Internet Censorship
Who Plays Judge?
If there’s an issue, take it to court, because society has mandated
that responsibility to the judiciary—not to Kapil Sibal or Google or
Facebook or Twitter.
Nikhil Pahwa

What does one say about the recent controversy where government has
been reportedly trying to get firms like Google and Facebook to remove
“offensive” content from their sites?

If there is something which is defamatory in nature, deal with it.
There are mechanisms in place, wherein content can be removed when
content is flagged, and it violates the host's terms and conditions.
The key problem here is— who plays judge? Is Kapil Sibal the right
person to play judge? No. Is Facebook? No. Is Twitter or Google? No.
Who plays judge?

 One of my fears is that something as draconian as pre-censorship may
actually be used to make the IT Rules look justifiable, like something
of a rollback.

If you also take a look at the IT Rules finalized in April, the Indian
government transferred the onus of making a judgement to the social
networking sites or to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), who are in
no position to make a judgement, forcing them to comply with written
requests for removal. The way they will look at it is — I need to save
my skin, so I will block. If the social networking site doesn’t block,
then the government can go to the ISP and get them to block access to
the social networking site. We’ve seen this happen earlier this year,
and before that in 2006, when for the want of blocking a few blogs,
all blog hosts were blocked by ISPs. So who should play judge? It
should be the judge. If there’s an issue, take it to court, because
society has mandated that responsibility to the judiciary, not to
Sibal or Google. Or have a committee with judges, and be transparent
about your reasons. So far, it is all opaque.

What is happening now instead is that you’re looking to create a set
of guidelines because the legal process is too long and cumbersome—
thus you’re circumventing the legal process, and considering putting
an army of people out there who will monitor billions of messages—
which is impossible and financially unviable for anyone to do.

 People will be furious about suggestions to pre-censor the web, but
in comparison, perhaps be willing to accept arbitrary and opaque
post-censorship, which is what the the IT Rules allow.

How can you expect all these people to judge what kind of content you
and I put online before it goes up? That will kill the immediacy of
instant messaging online, and kill meaningful discussions and
conversations as well.

The IT Rules provide safe harbour to intermediaries, but they are
themselves flawed and vague, and one of my fears is that something as
draconian as pre-censorship may actually be used to make the IT Rules
look justifiable, like something of a rollback. People will be furious
about suggestions to pre-censor the web, but in comparison, perhaps be
willing to accept arbitrary and opaque post-censorship, which is what
the the IT Rules allow. The IT Rules need to be amended as well.

Also, how can we allow the government to come up with guidelines about
what you and I can post on the web? And you expect humans to go
through what is a personal message between you and me—that is
ridiculous. What about privacy?

The construct of social networks is also to be taken into account— on
Twitter, anything is visible to everyone. On Facebook, you can choose
to showcase to a your friends or a group. On Google+, you can showcase
your content to different circles of people. This space is constantly
evolving. What is private and public— the line between that differs
from platform to platform, intent to intent. How do you protect
privacy? It’s just poorly thought out.

Why just target Twitter, Facebook and Google? The entire web is full
of malicious content. What are you going to do about the entire
expanse of the Internet? How will you ever stop it? It’s like saying
that there is crime on the street, so you will check the intent of
each and every individual before he steps out on the street. What are
they thinking? You hear abuse on the streets in India all the time,
and it’s the same on the web. The government is just using this as a
ruse to bring censorship to the web, where it is taking a worst case
scenario, and using that to justify all forms of censorship. It is
also a slippery slope— it can either make vague guidelines that allow
arbitrary censorship, or once they’re put into place, keep adding to
them, often without our knowledge, because there is no transparency—
at least, they haven’t been transparent so far, using national
security as a convenient excuse.

 It’s like saying that there is crime on the street, so you will check
the intent of each and every individual before he steps out on the
street. What are they thinking?

There are laws in place— and I’m not a lawyer —but there are laws for
every single one of those concerns that the government might have. Why
do you need a new set of guidelines just for social networking sites?
Why not just implement the rules that you already have? If there is no
precedent for social networking sites…so what? Defamation is
defamation, abuse is abuse. Yes, the viral nature of the web is an
issue (anonymity is almost dead), but this can’t be an excuse for
opening up the web to censorship. And we do have a choice—let adults
be responsible for their own conduct, of choosing what to hear, see
and say, and be responsible for their kids.

 Instead of the government controlling rent-a-cause mobs—they’re
trying to curtail expressions on the grounds that they might lead to
violence due to political or religious opportunism.

The other concern that I have—and some might not agree with this—is
that we seem to have become very thin skinned. There’s a certain sense
of irreverence that has been lost in society, because we’re just so
touchy about things. A friend of mine recently remarked that the
Mahabharata scene from Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron would have been censored if
it was done now, because it would have offended certain sections of
society today. The Internet is where irreverence is still alive, where
someone can start a hashtag which states #kapilsibalisanidiot, and it
is a critique of the man. That irreverence is lost to society today
because there is so much censorship and even self-censorship in the
form of political correctness, and we just don’t seem to accept that
there might be a difference of opinion.

Sibal is also trying to address the wrong part of the problem—instead
of the government controlling rent-a-cause mobs—they’re trying to
curtail expressions on the grounds that they might lead to violence
due to political or religious opportunism. Today I’m opposed to
Sibal’s point of view—I find it offensive that he plans to censor
content online —but I respect his right to have that point of view.
Why shouldn’t I have the right to offend someone with my difference of
opinion, as long as I’m not breaking any law?

The way I see it, as offensive as it is, the Internet is the final
frontier for freedom of expression, and governments are now worried
about the mass mobilization of opinion and activity that it allows,
which is threatening their now outdated ways of governing thought.


Nikhil Pahwa is the founder and editor of, where this
article first appeared today as his latest editorial
secondary source:

"The best things and most beautiful things in the world Cannot be seen
or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."  — Helen Keller

Avinash Shahi
M.A. Political Science
New Delhi India

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