Rajesh, The agitation seems to have taken centre stage rather than your
suggestions for Amendments to the Disability Laws!


Police called in as blind fight

TNN, 14 February 2010, 07:08am IST

NAGPUR: The two-day bi-annual conference of the National Federation of Blind
(Maharashtra) was disrupted in the second session by a group of discontent
members alleging non-democratic process of making amendments in the
federation's constitution.

The situation led to utter chaos due to shouting of slogans by the two
groups at Amrut Bhavan on North Ambazari Road. The members attending the
conference, which was earlier inaugurated by the commissioner of police
Praveen Dixit and the mayor Archana Dehankar, had to be calmed down by
police intervention during the following session of the general body meeting

The agitating members alleged that they were barred from entering the
conference premises while the present office bearers of the federation
levelled charges of misappropriation of funds and certain illegal deals in
sale of land by the past executive committee which had been in power since
last 13 years.

Speaking to TOI, the conference hosts from the city, Rewaram Temburnikar and
Manish Thool, who is the secretary of the Vidarbha branch of the federation,
said that the group which had disrupted the proceedings had ruled the
federation for past 13 years. They alleged that the past executive committee
had manipulated funds and had also made certain illegal land purchase or
sale deals.

"There are actually two groups in the federation. The present executive body
led by the president MY Guru and general secretary Vasant Hegde were elected
through democratic elections in the presence of the charity commissioner at
Pune. In today's conference out of the 2800 registered delegates only 1100
turned up and all were given batches and gate passes. But some members from
the opposing group tried to force in shouting slogans and throwing chairs
refusing to show their gate passes to the volunteers from the Ishwar
Deshmukh College of Physical Education and Nashikrao Tirpude Physical
Education college. So we were forced to call the police," said Thool.

But the agitating members, led by former general secretary Dattatreya Jadhav
shouted anti-police slogans of 'lathi charge on blind people', and
aggressively argued that the present body did not involve them in the
process of making the proposed amendments in the federation's constitution.
"They used force of sighted volunteers to throw us out which was totally
uncalled for. Every decision in the GBM has to be passed by two-third
majority and prior circulation of the points to all members. This is the
first time that in 30 years history of the federation that such a situation
arose," said Jadhav claiming that he would not keep quiet and seek judicial


During the first session, Rajesh Asudani, independent disability consultant
from city called for major amendments in the disability law. Some of the
major suggestions include ...

* Changes in definition of disability demanding that category of low vision
be deemed as mildly blind and care should be taken to avoid cases where a
person would medically fall into neither blind nor low vision

* Mainstreaming disability: every implementing bodies be made more
representative of disabled. All constitutional bodies from panchayat to
parliament should have at least one disabled representative

* Bifurcation of reservations for severely and moderately disabled

* Demanding central government's plan of allocating three per cent of the
total budget on disabled as per the government's commitment in the XI five
year plan which has not been implemented so far.

* Audit of all government grants to all NGOs and should include expenditure
on disabled

Warm regards,

Subhash Chandra Vashishth
Mobile: +91 (11) 9811125521
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