----- Original Message ----- 
From: "BlindNews Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 6:56 AM
Subject: Microsoft and Novell Celebrate one year of progress and bring 
accessibility to the forefront of collaboration

> MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) Blog
> Monday, November 12, 2007
> Microsoft and Novell Celebrate one year of progress and bring 
> accessibility to the forefront of collaboration
> By Brent Phillips
> I volunteered at a local hospice for a few years while I was in school. 
> During that time, in addition to some administrative support at the main 
> office, I spent a significant amount of time with a young teenager who had 
> been diagnosed with Duchenne 's muscular dystrophy.  If you don't know the 
> disease here is a brief synopsis: It is genetic. It is degenerative. And 
> it is, unfortunately, always fatal.   The young man with whom I spent time 
> had been diagnosed with the disease in early childhood and - at the time 
> of our first meeting - was bed-ridden and could only move his fingers. 
> Aside from visits from me, spending time with his family, and watching 
> TV - the remainder of his time was spent on the computer by way of a 
> trackball mouse and special voice recognition technology.
> What strikes me, when I think back about it, is that his use of the 
> computer was probably the only autonomy and freedom he had. Any other 
> activity - at all - was dependent on someone else. At that time, the 
> Internet was still young by consumer standards and multimedia PC's were 
> just blooming.  He was thrilled! Chat rooms, surfing the web, games, and 
> email became a great past-time for him.  I am happy that he had that 
> freedom and I cannot stress how important technology was for improving his 
> quality of life.
> Now it goes without saying that technology improves everyone's quality of 
> life to some degree, but for those who have limitations for whatever 
> reason - immobility, blindness, hearing loss - technology can be life 
> changing.  The challenge these days - as computing has become truly 
> ubiquitous and more complex - is how to offer consistent and predictable 
> experiences across form factors for those who are impaired.
> Enter the latest collaboration between Microsoft and Novell:  The User 
> Interface Automation specification (details here). In short, Microsoft is 
> releasing the specification to the technical community while working with 
> Novell to improve cross-platform accessibility experiences.  We're already 
> hearing positive feedback from the community, including the National 
> Federation for the Blind, and look forward to a fruitful collaboration. 
> After one year of working together, this announcement marks the sixth 
> unique project that we are working on together to address our customers' 
> interoperability needs.
> I am amazed to think about the progress we have made in such a short 
> period of time.  As always, check out http://www.moreinterop.com for 
> details.
> For more on this announcement, see Microsoft's presspass article here.
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2007/nov07/11-07MSNovell1YearPR.mspx
> Filed under: anniversary, accessibility, Novell
> http://blogs.msdn.com/brentphillips/archive/2007/11/12/microsoft-and-novell-celebrate-one-year-of-progress-and-bring-accessibility-to-the-forefront-of-collaboration.aspx
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