
"Perhaps our role on this planet is not to worship God-- but to create Him."

                                        --Arthur C. Clarke

(Rajesh Asudani)

Assistant General Manager,
Reserve Bank of India
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dspd Enable []
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 2:47 AM
Subject: United Nations Enable Newsletter, March 2010

March 2010

The Enable Newsletter is prepared by the United Nations Secretariat for the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) hosted by the
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). Input has
been received from by UN offices, agencies, funds and programmes, as well
as from civil society. It is also available on-line at:

In this issue:

§     Update on the Convention
§     Highlights
§     Upcoming events
§     Other news


84 ratifications of the Convention
144 signatories to the Convention

Optional Protocol to the Convention

52 ratifications of the Optional Protocol
88 signatories to the Optional Protocol

Recent news:

United Arab Emirates ratified the Convention on 19 March
Bosnia and Herzegovina ratified the Convention and Optional Protocol on 12
Canada ratified the Convention on 11 March
Latvia ratified the Convention on 1 March

Third Conference of States Parties
The third Conference of States Parties to the Convention (CoSP) will be
held from 1-3 September 2010 at UNHQ in New York. This session under the
theme “Implementing the Convention through Advancing Inclusion of Persons
with Disabilities” will focus on the election of members of the Committee
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and include substantive
roundtable discussions and an interactive informal session with civil
society. Elections for members of the Committee will be held in accordance
with article 34 of the Convention. As the total number of ratifications has
passed 80, the membership of the Committee will increase by six to a total
of 18 members. Additional elections will be held for the six members whose
term expires in 2010. More information will be available shortly at



Women with Disabilities at CSW48
On 4 March, during the 48th session of the Commission for Social
Development (CSW48), SCRPD along with the Global Partnership for Disability
and Development (GPDD), organized an interactive panel discussion on
“Cross-sectionalities of gender, disability, and development: Towards
equality for women and girls with disabilities”. Rangita de Silva de Alwis,
Director, International Human Rights Policy discussed four country projects
in the Asian region and highlighted ways in which the women’s rights and
disability rights movements mutually reinforced and strengthened each
other. Ms. Luz Angela Melo, Human Rights Technical Adviser, United Nations
Population Fund discussed the sexual reproductive health of women with
disability. Ms. Ana Pelaez, Vice-chair of the United Nations Committee on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities showed how girls and women with
disabilities face multiple discrimination. She also provided strategies and
recommendations to address the injustice. A new web resource on Women with
Disabilities is now available at:

MERCOSUR – Meeting on the Inclusion of the disability perspective in the
MDGs and Inclusive Development
The Conference of High-level Authorities of MERCOSUR and Ministries of
Foreign Affairs is organized every six months by the Presidency of
MERCOSUR; this conference took place under the Presidency of Argentina.
SCRPD/DESA, the World Bank, Leonard Cheshire Center on Disability (UK) and
the Global Partnership for Disability and Development co-sponsored the
MERCOSUR meeting on “Inclusion of the disability perspective in the MDGs
and Inclusive Development” at the Conference (22 March). Other meetings
were organized by the Government of Argentina on disability, development
and the CRPD for national and provincial level officials of the Central
Committee coordinating all the provinces of Argentina (23-25 March). The
Conference covered various issues, including disability, children, and the
development of indicators for economic, social and cultural rights.
Representatives of MERCOSUR countries as well as the Associate States
engaged in the dialogue on mainstreaming disability in MDG processes,
mechanisms and institutions. SCRPD/DESA conducted a training programme for
over 100 participants under the theme “building new communities for using
the CRPD in development” with a view to contribute to implementation of the
MDGs, as well as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
As an outcome of the meeting, MERCOSUR members and associated states will
present a report at on indicators that would progressively advance
disability for inclusion in the MDGs, as well as organize a seminar on
disability data and statistics at MERCOSUR’s next meeting in Brazil in this
September. More information:

Disability-inclusive reconstruction at Haiti Donor Conference
SCRPD/DESA co-sponsored a panel discussion “Haiti: Reconstruction for All”
at the Haiti Donor Conference at UN Headquarters on 31 March along with the
Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations, the World Bank and
Disabled Peoples’ International. The panel, organized by the Global
Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD), included a discussion on
the inclusion of universal design in the rehabilitation and reconstruction
of Haiti for socioeconomic development. The event also provided an
opportunity to announce the launching of a toolkit that contains existing
information and resources helpful to design, implement, and monitor
inclusive rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts.  More information:

Disability and Statistics new resource webpage
The new web resource “Disability-inclusive design, planning, monitoring and
evaluation” provides information on developments in disability and
statistics. The webpage also highlights the importance of improving
comparable disability data and statistics for purposes of policy design,
planning and evaluation from the disability perspective. Links are provided
to work on disability statistics and other related resources. More

OHCHR – HRC discusses national mechanisms for the CRPD
On 5 March 2010, the Human Rights Council (HRC) held its second interactive
panel dialogue on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The panel
discussed national mechanisms to implement, promote and monitor the CRPD at
an interactive dialogue where over 40 State representatives, National Human
Rights Institutions and civil society organizations actively participated.
During the session the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission
for Social Development also participate in an the interactive dialogue and
presented a statement. For the first time, the Council provided
interpretation into international sign language and real-time captioning.
Hearing loops were made available. More information:

ILO – Trade unions promote the rights of persons with disabilities
The push for greater recognition in the workplace of the rights of people
with disabilities has received a boost from Thai trade unions. Facilitated
by the International Labour Organizations (ILO), representatives of worker
organizations met to discuss the role of trade unions in promoting the
rights, employability and employment of women and men with disabilities at
a workshop in Bangkok, 4-5 March. Following the meeting, it was agreed that
a further consultation of people with disabilities would be conducted by
worker organizations before approaching the authorities to advocate on
their behalf. The workshop is part of the ILO’s initiative aimed at
promoting the employability and employment of women and men with
disabilities (PEPDEL) supported by Irish Aid. More information:

ILO Conference on people with intellectual disabilities
The International Labour Organization (ILO) held a conference in Lusaka on
9-11 March to explore opportunities for people with intellectual
disabilities to work in the general community. The three-day conference,
funded by the Government of Ireland, aimed to examine current experiences
and practices – both at the African and international levels – providing
vocational training to persons with intellectual disabilities and preparing
them for work; explore policy frameworks most conducive to promote training
and employment opportunities for this group; identify steps and measures
that governments, social partners and the civil society can adopt to
promote the economic and social inclusion of people with intellectual
disabilities; and, foster cooperation among agencies participating in the
conference to establish lasting collaborative networks. More information:

UNESCO – Forthcoming white paper on ICT
UNESCO, in cooperation with the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information
and Communication Technologies (G3ict), hosted a consultative meeting on
22-23 February 2010 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The primary aim of the
meeting was to discuss how UNESCO could facilitate the social inclusion of
persons with disabilities through the use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs). The meeting also worked to identify the type of
policies and programmes required for the dispositions of the CRPD within
UNESCO's mandate, particular how to best engage Member States in
implementing inclusive policies and programmes promoting greater access to
information and knowledge for persons with disabilities. In June 2010, the
meeting output will be issued in the form of a meeting report/white paper
that will present main issues discussed and practical measures to move
forward the ICT and disability agenda. More information:

WIPO – Access to copyright-protected works by VIPs
Improved access to copyright-protected content for the blind and other
persons with visual or print disabilities (VIPs) was the focus of an
international training course co-organized by the United States Copyright
Office and WIPO in Washington from 8-12 March. The International Training
Program for Developing Countries and Countries in Transition on Emerging
Issues in Copyright and Related Rights and Issues Pertaining to Blind and
Visually Impaired Persons, brought together policy-makers and experts from
28 countries. The programme aimed to improve understanding of the elements
of domestic and international copyright law that are relevant to making
books, films and other copyright-protected content accessible to persons
with print disabilities. It also focused on identifying practical measures
that can improve the quality and quantity of these works in formats that
are readily accessible to VIPs.  Participants explored measures to provide
relief and to enhance opportunities for access and also considered the
obstacles and limitations that inhibit easy access to relevant technologies
across national boundaries. More information: or


2 April: United Nations World Autism Awareness Day
In 2007, the UN General Assembly designated 2 April as World Autism
Awareness Day to galvanize global efforts to promote greater understanding
about autism. This is the third commemoration of the Day that works to
further promote an inclusive society and improve the lives of persons and
children with Autism, their families, and communities around the world.
Video message from the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon:

26-30 April: WWW2010 19th International World Wide Web Conference
The World Wide Web Conference is a yearly international conference on the
topic of the future direction of the World Wide Web. The Conference aims to
provide the world a premier forum for discussion and debate about the
evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies,
and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. More

12 - 13 April: 26th Annual Pacific Rim International Conference
The Conference will explore new directions through scholarship, best
practice, and international networking, as well as include an International
Forum on the Rights of People with Disabilities, an international film
festival and more. More information:

21-22 April: Conference on Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual
Educators, health professionals, justice officials, policy analysts,
researchers, advocates, and self-advocates will participate in this
Conference that aims to expand the awareness of rights education, and its
implementation for persons with intellectual disabilities. The Conference
will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. More information:

13 - 16 May: CODHy World Congress
The 3rd World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity
and Hypertension (CODHy) will take place in Prague, Czech Republic. The
Congress is a comprehensive meeting fully devoted to clinical debates and
controversial issues in a wide spectrum of diabetes, obesity and
hypertension. More information:

23 - 27 May: 17th ESPRM Congress
The 17th European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation and Medicine
(ESPRM) Congress “European Rehabilitation: Quality, Evidence, Efficacy and
Effectiveness” will be held in Venice, Italy. The meeting will cover
functioning biology, functioning technology, clinical sciences, human
functioning sciences, evidence-based rehabilitation and management. More

1 - 4 June: TRANSED 2010
The 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and
Disabled Persons, “Transed2010”, will take place in Hong Kong, China. The
main theme of the Conference is “Sustainable Transport and Travel for All”.
More information:

18 - 23 July: XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010)
AIDS 2010 will be held in Vienna, Austria and will mark an important
milestone: the deadline by which world leaders have committed to ensuring
universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. The
conference will be an opportunity to evaluate progress to date and to
identify what must be done, both individually and collectively, to achieve
this critical goal. More information:

1 - 3 September: Third Conference of States Parties to the CRPD
(To be held at UN Headquarters in New York, please see Recent News, page 1)

15-17 September: Implementing disability-inclusive development in the
Pacific and Asia: Reviewing progress, planning the future
An international conference and action planning roundtable will be held in
Darwin, Australia and is organized by the ADDC - Australian Disability and
Development Consortium. The Conference will discuss and review practical
actions being taken in the Pacific and Asia to ensure that local, national
and international development includes people with disability. The two-day
conference and one-day action-based roundtable seek practical ways for
people with disabilities in the Asia Pacific region and Australian
Aboriginal communities to best fulfill their human rights. More

20 - 22 September: Millennium Development Goals Summit
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on world leaders to attend the MDG
High-level Summit that will be held this coming September in New York. The
Summit aims to boost efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) by 2015. More information:

3 - 14 October: Commonwealth Games – Para Sports
The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has officially released the
Para-Sports Medal Events Programme for the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games
following consultation with the International Paralympic Committee. The
Games will take place in New Delhi, India, and will showcase world-class
sporting opportunities for elite athletes with a disability. More

26 - 29 October: 4th CBR Africa Conference
The theme of this Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) Conference is
‘Linking CBR with Disability and Rehabilitation’ and will be held in Abuja,
Nigeria. The conference aims to  promote better CBR practices in Africa and
provide an opportunity for people to share information,  knowledge and
experience on how disability concepts, CBR and rehabilitation  programmes
can link together to help improve the quality of life for people with
disabilities and their families. More information: Joan Okune
( or Sally Hartley (

28-30 October 4th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference
The Conference is organized by the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and
will take place in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. It will include
showcasing new research, clinical breakthroughs and innovative approaches
and methodologies to addressing spinal cord injuries. More information:

30 October - 3 November: International Conference for Universal Design
The International Association for Universal Design will organize the
conference in Hamamatsu City, Japan. The theme of the third conference will
be “For the People and the Earth of Tomorrow - Towards a Sustainable
Co-existence”. The conference organizers are inviting educators, product
planning and developers, administrators, consultants and civic activists
and students to submit research papers, as well as reports and editorial
articles. More information:


(The information below from the non-governmental disability community is
provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute
endorsement of or an approval by the United Nations of any of the products,
services, or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. The
United Nations bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or
content of their statements and opinions.)

Newsletter of the International Disability Alliance March 2010
Find out more about the participation of civil society in the work on the
implementation of the CRPD, as well as the work of the Human Rights Council
and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Download the
issue at:

International Diploma in Mental Health Law and Human Rights
The International Diploma on Mental Health Law and Human Rights is
currently accepting applications for the academic year 2010-11. The
Diploma, now in its third year of existence, is a collaborative effort
between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ILS Law College in
Pune, India. The course builds the capacity of students to advocate for
human rights and to influence national legislative and policy and service
reform in line with the CRPD other key international human rights
standards. The course is taught by a faculty of renowned international
experts in the area and includes two residential sessions, as well as
distance learning (Deadline for application: 30 June 2010). More

International Masters in Mental Health Policy and Services

Applications are being accepted for 2010/2011 for the International Masters
Degree in Mental Health Policy and Services (MHPS), promoted by the New
University of Lisbon, in collaboration with WHO. The scope of the Masters
is to build capacity of mental health professionals to lead and contribute
to conceiving, formulating, implementing and evaluating national mental
health policy, national mental health legislation and mental health
services and care delivery. The course will start on the 20th September
2010, with a two-week residential session, at the Faculdade de Ciências
Médicas campus in Lisbon. A second two-week residential session will take
place in Lisbon, from 4 to 16 April 2011. Between the two residential
sessions, the students will participate in e-learning teaching activities
under the orientation of supervisors. The second year of the Course will be
dedicated to the development of a project and the elaboration of the
dissertation, under the orientation of a supervisor. More information:


The Enable Newsletter is prepared by the Secretariat for the Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Division for Social Policy and
Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) at the United
Nations Secretariat in New York.

Mailing address: UN Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities, 2 UN Plaza, DC2-1306, New York, NY 10017, USA.

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