-----Original Message-----
From: Dspd Enable [mailto:ena...@un.org]
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 6:47 PM
To: enab...@un.org
Subject: United Nations Enable Newsletter, April 2010

April 2010

The Enable Newsletter is prepared by the United Nations Secretariat for the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) at the United
Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). Input has been
received from by UN offices, agencies, funds and programmes, as well as
from civil society. It is also available on-line at:

In this issue:

§       Update on the Convention
§       Highlights
§       Upcoming events
§       Other news


85 ratifications of the Convention
144 signatories to the Convention

Optional Protocol to the Convention

52 ratifications of the Optional Protocol
88 signatories to the Optional Protocol

Recent news:

Maldives ratified the Convention on 5 April

Third Conference of States Parties, 1-3 September 2010
The third Conference of States Parties to the Convention (CoSP) will be
held from 1-3 September 2010 at UNHQ in New York. This session, under the
theme: “Implementing the Convention through Advancing Inclusion of Persons
with Disabilities”, will begin with the election of members of the
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and include
substantive roundtable discussions and an interactive informal session with
civil society. Elections for members of the Committee will be held in
accordance with article 34 of the Convention. As the total number of
ratifications has passed 80, the membership of the Committee will increase
by six to a total of 18 members. Additional elections will be held for the
six members whose term expires in 2010. More information and a provisional
agenda will be available shortly at http://www.un.org/disabilities.




5th meeting of the Interagency Support Group on the CRPD, 6-7 May 2010
The fifth meeting of the Interagency Support Group on the CRPD (IASG) will
take place  on 6-7 May hosted by World Bank at their Headquarters in
Washington, DC.
Members of the IASG will present their current work and review modalities
for increased cooperation, as well as discuss emerging good practices,
international development cooperation, challenges and opportunities to
support the implementation of the Convention. The group will also discuss
strategies for working with UN country teams on disability issues. Members
of civil society will also attend and present their work on the
implementation of the Convention and participate in a forum with UN
agencies. More information:

Expert group meeting on accessibility
SCRPD in collaboration with the World Bank is organizing an expert group
meeting on accessibility from 9-11 June 2010 (venue TBC). The experts will
review current standards and practices on accessibility and work to develop
practical guidelines for disability-inclusive policy frameworks to ensure
environmental accessibility for persons with disabilities, with reasonable
adaptation, in both the physical environment and in the fields of
information and communication technologies. With a view to foster the
building of an international community of experts on all aspects of
accessibility, SCRPD is calling for experts to email the details of their
expertise and contact information, so as to establish a global network of
experts. More information will be posted shortly at

Disability workshop at Annual Pacific Rim International Conference
SCRPD made a key-note presentation entitled "Development for All: Inclusive
Policies, Programs, and Participation in the Millennium Development Goals
at the Plenary Session of the International Forum on the Rights of People
with Disabilities: Utilizing the Convention to Mobilize for Action". SCRPD
co-organized an interactive panel in collaboration with Harvard Disability
Law Project and the Pacific Forum Secretariat, as well as a workshop on
disability, MDGs and gender to support regional capacity-building for
mainstreaming disability in development. The Forum was held in conjunction
with the 26th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference on 12-13 April in
Honolulu, Hawaii. More information: http://www.pacrim.hawaii.edu.

Disability and ageing publication – Call for papers
The SCRPD and the UN Programme on Ageing are supporting the development of
a publication on disability and ageing. The publication, scheduled to be
launched in December 2010, will be published by the NGO Committee on
Ageing/NY in memory of the late Ruth Begun, a long time member of the NGO
Committee on Ageing/NY. Currently, papers are being sought for inclusion in
the publication, which will focus on: similarities and differences in the
impact of disability on younger an older persons; disability, ageing and
poverty; design for disability (rural/urban design, home/community design;
affects in later years of acquired v/s born-with disability; the impact of
vision, hearing and/or mobility loss on older persons; and access to
assistance/services for disabled older persons in developing countries. The
length of the paper should not exceed 6-8 pages (single-spaced) and not
have been published previously. Priority will be given to papers based on
research and good practice. Papers should include a statement of the issue,
research findings or practice applications and recommendations. Deadline
for submission: 30 September 2010. For more information, please contact the
NGO Committee on Ageing Proposal Contact Information: Jessica Frank Lopez,
Chair, Tel: (212)407-3710 or E-mail: jefr...@aarp.org or Florence L.
Denmark, Tel: (212)346-1551 or E-mail: fdenm...@pace.edu or Mary J. Mayer,
Tel: (212)876-2131 or E-mail: mjmayer_...@hotmail.com.


New publication on providing guidance to human rights monitors
OHCHR has published a new tool: "Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities: Guidance for Human Rights Monitors”. The
objective of this publication is to provide background information on the
CRPD, its provisions and monitoring mechanisms. The tool will outline
principle issues arising in the monitoring of the CRPD, such as the
inclusion of persons with disabilities in monitoring activities, ensuring
accessibility and the monitoring of specific provisions. The publication,
available in English and Russian, is aimed at actors already engaged in
human rights monitoring such as UN human rights officers, national human
rights institutions, and civil society. Download the publication at:

New resolution adopted by the HRC
The Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted its resolution 13/11 entitled “Human
rights of persons with disabilities: national implementation and monitoring
and introducing as the theme for 2011 the role of international cooperation
in support of national efforts for the realization of the rights of persons
with disabilities”. The resolution calls upon States parties to the
Convention to establish and strengthen domestic mechanisms and frameworks
for the implementation and monitoring of the Convention, as well as include
civil society organizations in the monitoring process of the Convention.
The HRC also decided that its next annual interactive debate on the rights
of persons with disabilities will focus on the role of international
cooperation in support of national efforts to implement the Convention.
More information:

UN Millennium Campaign – Online consultation on MDGs
The UN Millennium Campaign is conducting an online consultation until 7 May
that will provide input into their report at the MDG review summit this
September. The consultation provides an opportunity to call for
disability-inclusive MDGs, for better implementation, evaluation and
monitoring, as well as to highlight the need for indicators and data
collection. Join the online consultation at:

UNMAS – Disability survey extended to all DPKO operations
The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) of Department of
Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) is the focal point of disability issues
within DPKO.  UNMAS is currently circulating a disability survey to all
peacekeeping operations in the field. In August 2009, UNMAS developed the
disability survey, which was circulated to ten UNMAS managed field
programmes. Findings from the survey were presented at the Fourth
Interagency Support Group (IASG) for the CRPD meeting in November 2009. The
survey helps identify the extent to which the issue of accessibility and
employment of persons with disabilities has been addressed by mine action
centres. More information: Akiko Ikeda-Wei, ik...@un.org.

WHO - 2nd CBR Continental Congress
On 3-5 March, the 2nd Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Continental
Congress was held in Oaxaca, Mexico. The  Congress was jointly organized by
the Pan American Health Organization, the World Health Organization (WHO),
UNICEF, the Community-based Rehabilitation Network of the Americas and the
Caribbean, the National Agency for Family Development (DIF), Consejo
Nacional  para las Personas con Discapacidad (CONADIS), Piña Palmera, CBM
and the Oaxaca  local government. More than 550 participants from 17 Latin
American countries took part in the Congress including many people with
disabilities and their organizations. Participants developed the "Oaxaca
Manifesto" which calls upon States to include people with disabilities in
the development of their communities and societies by implementing the CRPD
and promoting the use of CBR in public policies. The next Congress will
take place in 2013 in Bogota, Colombia. The CBR America and Caribbean
Network, formed following the last CBR Congress, will work towards
implementation of the Manifesto. More information: Dr Armando Vasquez,
vasqu...@chi.ops-oms.org or Mr Chapal Khasnabis, khasnab...@who.int.

WHO - National strategy for persons with disabilities in Guyana
On 10 March, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, Honourable Deputy Minister of Health,
Government of Guyana launched the National Rehabilitation Services Strategy
2009-2013. The Strategy is the result of collaborative work of the Pan
American Health Organization, WHO, the Guyana Ministry of Health and the
Director of Rehabilitation Services. A seminar was organized to introduce
the National Rehabilitation Services Strategy and to promote understanding
about community-based rehabilitation. Dr. Kathleen Israel, PAHO/WHO
Representative, who inaugurated the seminar, highlighted the importance of
rehabilitation services and assured continued support to transform the
strategy from a plan into concrete interventions that will change the
status quo and result in real and meaningful improvement in the lives of
persons with disabilities in Guyana. More information: Dr. Javier Uribe,
uribe...@guy.paho.org, Dr Armando Vasquez, vasqu...@chi.ops-oms.org, or Mr
Chapal Khasnabis,  khasnab...@who.int.



6-7 May: 5th Interagency Support Group on the CRPD meeting
(See above)

13 - 16 May: CODHy World Congress
The 3rd World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity
and Hypertension (CODHy) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic. The
Congress is a comprehensive meeting fully devoted to clinical debates and
covering controversial issues in a wide spectrum of diabetes, obesity and
hypertension. More information: http://www.comtecmed.com/codhy/2010/

23 - 27 May: 17th ESPRM Congress
The 17th European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation and Medicine
(ESPRM) Congress “European Rehabilitation: Quality, Evidence, Efficacy and
Effectiveness” will be held in Venice, Italy. The meeting will cover
functioning biology, functioning technology, clinical sciences, human
functioning sciences, evidence-based rehabilitation and management. More
information: http://www.cesprm2010.eu/index.html.

1 - 4 June: TRANSED 2010
The 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and
Disabled Persons, “Transed2010”, will take place in Hong Kong, China. The
main theme of the Conference is “Sustainable Transport and Travel for All”.
More information: http://www.transed2010.hk.

6–12 June: 2010 International VSA Festival
VSA, the international organization on arts and disability, will bring
together artists, educators, researchers, and policymakers with and without
disabilities from around the world for a multicultural celebration of the
arts and arts education. The Festival will feature visual, performing,
literary, and media artists and over 2,000 participants from around the
world. The festival will also include the 2010 International VSA Education
Conference on Advancing Inclusive Education and 21st Century Learning
Skills through the Arts and a Pathways to Employment for artists with
disabilities. More information: http://www.vsartsfestival.org.

14-15 June: Interactive Hearings on the UN MDG Summit, UNHQ
The interactive hearing will provide civil society organisations with an
opportunity to share their expertise and innovative ideas with
policy-makers at the local, national and international level. More
information: http://www.un-ngls.org/spip.php?page=mdg2010.

18-22 July: 21st International Congress on Education of the Deaf
The 21st International Congress on Education of the Deaf (ICED) will take
place in Vancouver, Canada. The Congress themed "Partners In Education”,
will look at past achievements in education of the Deaf, recent research
and established best practices. More information: http://www.iced2010.com/

18 - 23 July: XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010)
AIDS 2010 will be held in Vienna, Austria and will mark an important
milestone: the deadline by which world leaders have committed to ensuring
universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The
conference will be an opportunity to evaluate progress to date and to
identify what must be done, both individually and collectively, to achieve
this critical goal. See Disability Zone, below. More information:

1 - 3 September: Third Conference of States Parties to the CRPD
(See above)

15-17 September: Implementing disability-inclusive development in the
Pacific and Asia: Reviewing progress, planning the future
An international conference and action planning roundtable will be held in
Darwin, Australia and is organized by the ADDC - Australian Disability and
Development Consortium. The Conference will discuss and review practical
actions being taken in the Pacific and Asia to ensure that local, national
and international development includes people with disability. The two-day
conference and one-day action-based roundtable seek practical ways for
people with disabilities in the Asia Pacific region and Australian
Aboriginal communities to best fulfill their human rights. More
information: http://www.addc.org.au/2010/02/addc-conference-first-notice/

17-19 September: Stand Up, Take Action: Make a Noise for the MDGs
September 17th -19th, 2010: Around the world, people will participate in a
wide range of events, relevant actions and initiatives to show their
support for the achievement of the MDGs and have their voices heard
articulating their demands for delegations attending the Summit. This
global action is designed to grab public, political and media attention and
to make sure that the global movement in support of the MDGs is seen and
heard around the world. More information:

20 - 22 September: Millennium Development Goals Summit
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on world leaders to attend the MDG
High-level Summit that will be held this coming September in New York. The
Summit aims to boost efforts to achieve the MDGs by 2015. More information:

3 - 14 October: Commonwealth Games – Para Sports
The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has officially released the
Para-Sports Medal Events Programme for the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games
following consultation with the International Paralympic Committee. The
Games will take place in New Delhi, India, and will showcase world-class
sporting opportunities for elite athletes with a disability. More

22-24 October: First European Congress on Visual Impairment
The first European Congress on Visual Impairment will be held in
Valladolid, Spain and will cover the prevention of visual impairments and
rehabilitation. More information:
and http://www.eventoplenos.com/eurovision/Pages_from_Memorando0.pdf.

26 - 29 October: 4th CBR Africa Conference
The theme of this Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Conference is
‘Linking CBR with Disability and Rehabilitation’ and will be held in Abuja,
Nigeria. The conference aims to  promote better CBR practices in Africa and
provide an opportunity for people to share information,  knowledge and
experience on how disability concepts, CBR and rehabilitation  programmes
can link together to help improve the quality of life for people with
disabilities and their families. More information: Joan Okune
(j...@afri-can.org) or Sally Hartley (sa...@afri-can.org).

28-30 October 4th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference
The Conference is organized by the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and
will take place in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. It will include
showcasing new research, clinical breakthroughs and innovative approaches
and methodologies to addressing spinal cord injuries. More information:

30 October - 3 November: International Conference for Universal Design
The International Association for Universal Design will organize the
conference in Hamamatsu City, Japan. The theme of the third conference will
be “For the People and the Earth of Tomorrow - Towards a Sustainable
Co-existence”. The conference organizers are inviting educators, product
planning and developers, administrators, consultants and civic activists
and students to submit research papers, as well as reports and editorial
articles. More information: http://www.ud2010.net/index.en.html.



(The information below from the non-governmental disability community is
provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute
endorsement of, or an approval by, the United Nations of any of the
products, services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or
individual. The United Nations bears no responsibility for the accuracy,
legality or content of their statements and opinions.)

Newsletter of the International Disability Alliance April 2010
Find out more about the participation of civil society in the work on the
implementation of the CRPD, as well as the work of the Human Rights Council
and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Download the
latest issue at:

International Diploma in Mental Health Law and Human Rights
The International Diploma on Mental Health Law and Human Rights is
currently accepting applications for the academic year 2010-11. The
Diploma, now in its third year of existence, is a collaborative effort
between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ILS Law College in
Pune, India. The course builds the capacity of students to advocate for
human rights and to influence national legislative and policy and service
reform in line with the CRPD other key international human rights
standards. The course is taught by a faculty of renowned international
experts in the area and includes two residential sessions, as well as
distance learning Deadline for application: 30 June 2010. More information:

International Masters degree in mental health policy and services
Applications are being accepted for 2010/2011 for the International Masters
Degree in Mental Health Policy and Services (MHPS), promoted by the New
University of Lisbon, in collaboration with WHO. The scope of the Masters
is to build capacity of mental health professionals to lead and contribute
to conceiving, formulating, implementing and evaluating national mental
health policy, national mental health legislation and mental health
services and care delivery. More information: http://www.fcm.unl.pt/immhps/

Online summer course on disability awareness
This online course challenges the current perceptions about disability and
persons with disabilities. Students in this online course will view and
respond to a series of films about disability and challenge their own
assumptions about disability, deepen their historical understanding of the
ways in which the "grammar" of film has shaped depictions of disability,
and consider the ways in which these images may dialog with the ways we
think about disability. This course is intended for students across
disciplines, including social work, psychology, public health, law,
nursing, political science, and especially education. It is presented in an
online, asynchronous format designed to accommodate the schedules of
working professionals. This course is available completely online and
offered by the Center on Disability, University of Hawaii. More
information: rraph...@hawaii.edu or visit

Disability Zone at International AIDS Conference in Vienna
The International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) task team on
disability and HIV has organized a Disability Zone at the XVIII
International AIDS Conference in Vienna this year.  Grassroots DPOs, NGOs,
faith-based organizations, networks, researchers, institutions and other
organizations and leaders in the field of disability and HIV are encouraged
to participate. In the Zone, people with disabilities, people living with
HIV, researchers, donors and conference attendees can come together to
share experiences, learn from each other and raise awareness of the
interrelations between disability and HIV. More information:
hanas...@ukzn.ac.za at www.heard.org.za/african-leadership/disability.

Distance learning courses in CBR
Bangalore University has launched new courses since 2005 in the field of
disability and rehabilitation. The Directorate of Correspondence Courses &
Distance Education in collaboration with CBR Network (South Asia) invites
applications for Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Courses for the
Academic Year 2010-11 offered through distance mode. More information:

Report on the rights and reality of access to goods and services
Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD) has launched a new report that examines
disabled people’s experiences of accessing goods and services, and examines
the extent to which disabled people have been able to enforce their rights.
The report is based on a survey of more than 1000 disabled people in the
UK. More information: http://www.lcdisability.org/?lid=12274.

School project help design a smarter walking stick
Three teenage girls studying in a UN-funded school in a refugee camp in the
West Bank have been chosen to join 1,500 finalists, Nobel Laureates and
leading scientific minds in the world’s largest pre-college science fair
where their prototype of an electric cane could win a $50,000 grand prize.
The girls teamed up for a science project at UNRWA’s Askar Girls’ School in
Nablus, north of Jerusalem, after seeing one of their visually impaired
uncles struggle to walk on the region’s hilly terrain. While most
electronic canes can tell what is in front, the girls devised a wooden
walking stick that has a “seeing” sensor below – so it beeps when the
surface changes, such as near stairs, holes or water, up to 30 inches away.
More information:



The Enable Newsletter is prepared by the Secretariat for the Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Division for Social Policy and
Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United
Nations Secretariat in New York.

Mailing address: UN Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities, 2 UN Plaza, DC2-1306, New York, NY 10017, USA.
Website: http://www.un.org/disabilities
Email: ena...@un.org

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