal music 
players have. 

One of the main reasons is that the act of reading a book is a complex, 
conditioned behaviour which involves and is associated with the feel, 
flexibility and even smell of paper. 

An e-Book reader, on the other hand, comes across as a hard, bulky machine 
where the "page" is made of glass and the "print" is way too glossy. 

All that could change, however, with the introduction of a new screen 
technology called organic thin-film-transistor which uses polymers rather than 
silicon and thus allows for more flexible materials. 

The result has been the launch of a new e-Book reader manufactured by a Dutch 
company, with an ultra-thin flexible screen that can be folded up and put in a 

If the new format catches on it could change reading habits far more 
dramatically than even DVDs, streaming video and MP3 players have changed the 
way we watch films or listen to music. 

That's because while the alternate big-screen or home theatre experience is 
still a viable - and, often, preferred - option as far as cinema and recordings 
are concerned, book reading cannot be enhanced any further, either socially or 
in any technical sense. 

But besides storage capacity, design and flexibility, other factors will also 
determine e-Books' success in the future. 

Text, for instance, can be searched automatically and cross-referenced using 
hyperlinks, making them ideal for any work which benefits from such functions. 

Also, since most offer wireless internet connectivity, books can be purchased 
and downloaded directly without having to visit a bookstore. 

This kind of ease of distributing text means that they can be used to stimulate 
higher sales of books and so help authors and publishers in the process too.

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