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 thought some of you may find this blog interesting. It was written by
David Woodbridge. Very nicely written.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

 <>Pre-Release notes of my experience with the Apple watch April 8th 2015
Pre-release notes of the Apple watch looking at accessibility

When I spent a few hours with the Apple watch on April 8th 2015, I
jotted down notes about the Apple watch’s physical description,
general overall points, low vision and speech features, hearing, Siri,
and Apple watch functions I am most looking forward to using.
At the end of this document, I have included a summary from Apple in
regards to the Apple watch accessibility features

Some initial points

In a recent podcast of mine looking at the click wheel on the iPod
nano 4/5th generations, and the touch screen access on the iPod nano
6/7th generations, VoiceOver access on the Apple watch has far
exceeded my expectations.

It is important to note that the Apple watch is a companion to the
iPhone and is designed to work in conjunction with the phone.

This is the first truly accessible main stream smart watch for people
who require various types of accessibility options such as large
print, speech output, mono audio etc.

When the Apple watch is available for pre-order on April 10 2015
(online or via the Apple Store app), you will be able to make an
appointment at an Apple store to look at the different Apple watch’s
and associated bands to sort out which combination is wright for you.
In addition, you will be able to discuss various features of the Apple
watch.  Once the watch's are shipped on the 24th of April, you can
either get online or in store assistance to personalise  and setup
your Apple watch.

Now on to my notes:

Physical description of the Apple watch:

1. The Apple watch is Rectangular in shape with rounded edges.
2. With the Apple watch on your left wrist, holding your arm in front of you:
Right edge: round Digital crown at top, and oval side (friends) button
at bottom.
left edge: across from the digital crown: speaker, and across from the
“Friends” button: microphone.
Top face:  touch screen with the screen ending at the curved sides.
Back face: raised convex housing in the middle which contains the
magnetic charger plus the sensors.  Two pin holes on either side near
where the bands connect to allow the bands to be detached by pressing
in on them.  I.e. the bands fill like they have slotted in to the
Apple watch rather than being attached on either side by band pins.

General points:

1. During my brief play with the Apple watch, I did not have the
opportunity to set the watch up itself: either using the Apple watch
and the Apple watch app on the iPhone.  In addition, I was more
looking at the low vision and VoiceOver experience when navigating the
interface, rather than using the apps which are accessible.
2. The Apple watch feels very very nice in the hand, like a smooth
square peace of glass.
3. The Digital crown was extremely easy to turn/press,  and the
friends button just as easy to press.  The digital crown does not
click when turned, but has a very smooth action.  The digital crown
itself is bevelled.  In actual fact, rather than turning the digital
crown around with two fingers, I just found myself using one finger on
top of the digital crown to move it.
4. Easy to connect the magnetic charger to the Apple watch.   The side
of the charger that connects to the Apple watch has an indented edge
and the magnet moves the connection to the correct place.  Not a hard
connection click, quite gentle.
5. I only had an opportunity to look at the leather loop band and the
rubber band. The leather loop band felt quite nice, but had some
difficulty in doing it up due to the fact that I had to put it on my
wrist and then do it up.  The rubber band wasn’t a problem putting on
as with the leather loop as it was more a point of sliding the band
through to get to a point where you could put the pin through, and
then tuck it in to the slot on the band to hide the end.
6. The touch screen of the watch is the full face of the watch and
stops as you come to the curve around the edges: very easy to
identify, and certainly had no problems using gestures on the face of
the watch.  i.e. didn’t go off the edges when using gestures.
7. Much preferred the wait of the Apple watch over the Apple Sports.
The sports is quite a bit lighter.  I just prefer a bit of weight on
my wrist.
8. As far as using the glass surface on either the Sports or the Apple
watch, it didn’t really make any difference in performing gestures.
9. For me, the 42 millimetres Apple watch was a good size, and did not
feel to big on my wrist.  You can tell the size difference between the
38 and the 42. It may be better for low vision folks to perhaps use
the 42..
10. If you take the Apple watch off your wrist and put it back on
again, you have to enter in a security pin on an on-screen keyboard.
11. When the watch screen locks after 5 seconds, a gentle bleep sound
can be heard.
12. To unlock the watch screen, tap the screen, move your wrist or
press the digital crown.  This will make the clock face appear (and if
VoiceOver is on, speak the time).  Pressing the digital crown again
will bring up the app screen.
13. Just in case your worried, no the watch will not speak after you
wake it up unless you actually touch the screen with a finger.
14. Pressing the digital crown twice will switch the user between the
app screen and the last app used.
15. Apple watch alarm function can do vibration only, not just
sound/vibration if you mute sound.  This is a great feature as I
currently use a silent vibrating alarm on my iPhone so I don’t wake up
my partner.
16.  There is no “home click speed” as found on the iPhone to adjust
the rate of press of the digital crown.  This would be useful for
those folks who may have trouble pressing the digital crown twice or 3
times within the default time period.
17. Taptic feedback felt fine, not to hard or soft: discrete.
18. I Was able to pair the Apple watch to my JamBox speaker, but not
to my current Beats Wireless headset: I’m assuming that the firmware
needs to be updated.  In fact, writing these notes the day after the
demo play, it was confirmed that the Apple watch works with the
current beats wireless headsets.
19. You can enable VoiceOver or Zoom when setting up the Apple watch
via triple pressing the digital crown for VoiceOver or two finger
double tap on the watch screen for Zoom..
20. VoiceOver or Zoom can also be toggled on via the Apple watch app,
but advisable to turn it on via the watch during the setup process.
21. You can tell what accessibility options are on within the Apple
watch app, and course toggle them on or off.
22. On the Apple watch itself within the Settings panel, you can turn
on VoiceOver, Zoom, reduce motion, and on/off labels.
23. The Apple watch app has lots of functionality once watch is
paired.  To access accessibility, General, Accessibility.  Using the
Apple watch app felt much like you using the Settings screens on the
iPhone.  Of course fully accessible with VoiceOver.
24. On the Apple watch app, have more accessibility options to work
with: grey scale, transparency, bolded text, mono audio, stereo
balance, and the access short-cut (besides VoiceOver and Zoom of

Points on vision related features:

1. Zoom can be activated by triple pressing the digital crown as set
up by the watch app.  During setup, two finger double tap on watch
screen to activate Zoom.
2. Zoom comes on at 500%, and can go up to 1500%.
3. Zoom can be also toggled on and off by two finger double tap.
4. Zoom magnification adjusted by two finger double tap and hold, then
drag up or down to adjust magnification.
5. When Zoom turned on, can drag two fingers around the screen to pan
the screen or you can use the digital crown to move across and down
the screen in a grid pattern.
6. Not in the accessibility setting screen, but can access dynamic text.
7. One of the clock faces is X-Large for large numbers for the time.
8. Whilst the background can not be changed, the foreground colour can
be modified.
9. Don’t forget as well: grey scale, transparency, reduce motion,
bolded text, and on/off labels.

Points on speech related features:

1. VoiceOver can be activated by triple pressing the digital crown.
2. When you turn on VoiceOver via a triple press of the digital crown,
VoiceOver takes about 3 seconds to come on.   When turning VoiceOver
off via the triple press of the digital crown, VoiceOver turns off
immediately.  Good to note here that the Apple watch is a watch, not a
full blown iOs device.
3. As on the iPhone, using VoiceOver was very responsive on the Apple
watch: no lagging when using gestures.
4. Basic navigation of VoiceOver on the Apple watch: 1 finger flick
left or right to move by item,, 1 finger drag around screen, 1 finger
double tap on an item to activate, two finger flick back to the left
to move back to the previous screen (of course you can press the
digital crown to go back to the app screen), 2 finger double tap and
hold/drag up or down to adjust volume, and 1 finger flick up or down
adjust options within an app.  You can also do a two finger split tap
if you need to.  Scrolling the digital crown does not appear to affect
5. To perform a deep press, 1 finger tap and hold: brings up clock
faces (when on the clock face) or additional controls within an app.
6. When at the Clock face, two finger flick down for Notifications,
and two finger flick up for Glances.
7. VoiceOver on the Apple watch does not have any three or four finger
gestures, and there is no rotor function.
8. The default speech rate that voiceOver came on with on the Apple
watch was a comfortable speech rate.  The speech rate can be changed
in VoiceOver settings via the Apple watch app.
9. VoiceOver does duck music and other sounds.
10. VoiceOver on the watch does have screen curtain.  However, it is
not activated by a gesture, but can be toggle on or off via the Apple
watch app on the iPhone.
11. VoiceOver supports 14 languages, and has US Samantha, UK Daniel,
and Australian Karen.  They appear to be the full enhanced versions of
the software synthesisers.  Us Alex is not available.
12. If you take the watch off/put it back on again the pin number
keypad appears: with the pin code on the watch to unlock, VoiceOver is
in standard typing mode: i.e. 1 finger double tap on each of the
keypad numbers.
13. When waking up watch from pressing the digital crown or touching
the watch screen, VoiceOver will speak the time.  Pressing the digital
crown again will take user to the apps screen.
14. Volume of the watch is reasonably loud in a quiet room, suggest
Bluetooth head phones for out and about use.
15. VoiceOver on the Apple watch does not support the use of
refreshable  Braille display as this is seen as being part of the
iPhone Braille support.
16. All of the inbuilt apps in the watch are fully accessible,
including the Activity and Workout apps.  As this is a full version of
VoiceOver with its gesture set modified for the watch, accessibility
to other apps will depend on how they are developed as it does on the
iPhone.  I.e. this is not just text to speech on the watch, its
17. There  are  VoiceOver sounds as with VoiceOver on the iPhone.  I
found these more noticeable when using VoiceOver through a Bluetooth
head set or speaker.
18. Using the watch with VoiceOver felt very much like using VoiceOver
on the iPhone. .

Points relating to hearing:

The Apple watch supports:
1. Mono audio., and
2. Left/right stereo balance.

Points relating to Siri:

We might all remember the Siri demo held earlier this year where Siri
did not speak.  This is still the case, Siri only displays text on the
screen.  However, if your using VoiceOver, this text will be read out

1. You can use Siri to turn VoiceOver on or off, and launch apps.
2. When you raise your wrist, you can say “hay Siri” followed by your
3. As with the iPhone with the Home button, you can hold in the
digital crown and give Siri instructions.
4. You can use Siri to dictate emails or messages.
5. Sometimes I noticed that VoiceOver would not speak the resulting
text from Siri automatically, I had to use VoiceOver gestures to read
the text.

The Apple watch functions I am most looking forward to using:

1. Conveniently being able to check notifications from Mail, Calendar,
Messages, and Twitter.
2. As I already use FaceTime calling on my Mac from my iPhone, it
seems a simple extension to have this same functionality on the Apple
3. Being able to pick up calls on the Apple watch rather than on my
Mac or iPhone is again going to be very handy.  I.e. I don’t have to
go back to the iPhone or Mac to answer a call, particularly if I’m
gardening or washing the car.
4. As I usually have my iPhone plugged in to my Mac via the lightening
cable for charging, use the iPhone as a personal hotspot, and use “hay
Siri” because the iPhone is powered, it again seems natural to expect
the “Hay Siri” hands free functionality  on the Apple watch by just
raising my wrist.
5. I use GPS a fair bit on my iPhone, and I am very curious to use the
haptic feedback on the Apple watch maps for turn by turn directions.
6. As I work in a several story building, my partner has to either
ring me or iMessage me when she is approaching so that I can meet her
down stairs on the street just in case she can’t get a parking spot.
With haptic vibrating taps on the Apple watch, she can just notify me
as it were, which will be a lot more convenient particularly if I am
on the phone, which being on a help desk is most of the time.  Oh and
yes, she will be getting an Apple watch as well.
7. My partner and I some times have to let each other know that we’re
running out of time to do something: e.g. get off the phone we have to
go: being able to send different haptic vibrating taps I’m assuming is
going to be a lot more polite (smile).
8. This is one thing which my Fitbit flex doesn’t do for me, let me
know when I’ve been sitting for to long and its time to move a
bit,this is exactly what the Activity app will do, and make my work
day that bit healthier.
9. Speaking of the Fitbit flex, I won’t have to weir two devices any
more: my iPod nano and the Fitbit Flex: just the Apple watch.
10. Being able to control my Apple tv from the Remote app on the Apple
watch is going to be great.  Rather than having to grab my iPhone or
worse, find where my boys have dropped/hidden the physical Apple
11. For the last several years I have been using my iPod nano 6th
generation as a watch with wired ear phones.  besides getting a much
more stylish device on my wrist, I can do away with the wired ear
phones and use Bluetooth ear phones instead: i.e. my bone conduction
head phones or my Beats Wireless head phones: much safer.
12. As I do most of the cooking in my family, I use the timer function
in Siri to time how long things have to cook, and for items that have
to be put on so I can arrive with everything being cooked at the same
time, I often have to check how the timer is going.  I either have to
have my iPhone plugged in to use Siri or hold down the Home button to
use Siri, which if you been cooking, can be a bit messy.  With the
Apple watch, I can just hold up my wrist and ask away.
13. As both of my boys are on medication, I have reminders on my
iPhone to make sure that they take their medication throughout the
day.  Sometimes if we go swimming etc, I usually leave my iPhone in
the car for safety, and then usually forget about the medication.
Having the Apple watch on the spot as it were, will again be helpful.

Just for the record, I’m pre-ordering the Apple watch 42 millimetres
with the light brown leather loop.

To sum up: Apple’s information on these accessibility features in the
Apple watch:

To round things off, here is information from Apple concerning the
accessibility options in the Apple watch:

•Apple Watch is our most personal device yet, and is designed with
accessibility in mind.
•Apple Watch includes industry leading features such as VoiceOver,
Zoom, Larger Dynamic Type, Bold Text, Grayscale, Reduce Motion, Reduce
Transparency, On/Off Labels, and Mono Audio.
•Each aspect engineered to make it the best choice for those with a
range of accessibility needs.
•Apple Watch is accessible right out of the box - you can immediately
use VoiceOver and Zoom during initial set up —triple-click the Digital
Crown to use VoiceOver or ask Siri, double-tap with two fingers to

• Extra large watch face: Apple Watch comes with an option for an
extra large watch face with numbers that take up the entire screen
making it easier to view the time.
• Font adjustments: When you activate Larger Dynamic Type, text inside
a range of apps including Mail, Messages and Settings, is converted to
a larger size to make it easier to read. You can also choose Bold Text
to make the text heavier across all built‑in apps.
• VoiceOver: Apple revolutionised the mobile device market for the
blind by making touch screens accessible through VoiceOver on iOS.
VoiceOver is a gesture-based screen reader that tells you everything
that’s happening on the screen and helps you navigate it — even if you
can’t see it. VoiceOver on Apple Watch is compatible with built-in
apps and is available in all 14 supported languages. (You can turn it
on via the Apple Watch or the Watch app on iPhone, using the
accessibility shortcut, or just ask Siri on the Apple Watch to do it
for you).
• Zoom: is a built-in magnifier that works wherever you are in Apple
Watch. Use the Digital Crown to go across the screen by rows or use
two fingers to move around the screen. With magnification up to 15
times the native size, Zoom helps you enjoy all that Apple Watch has
to offer. (You can turn it on via the Apple Watch or the Watch App on
iPhone, or using the Accessibility Shortcut).
• Grayscale: If your vision is impaired by colour, Apple Watch lets
you enable grayscale onscreen. Once you set the filter, the settings
apply systemwide, so you’ll see only shades of grey on the Home
screen, apps, and more.
• Reduce Motion: When you turn on Reduce Motion,
screen elements no longer move. For example, the movement of icons on
the Home screen will be simpler and more directly associated with your
navigation gestures.
• Reduce Transparency: For features like alerts, Siri, and Glances,
you can increase the contrast on your Apple Watch screen by reducing
the background transparency.
• On/Off Labels: To make it easier to see whether a setting is on or
off, you can have Apple Watch show an additional label on the on/off

• Mono Audio: When you’re using Bluetooth headphones, you may miss
some audio if you’re deaf or hard of hearing in one ear. Apple Watch
supports Mono Audio, allowing you to play both audio channels in both
ears, and letting you adjust the balance for greater volume in either
• Taptic Engine: Taptic Engine a linear actuator inside Apple Watch
that produces haptic feedback. You’ll feel a gentle tap on your wrist
every time a notification comes in. And you can turn on Prominent
Haptic to pre-announce some common alerts. So you’ll never miss
messages, mail, and other important events.

General Tips on How to Use Accessibility Features:
• Accessibility Shortcut: Choose to quickly turn on and off VoiceOver
or Zoom using the Accessibility Shortcut. Once enabled in the Apple
Watch app, you can simply triple click the digital crown to turn on
and off one of these two accessibility features.
• All features can be enabled via the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
The accessibility settings tab on the Apple Watch app are prominently
displayed, easy to find and accessible via VoiceOver. In addition,
some features are accessible from the Watch itself including: Extra
large watch face, Large Type, Bold Type, VoiceOver, Zoom, Reduce
Motion and On/Off.
• Inductive Charger: Simple inductive charging requires no plugging
in. Sleek magnetic connection conveniently positions Apple Watch
correctly onto the charging puck each time.

That is it for now

That is it for my pre-release notes on the Apple watch as of April 10
2015.  I will be doing a series of podcasts on the Apple watch once I
get mine in my hand or should that be on my wrist, so thanks for
reading and by for now.


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