The Hindu News Update Service

News Update Service
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 : 1245 Hrs
Sci. & Tech.
Sunita runs Boston marathon in space

In this image from NASA TV, astronaut Sunita "Suni" Williams runs on a 
treadmill with her Boston Marathon number 14000 displayed on the International 
Station on Monday. Williams qualified for the Boston race by finishing last 
January's Hou ston Marathon in 3 hours, 29 minutes, 57 seconds. Photo: AP

Houston, April 17 (PTI): Indian American Astronaut Sunita Williams acheived yet 
another milestone by being 210 miles above earth and circiling it at least
twice, running as fast as eight mph but flying more than five miles each 
second, as she completed the Boston Marathon on a International Space station

Her unofficial completion time was four hours and 24 minutes as she completed 
the race at 2:24 p.m. EDT. Sunita, 41, an accomplished marathoner, attempted
something no other astronaut has ever done.

She is now the first astronaut in space to have ran a marathon while in orbit.

And, Sunita hopes her unique run will serve as an inspiration. "I encourage 
kids to start making physical fitness part of their daily lives," Sunita said.

"I think a big goal like a marathon will help get this message out there."

Sunita started the race on time at 10 a.m. EDT with race No. 14,000 taped to 
the front of the treadmill. She had placed two laptop computers on either side
of the treadmill and was closely watching a live feed of the race from Boston 
and keep track of where the ISS was flying.

Wearing Boston Red Sox socks under her navy shirt and shorts, Sunita woke up 
several hours earlier than her crew mates because of the marathon.

Also at the space station were U.S. astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, Russian 
cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin, Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Kotov and space tourist
Charles Simonyi.

Unlike her 24,000 drenched and wet Boston counterparts on Earth, which included 
her sister Dina Pandya, Sunita ran under better weather conditions.

Runners in Boston had to face chilly weather, 48 degrees and some rain, mist 
and wind gusts of 28 mph while station weather was 78 degrees with no wind
or rain with 50 per cent humidity.

For this she had all praise for the treadmill, she helped her in accomplishing 
her goal without throwing any tantrums. "No problems. No flaws. No nothing,
It did everything I wanted it to do," Sunita said.

Earlier Boston Athletic Association had issued Williams bib number 14,000. The 
bib had been sent electronically to NASA, which had forwarded it to Williams.

She's a Needham, Mass., native and says her reason for running the marathon is 
simple. Regular exercise is essential to maintaining bone density while in
space for astronauts.

"In microgravity, both of these things start to go away because we don't use 
our legs to walk around and don't need the bones and muscles to hold us up
under the force of gravity," Sunita said.

No one knows that better than Steve Hart. For two years, he's been Sunita's 
flight surgeon. "There are specific challenges to staying healthy while in 
Sunita wants to make fitness the hallmark of her expedition stay. She wants to 
educate and motivate others about being physically fit in gene ral."

Sunita has been training for the marathon for months while serving a six-month 
stint as a flight engineer on board the ISS. She runs at least four times
a week, 2 longer runs and 2 shorter runs.

Sunita qualified for the marathon when she ran a 3:29:57 in the Houston 
Marathon last year. Her biggest challenge running in space will be staying 
to a specially designed treadmill with bungee cords.

Sunita says running on the TVIS which stands for Treadmill Vibration Isolation 
System can sometimes be uncomfortable.

The machinery puts a strain on the runner's hips and shoulders. Mitzi Laughlin 
is an Astronaut Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation coach at Johnson
Space Center.

She has been involved in planning Sunita's rigorous exercise routine for a year 
and a half. "We've done a lot more TVIS work than we would normally prescribe
for any astronaut. Suni has a superb fitness level. She is dedicated and 
perhaps one of our best runners."

Sunita enjoys a huge support network on earth. Besides her sister, she had two 
close friends participating in the race, fellow NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg
and long-time friend Ronnie Harris.

Race organisers say this was their first satellite venture, and they are 
thrilled about it. "Suni running 26.2 miles in space on Patriots' Day is really
a tribute to the thousands of marathoners who are running here on Earth. She is 
pioneering new frontiers in the running world," said Jack Fleming, Boston
Athletic Association.

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