November 2007 Issue  Volume 8  Number 6
Access Issues

Exercising Your Right to Fitness: An Overview of the Accessibility of
Exercise Equipment Darren Burton and Lee Huffman

Being active members of our local gym, as well as tech geeks from the AFB
TECH product evaluation lab, we have a great personal interest in the
barriers faced by people who are blind or have low vision who want to be
physically fit. Hoping that AccessWorld readers share the same interest, we
decided to discuss some of the issues involved in working out at your local
gym or fitness center, with an emphasis on the accessibility of various
types of exercise equipment.

In addition to our own personal interest, we have been reading some alarming
things about exercise and people with disabilities. For example, AFB's
Active Living Research reported that recent research has suggested that
"people with disabilities are more likely to be sedentary, have greater
health problems, and have more barriers to participating in physical
activity than the general population." In an excellent, comprehensive
article in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, entitled "Building
Inclusive Physical Activity Communities for People with Vision Loss", James
H. Rimmer stated, "One of the major barriers to access for people with
vision loss is inaccessible exercise equipment." Rimmer detailed the
barriers to access that are found at most fitness centers and presented
solutions for removing the barriers.

A February 9, 2006, New York Times article, "Fitness:
Disabled and Shut Out at the Gym," noted that only 36% of Americans with
disabilities engage in any leisure-time physical activity, compared with 56%
of the general population, according to Healthy People 2010, a report by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That article illustrates many
of the barriers to accessing fitness centers. It also referred to another
study by Rimmer in the American Journal of Public Health that concluded that
the 16 for-profit and
19 nonprofit health clubs in the study all had significant problems. Some
had obstacles, such as stairs preventing disabled members from reaching
parts of the club, and others lacked equipment that could be used by people
with disabilities or staff members who were willing to help such members.

What Are the Barriers We Encounter at Fitness Centers?

In this section, we discuss some of the specific access barriers that we
have encountered in our own efforts to stay in shape and build our six-pack
abs. We also talk about some of the techniques we have used to work around
the barriers and still get a good workout.

Cardiovascular Machines

Treadmills are popular machines for getting a good cardiovascular workout,
and most treadmills use a flat control panel with no tactile markings or
speech output. They also feature display screens and control labels that
people with low vision cannot read. The display screens often have poor
contrast or reflective plastic coverings that cause a significant amount of
glare. The flat panel controls are also often labeled in small fonts and
poorly contrasting colors and, like the visual displays, are covered in
highly reflective plastic. A green Start button and a red Stop button are
common on many exercise machines; although color indicators such as these
are helpful to people with low vision, the ability to start and stop the
machines does not create accessibility. Because of their interface design,
it is difficult and most likely impossible to use all of the machines'
features independently if you are blind or have low vision.

Although a handheld magnifier is cumbersome to use in an exercise setting,
some may find it helpful for reading control labels and visual displays,
whereas others may find that the best technique for getting around access
barriers is to place braille or other tactile markings on the various
controls on the flat panel. We put braille labels on the control panels of
treadmills at our local gym, placing the words Start and Stop in braille
over their corresponding spots on the flat control panels. We also placed
braille markings on the Up and Down arrow controls for adjusting the
treadmills' speed and for adjusting the incline angle of the tread. We used
the braille letter "o" sideways to represent the arrow controls, with the
dot 5 of the letter on top to represent an Up arrow and on the bottom to
represent a Down arrow. We are also fortunate that most treadmills in our
gym emit a beep to indicate a successful press of an arrow, so we can count
the beeps and know how much we are increasing or decreasing the treadmills'
speed or tread angle.

This braille technique allows us to start and stop a treadmill independently
and to adjust its speed and incline, but there are many more features that
we cannot access, such as programming a route with various speeds and
inclines as we go. There is also a great deal of inaccessible visual display
information, such as the current speed, heart rate, and duration of the
workout, that could be displayed in numbers or graphs, depending on a
particular machine. Unfortunately, some of our less thoughtful gym members
insist on picking off the tactile markings, so it is necessary to replace
them periodically.

Stationary bikes are another popular type of cardio machine, and many of
them also have inaccessible flat panel controls and difficult-to-read
control labels and visual display screens. We always thought it strange that
you would need a computerized control panel to ride a bike, but gyms are
becoming increasingly high-tech these days. Fortunately, a few of the bikes
in our local gym have mechanical knobs that are twisted to increase or
decrease the resistance of the bikes'
pedals, so we do not have to use flat panel controls.
Some of the bikes we have used during our work-related travels actually use
tactile buttons to increase and decrease the pedals' resistance. For bikes
that rely on flat panel controls alone, similar marking techniques to those
mentioned for treadmills can be used. However, like treadmills, many of
today's bikes can be set up to vary the resistance as you ride to represent
going up and down hills, but marking techniques do not provide access to
these features or the other visual display information.

Caption: The stationary bike user interface.

Another popular cardio machine is the "elliptical"
trainer, on which you stand up and put your feet into pedals and move them
in an elliptical motion. Most of these machines have tactile buttons for
adjusting the resistance or the angle of the motion. However, they also have
difficult-to-read control labels and visual display screens that are not
supported by speech output. We are left counting button presses to ascertain
our resistance level and the angle of the motion. Again, as with the other
cardio machines, we do not have access to the visual display information and
the feature that is used to set up a program that varies the angle and
resistance throughout the workout.

Weightlifting Machines

The most prevalent type of weightlifting machines are the "pin and plate"
type, popularized by Nautilus, a leading company in the fitness world. These
machines have a stack of flat rectangular plates that are the weights, and
each plate has a hole near the center. You place a pin in the hole of the
plate that corresponds to the amount of weight you want to lift. As long as
you know the weight of each plate, you can count down the stack by touch and
place your pin in the proper hole. For example, if you want to lift 100
pounds and the weight plates weigh 25 pounds each, you count down to the
fourth plate and insert the pin in that plate.
Marking the plates with braille is another option.
Although these machines can be accessible if you learn their design and the
weight of the plates, they often do not use good ergonomic design
techniques. You have to do a lot of bending and turning to reach the pin and
plates, risking possible muscle strain.

Trading off good accessibility for good ergonomic design and ease of use,
machines that are manufactured by the Keiser Corporation use a pneumatic
system for adjusting the weight, or resistance, of the machine.
You simply press and hold a button or step on a pedal, and the pneumatic
system automatically adjusts the weight. Some machines have buttons at the
end of their handles, and others have pedals on the floor. The right button
or pedal increases the resistance, and the left one decreases it. This
feature is certainly easy to use, but the lack of accessibility comes into
play when you want to determine exactly how much weight you are lifting.

These systems use a gauge similar to an old-fashioned car speedometer, with
a needle pointing to the amount of weight currently set, and the gauge is
under a clear plastic cover. This is not a huge problem for someone like
Darren, who is just there for a light workout, because he can simply adjust
the weight until it feels right. However, it would not be good for an
athlete like Lee, who is on a strict weight-training program and needs to
know precisely the amount of weight being lifted.

Free weights usually do not pose a problem with regard to accessibility. The
weights are often stored in fitness centers according to their weight, and
as long as you learn the way they are organized, you can put the proper
amount of weight on the bar. However, the weights are not always put back in
their proper place, so braille or another tactile marking system may be
required. Because of the greater risks involved in using free weights, you
should always work out with another person, so you can spot each other,
helping out if the weights get too heavy. In addition, it is advisable to
use proper travel techniques and to be careful when moving around in a
fitness center, but the free-weight area can be a particular problem, since
weights can often be strewn about on the floor.

Are Equipment Manufacturers Doing Anything to Improve Access?

Knowing the barriers to accessing fitness machines, we decided to do a
little poking around to see if the manufacturers were doing anything to
increase accessibility. We looked at the web sites of the top equipment
manufactures, and, unfortunately, we found nothing regarding accessibility
for our community. We found a few things on wheelchair access and arthritis,
but nothing about visual impairment. The New York Times article cited
earlier mentioned efforts by the manufacturers Cybex International and Life
Fitness to develop more accessible machines. According to the

In May 2006, Cybex International introduced a line of disabled-friendly
machines, and the company says it has sold hundreds of models, mostly to
universities. The line includes seven pieces of cardiofitness equipment with
bright yellow pedals, straps and handgrips that are easier for people with
poor sight to see, as well as raised icons on control buttons for the blind.
Strength-training machines have swing-away seats and long, low grips
reachable from a wheelchair. (Each piece costs about $200 more than standard

Life Fitness, another exercise machine maker, has been working with the
Center on Physical Activity and Disability to outfit its equipment with
Braille instructions, brightly colored handles and adjustable seats. "It's a
significant 2006 agenda for us," said Christine Cunningham, a manager at the
education arm of the company, in Franklin Park, Illinois.

The Concept 2 rowing machine offers the most intriguing news about a company
working to create an accessible piece of exercise equipment. The Concept 2
was demonstrated at this past summer's National Federation of the Blind
convention in Atlanta, and it requires no buttons to push or flat screens to
mark. The company is also developing software that you will eventually be
able to download onto a BrailleNote or other Pocket PC device with speech
software to provide feedback on elapsed time, stroke rate, and power
produced while rowing. For more information about the Concept 2 rowing
machine visit <>.

On the negative side, we have come across a new inaccessible exercise
program monitoring system.
FitLinxx is a computerized system that attaches to existing fitness
equipment, adding an "intelligent"
dimension to a workout. FitLinxx "learns" users'
exercise programs, "coaches" them individually through their workout for
better form and safety during the exercise, and "tracks" their progress over

Caption: The FitLinxx interface attaches fitness equipment to computers for

On strength-building equipment, FitLinxx appears as a touch-screen display
interface that is attached to the machine. For cardiovascular equipment,
each machine's console is networked to FitLinxx. Users tap in their PIN on
the touch screen pad to log in and pull up the information on their personal
exercise programs.
FitLinxx then coaches them on speed, form, heart rate, and so forth and
tracks their workout sessions--each rep, set, and step. All this is conveyed
via the visual display screen with no speech output.

Caption: The FitLinxx kiosk touch screen interface.

Behind the scenes, all the exercise machines are networked into a central
database, giving exercisers and fitness center staff access to information
on individual progress and a set of motivational tools.
The system can be accessed on workout-floor touch screen kiosks, at the
staff computer station, or on the Web from your computer.

By adding this computerized feature to exercise equipment, FitLinxx's goal
is to provide better results for exercisers and staff and higher attraction
and retention rates for fitness centers. This is a great concept; the
problem is that it involves an inaccessible touch screen interface with no
speech output, rendering it useless to people who are blind or who have low
vision. FitLinxx is a growing company and is installing its system in
fitness centers in several countries. According to its web site, it is
working with manufacturers of exercise equipment to become compatible with
their various pieces of equipment. We hope it will also work to make its
product accessible to people with vision loss, so they can benefit from its
service as well.

Advice for the Beginner

Although there are certainly access barriers in today's fitness centers,
these barriers are not insurmountable, and proper strategies and techniques
can get even the biggest couch potato on the way to physical fitness.
Here are some tips and advice for those who want to begin a healthier

Most facilities will allow you one or two free visits to get a feel for the
place and how things work, so you may want to check out a few fitness
centers before you join one. Once you choose a gym, you will want to learn
its layout with a friend or gym employee until you are confident enough to
be able to go it alone. You should also learn how to use the various
machines and how to move safely around the various handles, levers, and
moving parts of the exercise equipment. It is easy to bump your head or get
poked if you do not know the design of the various machines.
It is also a good idea to talk with your fitness center's managers about
using the gym. They may have had other customers who were blind or had low
vision and can provide some advice on the basis of past experience. You can
also talk to them about adding some braille or other markers to the
machines, instead of simply barging in and labeling things. That way, you
can convince them that you will not be ruining their machines with a little
braille. Most gym managers will be accommodating, but be sure to stand up
for your rights if they have no knowledge of the abilities of blind people
and try to insist that you hire a personal trainer for all your workouts. Do
not let them tell you that you cannot go independently, but be willing to
work with them by explaining the type of assistance you may need or how you
can independently and safely use the equipment. Be proactive about your

If you show them, once you learn the system, that you can do most things
independently, they should come around to your way of thinking. Of course,
if a fitness center is too difficult to learn to navigate and use
independently, there is nothing wrong with working out with a friend or
another gym member. Nothing should get in your way if you want a good

Resources for Learning More

As we investigated the issues around physical activity and accessibility,
James H. Rimmer, the researcher mentioned in the New York Times article and
author of the article in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, kept
coming to our attention. Rimmer, a professor in the Department of Disability
and Human Development, College of Applied Health Sciences, at the University
of Illinois at Chicago, has been developing and directing health promotion
programs for people with disabilities. Over the past 25 years, he has
published more than 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters
on various topics in health promotion, physical activity, and disability. He
is also the director of two federally funded centers, the National Center on
Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD) <> and the
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Recreational Technology and
Exercise Physiology <>.

Rimmer gave a presentation at a September 13, 2007, conference sponsored by
the Centers for Disease Control and the NCPAD, among others. The
presentation covered information on several resources from the NCPAD related
to fitness and disability, many of which can be found on its web site,

video fact sheets on various sports

information about accessible fitness centers

a searchable programs database for locating accessible fitness facilities
and programs in your area <>

a nutrition section to help you become more knowledgeable about the types of
foods that you need to eat to achieve your goals or manage your specific
disability or health condition <>

a before and after fitness center makeover

a database you can use to find a personal trainer who is familiar with the
Americans with Disabilities Act and accessibility

a search for accessible parks in your state <>

Rimmer's entire PowerPoint presentation can be found at

One striking statement in Rimmer's presentation is that youths with
disabilities are 4.5 times more likely to be physically inactive than are
youths who are not disabled. This statement reminds us of a conversation one
of our AFB colleagues had with a concerned parent of a blind child. When the
parent said, "I'm afraid my son will get hurt if he goes out and plays with
the other kids," my colleague responded, "I'm afraid that he won't get
hurt." My colleague was, of course, implying that a child who is kept inside
and shielded from the bumps and bruises that are part of growing up will
eventually miss out on life itself.

We hope that more manufacturers of fitness equipment will consider using
more universal design principles in designing their equipment. A perfectly
accessible machine with tactile controls and speech output for display
information and compatibility with wireless braille displays may be far in
the future, but we hope that manufacturers strive to meet this lofty goal.

In the meantime, it would be easy to design more tactilely discernable
controls and tone feedback to provide at least some partial accessibility.
Larger labels on controls and higher-contrast, larger-font, easier-to-read
visual displays would also be welcome. A simple solution for the displays on
the Keiser weight machines described earlier may be to put a hinge on the
glass covering the gauge, allowing the cover to open like the braille
watches that many of us own, along with some tactile markings around the
gauge. This would allow us to feel the needle pointer and determine the
machine's weight setting.

We at AccessWorld are interested in getting feedback from readers who are
interested in the fitness and exercise topics that we have discussed in this
We would especially like to hear about other techniques that you may use for
getting around the access barriers of health clubs and fitness equipment.
You can e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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