Nested Table with 2 columns and 83 rows, nesting level 1
A device that serves as an interface between the system unit and a device 
attached to it, such as a SCSI Adapter.   Often synonymous with expansion card,
card, or board.  Can also refer to a special type of connector.
Software that detects, repairs, cleans, or removes virus-infected files from a 
A more technical term for program.
The collection of memory chips or modules that make up a block of memory.  This 
can be 1, 2 or 4 chips.  Memory in a PC must always be added or removed
in full-bank increments.
The part of the operating system that provides the lowest level interface to 
peripheral devices.  The BIOS is stored in the ROM on the computer's 
To start up your computer.  Because the computer gets itself up and going from 
an inert state, it could be said to lift itself up "by its own bootstraps"
-- this is where the term 'boot' originates.
Boot Disk
The magnetic disk (usually a hard disk) from which an operating system kernel 
is loaded (or "bootstrapped").  MS-DOS and Microsoft ® Windows® can be 
(in the BIOS) to try to boot off either floppy disk or hard disk, in either 
order (and on some modern systems even from CD or other removable media). 
A special floppy boot disk (often called a System Rescue Disk) can be created 
that will allow your computer to boot even if it cannot boot from the hard
Boot Record
Once the BIOS determines which disk to boot from, it loads the first sector of 
that disk into memory and executes it.   Besides this loader program, the
Boot Record contains the partition table for that disk.  If the Boot Record is 
damaged, it can be a very serious situation!
Boot Sector
See Boot Record.
To load and initialize the operating system on a computer.  Often abbreviated 
to boot.
A set of conductors (wires or connectors in an integrated circuit) connecting 
the various functional units in a computer.  There are busses both within
the CPU and connecting it to external memory and peripheral devices.  The bus 
width (i.e., the number of parallel connectors) is one factor limiting a
computer's performance.
A circuit board that usually is designed to plug into a connector or slot.  See 
also adapter.
(Internet Browser) - The files and graphics saved locally from web sites you 
have previously visited.
To click an item means to point to it with the screen pointer, and then press 
quickly and release the left mouse button at once.
Windows allocates space to files in units called clusters.  Each cluster 
contains from 1 to 64 sectors, depending on the type and size of the disk.  A 
is the smallest unit of disk space that can be allocated for use by files.
A part of the motherboard that maintains system variables in static RAM.  It 
also supplies a real-time clock that keeps track of the date, day and time.
 CMOS Setup is typically accessible by entering a specific sequence of 
keystrokes during the POST at system start-up.
Cold Boot
Starting or restarting a computer by  turning on the power supply.  See also 
warm boot.
Context Menu
Also called a context-sensitive menu, or a shortcut menu, a context menu 
includes the commands that are commonly associated with an object on the screen.
 To activate an itme's context menu, point to it with the screen pointer, then 
press and release the right mouse button once.
(Internet Browser) - Holds information on the times and dates you have visited 
web sites. Other information can also be saved to your hard disk in these
text files, including information about online purchases, validation 
information about you for members-only web sites, and more.
Stands for Central Processing Unit, a programmable logic device that performs 
all the instruction, logic, and mathematical processing in a computer.
A sudden, usually drastic failure.  Can be said of the operating system or a 
particular program when there is a software failure.  Also, a disk drive can
crash because of hardware failure.
Cross-linked files
Two files that both refer to the same data.
As modern file systems are used and files are deleted and created, the total 
free space becomes split into smaller non-contiguous blocks.  Eventually new
files being created, and old files being extended, cannot be stored each in a 
single contiguous block but become scattered across the file system.  This
degrades performance as multiple seek operations are required to access a 
single fragmented file.

Defragmenting consolidates each existing file and the free space into a 
contiguous group of sectors.  Access speed will be improved due to reduced 
 A nearly-full disk system will fragment more quickly.   A disk should be 
defragmented before fragmenting reaches 10%.
This is an index into the files on your disk.  It acts as a hierarchy, and you 
will see them represented in Windows looking like manila folders.
Stands for direct access memory.  DMA is a fast way of transferring data within 
a computer.  Most devices require a dedicated DMA channel (so the number
of DMA channels that are available may limit the number of peripherals that can 
be installed).
Dynamic Random Access Memory (see also SDRAM).  A type of memory used in a PC 
for the main memory (such as your "32 Mbytes of RAM".)  "Dynamic" refers to
the memory's memory of storage - basically storing the charge on a capacitor.  
Specialized types of DRAM (such as EDO memory) have been developed to work
with today's faster processors.
A program designed to interface a particular piece of hardware to an operating 
system or other software.
Disk Operating System.  Usually used as an abbreviation for MS-DOS, a 
micro-computer operating system developed by Microsoft.
Stands for enhanced integrated drive electronics.  A specific type of 
attachment interface specification that allows for high-performance, 
drives.  See also IDE.
A binary file containing a program in machine language which is ready to be 
executed (run).  MS-DOS and Windows machines use the filename extension ".exe"
for these files.
To extract is to return a compressed file to its original state.  Typically in 
order to view the contents of a compressed file, you must extract it first.
Expansion Card
An integrated circuit card that plugs into an expansion slot on a motherboard 
to provide access to additional peripherals or features not built into the
motherboard.  See also adapter.
See File Allocation Table.
See File Allocation Table.
The disk-partitioning program used in DOS and several other operating systems 
to create the master boot record and allocate partitions for the operating
system's use.
A collection of data grouped into one unit on a disk.
File Allocation Table
(FAT or FAT32)  DOS uses the FAT to manage the disk data area.  The FAT tells 
DOS which portions of the disk belong to each file.  The FAT links together
all of the clusters belonging to each file, no matter where they are on disk.  
The FAT is a critical file: you should be sure to back it up regularly.

FAT32 is a newer type of FAT that was designed to handle large hard disks.  The 
older FAT (FAT16) can only support partitions up to two gigabytes in size.
 FAT32 can handle partitions that are thousands of gigabytes.
File System
A system for organizing directories and files, generally in terms of how it is 
implemented in the disk operating system.
Software contained in a read-only memory (ROM) device.
Commonly used as a standard Windows 95/98/NT term, equivalent to the Windows 
3.x term directory.
The DOS format program that performs high-level formatting on a hard disk, and 
both high- and low-level formatting on a floppy disk.
The state of having a file scattered around a disk in pieces rather than 
existing in one contiguous area of the disk.  Fragmented files are slower to 
than unfragmented files.
Graphics Adapter
See Video Adapter
A small electromagnetic device inside a drive that reads, writes, and erases 
data on the drive's media.
(Internet Browser) - Stores the internet addresses (URLs) of the web sites you 
have visited.
Heat Sink
A mass of metal attached to a chip carrier or socket for the purpose of 
dissipating heat.
Stands for integrated drive electronics.  Describes a hard disk with the disk 
controller integrated within it.   See also EIDE.
I/O Port
I/O stands for input/output.   I/O is the communication between a computer and 
its user, its storage devices, other computers (via a network) or the outside
world.  The I/O port is the logical channel or channel endpoint in an I/O 
communication system.
Stands for interrupt request.   IRQ is the name of the hardware interrupt 
signals that PC peripherals (such as serial or parallel ports) use to get the
processor's attention.  Since interrupts usually cannot be shared, devices are 
assigned unique IRQ addresses that enable them to communicate with the 
 Peripherals that use interrupts include LAN adapters, sound boards, scanner 
interfaces, and SCSI adapters.
A small, plastic-covered metal clip that slips over two pins protruding from a 
circuit board.  When in place, the jumper connects the pins electronically
and closes the circuit, turning it "on".
An essential part of the operating system, responsible for resource allocation, 
low-level hardware interfaces, security, and more.
Lost Cluster Chain
This is a cluster on disk that is not registered as free, but does not have any 
known data in it.
The "heart" of your PC -- it handles system resources (IRQ lines, DMA channels, 
I/O locations), as well as core components like the CPU, and all system
memory.  It accepts expansion devices such as sound and network cards, and 
Windows NT File System.
A logical section of a disk.  Each partition normally has its own file system.
Partition Table
A 64-byte data structure that defines the way a PC's hard disk is divided into 
logical sectors known as partitions. The partition table describes to the
operating system how the hard disk is divided.  Each partition on a disk has a 
corresponding entry in the partition table.  The partition table is always
stored in the first physical sector of a disk drive.
A location of a file.  The path consists of directory or folder names, 
beginning with the highest-level directory or disk name and ending with the 
directory name.  A path can identify a drive (e.g. C:\), a folder (e.g. 
C:\Temp) , or a file (e.g. C:\Windows\ftp.exe).
Any part of a computer other than the CPU or working memory (RAM and ROM).  For 
example, disks, keyboards, monitors, mice, printers, scanners, tape drives,
microphones, speakers, and other such devices are peripherals.
(PnP)  A hardware and software specification developed by Intel that allows a 
PnP system and a PnP adapter to configure automatically .  PnP cards generally
have no switches or jumpers, but are configured via the PnP system's BIOS or 
with supplied software for non-PnP computers.
Stands for power-on self test.   Each time a PC initializes, the BIOS executes 
a series of tests collectively known as the POST.  The test checks each of
the primary areas of the system, including the motherboard, video system, drive 
system, and keyboard, and ensures that all components can be used safely.
 If a fault is detected, the POST reports it as an audible series of beeps or a 
hexadecimal code written to an I/O port.
Random Access Memory (see also DRAM, SDRAM).  A data storage device for which 
the order of access to different locations does not affect the speed of access.
 This is in contrast to magnetic disk or magnetic tape where it is much quicker 
to access data sequentially because accessing a non-sequential location
requires physical movement of the storage medium rather than just electronic 
switching.  The most common form of RAM in use today is built from 
integrated circuits, which can either be static (SRAM) or dynamic (DRAM).
See System Registry
Right Click
To right-click an item is to point to it with the screen pointer, and then 
quickly press and release the right mouse button once.
Read-Only Memory.  A type of data storage device which is manufactured with 
fixed contents.  The term is most often applied to semiconductor integrated
circuit memories.  ROM is inherently non-volatile storage - it retains its 
contents even when the power is switched off, in contrast to RAM.  It is used
in part for storage of the lowest level bootstrap software (firmware) in a 
Stands for small computer system interface.  A standard that allows multiple 
devices to be connected in daisy-chain fashion.
Stands for synchronous dynamic random Access memory (see also DRAM).  SDRAM 
incorporates new features that make it faster than standard DRAM and EDO memory.
The tracks on a disk are divided into sectors.  Clusters contains from 1 to 64 
To select an item is to identify to the computer one or more files or folders 
that you wish to do something with.   This is usually done by pointing to
an item, with the screen pointer and then quickly pressing and releasing the 
left mouse button once.
A physical connector on a motherboard to hold an expansion card, SIMM, DIMM, or 
a processor card in place.
A receptacle usually on a motherboard, that processors or chips can be inserted 
System Registry
The system configuration files used by Windows 95, 98 and NT to store settings 
about user preferences, installed software, hardware and drivers, and other
settings required for Windows to run correctly.  The system updates the 
registry every time you add new hardware or a new program to your system.
System Rescue Disk
See Boot Disk.
Most commonly found in relation to a SCSI chain, this functions to prevent the 
reflection or echoing of signals that reach the ends of the SCSI bus.  Usually
terminators are hardware circuits or jumpers.
To unzip is to extract (see extract) a Zip archive.
Many file formats are 8-bit (also called binary) which means that the basic 
unit of information - a byte - comprises 8 on/off signals.   Email, however,
is a 7-bit (or text) medium, preventing the transfer of 8-bit data. UUencoding 
compensates for this restriction by converting 8-bit data to 7-bit data.
  UUencode accomplishes this by joining all of the file's bits together into a 
single stream, and then dividing the stream into 7-bit chunks.  The data
are then emailed and received by someone who must UUdecode it.
Video Adapter
An expansion card or chip set built into a motherboard that provides the 
capability to display text and graphics on the computer's monitor.  If the 
is part of an expansion card, it also includes the physical connector for the 
monitor cable.  If it is a chip set on the motherboard, the video connector
will be on the motherboard also.
A virus is a program written to cause mischief or damage to a computer system.  
A mild virus might only be a slight nuisance, or even amusing.  However,
most viruses do damage, whether to your files, your registry, or even your 
hardware.  Viruses are hard to detect, easy to propagate, and difficult to 
 Your computer can pick up a virus when you copy a seemingly normal file from a 
diskette or download it from the Internet.
Warm Boot
Rebooting a system by means of a software command as opposed to turning the 
power off and on.  See also cold boot.
A wizard is a series of dialog boxes that guides you step by step through a 
To zip (notice the lower case z) a file is to compress it into an archive so 
that it occupies less disk space.
Zip archive
An archive of one or more Zip-compressed files.  When used as a noun, Zip is 
typically capitalized.   Compressed files can come in many formats besides
Zip file
A Zip archive that Windows presents as a single file.  In general, the contents 
can not be accessed unless the archive is decompressed.
table end
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