We should take this exposure very seriously,and ask government to
appoint CCPD at the earliest.
Aren't we know the Secretary is still in charge of the office?
We Have No Recall
*For the first time since its inception, CIC's functions expropriated
by the govt
*A search committee set up to appoint a new CIC chief says meeting
details cannot be revealed; "highly confidential"
*RTI appeals pertaining to prime depts like PMO, SC, CAG, CVC, EC,
haven't been allotted to any commissioner
*Overall 37,788 cases currently pending before the CIC. Will take an
estimated 24 months to be disposed at the current rate.
*Successive governments remain furtive, hardly making any proactive
disclosures mandated by the RTI Act


February still had a day left when in a curt reply, the Union ministry
of home affairs declined to furnish any information on how recipients
of the Padma awards were chosen. "The process is not yet complete,"
said the Central Public Information Office (CPIO) a month after the
awards were announced on the eve of Republic Day. The req-u-ired
information was released in earlier years and even put up on the MHA
website. A week later, the CPIO turned down ano-t-her RTI application
for the correspondence between then PM A.B. Vajpayee and then Gujarat
CM Narendra Modi, during and after the post-Godhra riots. The
information, said the MHA, involved "third parties" and could not be
divulged. The appeal against the denials are unlikely to be heard
anytime soon, since the office of the Chief Information Commissioner,
the only competent authority to hear the appeals, remains vacant.

North Block appears to have finally found a way of stonewalling RTI
activist Subhash Chandra Agarwal, whose app-li-cations elicited a
steady stream of embarrassing information when the UPA was in power.
It was after all an RTI application by him which revealed a finance
ministry note that named P. Chidambaram for not insisting on the
auction of 2G spectrum. "The government might as well repeal the Act,"
says Agarwal in apparent disgust.

The BJP's U-turn has been remarkable. In 2011, when then PM Manmohan
Singh called for a review of the act and its effect on governance,
Rajiv Pratap Rudy, now a Union minister, had asserted
self-righteously, "We never expected the PM would tell the country
that money is was-ted on RTI and the time of officials is being
wasted." But while the BJP, in opposition, was vociferous in opposing
any attempt to dilute the Right to Information Act, in power, it seems
to have lost its voice on the subject. Indeed, the ruling party and
the Congress have made common cause in defying the CIC's ruling that
since the six national parties received significant funding from the
government in terms of land, bungalows etc, they are covered by the
RTI Act and must be deemed public authorities. In a reply in the Rajya
Sabha, the Centre asserted that "declaring a political party a public
authority under the RTI Act would ham-per its working and the
information could be misused by rivals".

Denied PM Modi's estranged wife Jasodhaben denied answers to RTI
application seeking details of the security provided to her.
(Photograph by AFP, From Outlook 30 March 2015)

On October 12, 2015, the path-breaking act will become 10 years old.
But while the 4.5 million applications that pou-red in last year
(compared to 3.5 million applications under the transparency laws in
the US) makes India a front-ranking country in upholding transparency,
an insidious attempt seems to be under way to stifle and kill it.

Both the UPA and the NDA are guilty of giving in to bureaucrats on the
implementation of the RTI Act. Not content with packing the
information commissions with retired bureaucrats, neither government
took penal provisions seriously. Few bureaucrats have been punished
for delays in filing replies or for admitting mistakes in the delivery
of public services. Both parties have been guilty of evading
responsibility in paying compensation to citizens also.

A far more sinister plot, however, is now unravelling. Through a March
11, 2015 letter, the PMO has for the first time seized control over
the administration of the Central Information Commission
(CIC)--delivering a decisive, fatal blow to the RTI Act. The damning
letter sent by the department of personnel and training (DoPT)--which
works directly under Prime Minister Narendra Modi--to the CIC, in three
short paragraphs, delegates the financial powers of the commission, so
far vested in its chief, to a government-app-ointed secretary of the
CIC, a bureaucrat on a leash.

"The secretary is not a legal authority and finds no mention in the
RTI Act. All financial and administrative powers of the CIC are by law
vested only in the chief information commissioner," says Wajahat
Habibullah, who was the first ever chief information commissioner of
the country. "This decision can be challenged in any court as there is
no law allo-wing the government to take into its hands the functioning
of the commission in the absence of the chief."

With the CIC being headless for seven months, for the first time in a
decade, the delegation of the chief's financial powers to the
secretary is being read as a ploy to indefinitely defer the
appointment. "This move will ensure that the commission will not have
to approach the DoPT for all administrative matters in the chief's
absence is the reason given by the government. However, it also
reveals the unwillingness of the government to appoint a new chief
information commissioner," says a former CIC chief on condition of

On December 31, 2014, the PM approved the formation of a 'search
committee' for recommending a panel to the selection committee, that
comprises the PM, Arun Jaitley and the Congress' LS leader Mallikarjun
Kharge, for the appointment a new chief. This search committee met for
the first time nearly two months ago on January 16, in the cabinet
secretariat at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Thereafter, it met again,
within a 20-day period, on the afternoon of February 6 at the same

In a shocking response to an RTI application probing the outcome of
these meetings, the DoPT admitted in a written reply that it had not
maintained minutes of the meetings and hence was in no position to
confirm who attended them. It is worth recalling that the Supreme
Court had come down heavily on the coal ministry for not maintaining
minutes of meetings held by committees which allocated coal blocks.
But while the BJP was the beneficiary of the damaging disclosures
then, it does not appear to have learnt any lesson.

Those in power have always been averse to the RTI. Former PM Manmohan
Singh had on more than one occasion voiced his uneasiness on the
impact made by the disclosures. The Act, he felt, could discourage
honest, well-meaning public servants from giving full expression to
their views, even averse to putting down their opinion on files. Aruna
Roy, one of the architects of the act, had been quite acerbic in her
reaction to this. "This business of not noting is exposing the fact
that officers are inefficient. They get paid to write notes; if they
are not writing notes, they are not doing their basic job," Roy had

But, says Shailesh Gandhi, a former information commissioner with the
CIC, "This government has gone even further, to disable the very
structure of its implementation. Even the Aam Aadmi Party, which
earlier advocated strongly for the RTI Act, today has a very poor
record of RTI compliance."

By keeping the post of CIC vacant, the PMO benefits in more ways than
one. Only the CIC is authorised under the Act to hear appeals against
the PMO, CVC, CAG, SC and 34 other ministries and departments. With
the post vacant,  40,000 appeals remain pending (24,000 in October)
and the PMO and these ministries have got away by not furnishing
information under the RTI. Curiously, these ministries have not yet
been allotted to the remaining seven information commissioners either.

"The last appointment to the Commission was made towards the end of
2013, when five ICs were inducted. Three of them, including chief
Rajiv Mathur, have  retired since then. Yet, no  fresh appointments
have been made. This is a conscious step to strangle the body," says a
former chief (a full body comprises of 10 ICs plus the CIC). "For
nearly 10 years now, the position of the chief had never been left
vacant even for a day. In fact, we would get a notice about the next
chief a week before the retirement of the incumbent," he added.

The existing ICs have also delivered poorly, even as the Centre
continues to appoint them arbitrarily. As recently as March 16, the
information commissioners threw up their hands claiming 'helplessness'
in ensuring compliance of their order by political parties.

"It is shameful that the commission claims to be helpless in enforcing
its own decisions. It surely has the power to take recourse to other
organs of the government in order to ensure compliance," says Wajahat
Habibullah. Some former information commissioners point out that
nothing prevents the bench of commissioners from resigning.

The seven existing ICs have together disposed of just 16,000 cases in
2014. This is a relatively poor record, compared to the 22,000 cases
disposed of in 2011, by only six ICs. Even the RTI norms stipulate
that each commissioner should dispose at least 3,200 cases annually.
But "no one is holding the existing commissioners accountable for
their gross inefficiency", says Shailesh Gandhi.

The situation in the state information commissions across the country
is even worse, with huge levels of pendency, ran-ging up to an
estimated 60-year period in Madhya Pradesh (see graphic). "Information
commissions in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, Manipur and Assam among several
others have been dysfunctional for long periods," says Anjali
Bha-r-adwaj, an RTI activist and member of the National Com-mission
for People's Right to Information. ICs across the country have not
imposed penalties in over 96 per cent of cases where it should have
lawfully been imposed to ensure compliance, thereby leaving the act
completely toothless.

In stark contrast to popular perception, the nature of information
sought through the RTI Act is largely innocuous. A majority of the
questions pertain to individual rights and grievances. A study
conducted by the RTI Assessment and Advocacy Group (RaaG) and the
Centre for Equity Studies (CES) reveals that a majority of those using
the Act are the poor and marginalised, trying to access information
about schemes and benefits which should have been provided to them as
a matter of routine by the concerned departments, under Section
4(1)(b) of the RTI Act.

The purpose of suo motu disclosures is to make the functioning of
public authorities transparent and also to reduce the need for filing
individual RTI applications. The law man--dates that these disclosures
need to be made for any information pertaining to procurements made,
public services proposed to be provided through public private
partnerships, transfer of employees in public authorities, citizens
charter, CAG/PAC paras, RTI applications, discretionary and
non-discretionary grants and foreign tours of the PM and ministers.
More than 67 per cent of the information being sought falls within the
purview of information that ought to have been proactively published,
according to the study.


Photographs by Sanjay Rawat

Sumitra Devi

 Pension stopped 'by mistake': Till three years ago, Sumitra Devi (80)
lived in a jhuggi, paying a monthly rent out of the Rs 1,500 she
received as widow pension. In April 2012, she  abruptly stopped
receiving it without being given any reason. This was her only source
of income since she stopped working as a domestic help at 70. "My
landlord asked me to get out because I couldn't pay the rent," she
says. She now survives on the food her neighbours can spare her. In
June 2013, she filed an RTI application seeking reasons for the
stoppage of her pension. Receiving no information after her first
appeal, she filed a second one. In the hearing, the CIC ordered the
Women and Child Development department to pay her Rs 43,500 as the
amount of pension due to her for 29 months and a compensation of Rs
5,000 a month for stopping her pension without notice. But till March,
the department had not complied with the order. "I went to every
office they asked me to. They finally said I'd get all the money at
once, but I haven't got a rupee." Another hearing on non-compliance of
the order is scheduled for March 25, nearly three years after she was
rendered homeless and left to fend for herself.


Photographs by Sanjay Rawat

Ramesh Chand

 Welfare schemes go abegging: A technician servicing ACs, Ramesh Chand
lives in a slum resettlement colony in Delhi. He had applied for
grants under the Ladli Yojna Scheme of the Delhi government that seeks
to encourage education of the girl child in BPL families through
monetary help after the birth of a daughter in 2008. Receiving no
response, he filed an RTI application and received a reply stating
that his application to the scheme was incomplete. After his first
appeal to this went unheard, the case came up before the CIC on a
second appeal. The women and child welfare department said as he had
not submitted proof of residence, his application was rejected. It
failed to produce the receipt of the posted letter. Censuring the
department for having taken six years to respond, the CIC on August 5,
2014, asked Ramesh to file a detailed application seeking
compensation. While that was filed within a week, he is yet to hear
about his compensation from the commission.


Photographs by Sanjay Rawat

Rukam Pal

 Wrong data entry stops ration: Rukam Pal (63) and his wife were
Antyodaya ration card-holders. The scheme is meant for the poorest.
Both iron clothes for a living and make less than Rs 150 a day. "We
have five grandchildren to feed; one day our ration card was declared
invalid," rues Pal. An RTI application filed on his behalf in March
2012 elicited no response while a second appeal came up before the CIC
a year later in February 2013. The commission ord-e-red Rs 18,000 as
compensation for Pal for the 12 months they did not receive the
ration. The department of civil supplies first filed a writ petition
seeking the quashing of the CIC order. When it came up for hearing in
the Delhi High Court in September 2014, the department asked to be let
off on the ground that it would have to pay similar comp-ensation to
others, adding up to a very high amount. While the HC dismissed this
plea, the couple hasn't rece-ived anything. The CIC website shows
their case as 'disposed'.



Avinash Shahi
Doctoral student at Centre for Law and Governance JNU

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