Where the web will take us next?

David Smith

Silicon Valley, Nov. 26 (Guardian News Service): The people spilling out of 
Ritual Coffee Roasters on to the San Francisco sidewalk scent more than coffee
beans. Inside there are twenty and thirtysomethings, most of them male, working 
intently at laptops and harnessing the power of the internet. They are
not merely logging on to look at MySpace or YouTube or The Next Big Thing. They 
plan to be The Next Big Thing.

It's boom time again in Silicon Valley and there is opportunity around every 
corner. Each month $180m is invested in technology companies aspiring to change
the lives of every person on the planet. A combination of youth, 
entrepreneurial spirit, technical insight, financial muscle and the American 
Dream, flavoured
with West Coast utopianism, has formed a perpetual motion machine that is 
driving the information age. The brilliant brains of students and geeks, 
and scientists, angel investors and venture capitalists are feeding and 
thriving off each other, sparking the kind of electricity one imagines filled 
air of northern England during the Industrial Revolution. A whole new world 
wide web is on the horizon.

'If you like the idea of going to a coffee shop and everyone works in software 
and in the conversation next to you someone is starting a company, this is
the place to be,' said John Merrells, 37, who emigrated from Harrogate in North 
Yorkshire, England, and runs a mobile phone software company here. 'Everyone
you bump into is potentially something. The physical concentration of people is 
phenomenal. Like in the City of London [the British capital's financial
district], the continual rubbing up of people is how ideas come about.'

Garage enough

In the beginning you needed an office. Then a house would do. A mere garage was 
enough for Larry Page and Sergey Brin to start the company now synonymous
with searching the web. Less than 10 years later, the original Google computer 
servers - balanced on flimsy cork boards to prevent them melting down -
are an exhibit at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley. Google's 
shares reached $500 on Wall Street last week, giving the young firm a market
value of around $154bn. Page and Brin each own shares worth more than $15bn. If 
you had invested $100 in Google when it launched in 1998, you would now
be sitting on an asset worth $14m. Now all anyone needs to try to emulate the 
pair is a coffee shop offering wireless accessto the internet. Since opening
last year, Ritual Coffee Roasters' plain wood tables and leather sofas have 
become a cradle of start-up companies, including Rubyred Labs. The firm aims
to 'turn ideas into top class internet products and services'.

'We would come here a lot with our laptops, because so many people come here,' 
explained one of its co-founders, Jonathan Grubb, 27, wearing a sports hat
and sweatshirt. 'The coffee shop has replaced the garage for internet 
start-ups. To rent a garage in San Francisco costs at least $100 a month, which 
can't afford. It's also a social thing: people make business deals because 
they're sitting next to someone and start talking. In our case the three of
us put in $5,000, but some companies can be set up for a few hundred dollars. 
The technology now makes it easier than ever.' The internet has famously
empowered bloggers, citizen journalists and film-makers, and here in the valley 
it dangles the carrot of becoming your own boss before your 30th birthday.


Some call this the second dotcom bubble. Others, mindful of how the first 
bubble burst six years ago, prefer to say it's 'frothing'. Everyone, it seems,
has a business plan, only sometimes it's the same business plan.

Grubb said: 'We work with a lot of start-ups. Everybody wants to be the MySpace 
of coffee drinking with iPod-like simplicity - "We're going to be the MySpace
of music". Well, MySpace is the MySpace of music. The best products grow out of 
trying to solve a problem, not copying a success story.'

The geek crowd runs with the San Francisco arts set in places such as Ritual 
Coffee Roasters and, on a recent Saturday night, in an urban warehouse turned
nightclub under the aegis of a company called Laughing Squid. Partygoers hurtle 
past the entrance in vintage cars and gawp at a street artist conjuring
fire in a sandpit. They are here to drink, enjoy 'cool stuff' like a live 
cabaret and, of course, talk tech.

Creative ideas

Here is Jeremy Kassis, 31, about to launch Bumpq, a website for people to share 
creative ideas. 'We're here to network,' he says. Nearby stands Shahram
Shokrian, 30, who realised the potential of podcasting when he set up Podkive 
two years ago and now gives advice at a regular 'pod camp' in the city. He
predicts: 'Podcasting is damaging radio and is going to destroy traditional 

Christian Perry, 22 and just graduated from Chicago, is running ZapTix, an 
online ticket agency for small venues and event organisers. This was set up from
a coffee shop for just $14,000. 'It's a lot easier to start a company now but a 
great idea doesn't guarantee anything. The standards are far higher than
in 1999,' he said.

Some hope to become celebrities, within this community at least. They even have 
their own gossip columnist patrolling the room in search of mischief to
post on her 'Valleywag' blog. The Cassandras might be tempted to warn that 
partying as if it's 1999 is bound to end in another crash. One partygoer with
an edge of Detroit cynicism observed: 'I remember the first boom and I'm as 
scared as shit. I've had three people come up to me today all trying to sell
the same idea.'

Web 2.0

The idea of the moment, over-hyped perhaps, is Web 2.0. Before it, according to 
the definition, the web was a 'lean back' experience like television, in
which official content providers' websites would be passively consumed by the 
rest of us. No one quite agrees on the meaning of Web 2.0, but everyone thinks
it has something to do with social networks and content generated by users - a 
'lean forward' experience in which consumers become creators.

There are more than 1,000 such sites with prime examples including Wikipedia, 
an online encyclopaedia written by users; Flickr, a photo sharing site; 
which enables social networking; and Digg, in which the community selects and 
prioritises news stories like an editor.

Web 2.0's unprecedented army of contributors is capable of providing more 
detailed information about your special interest or geographical location than
any traditional organisation could dream of. The race is now on to turn it into 
a commercial proposition.

Among the most promising exponents is Yelp, which invites users to write 
reviews of everything from restaurants to doctors to beauty spas. Squidoo asks
people to set up a page about any topic they feel passionate about. It gives 
contributors financial rewards and donates some of its revenue to charity.
Zebo is a site where you can take advice from both friends and experts on 
shopping and which product will serve you best.

Each of these sites, and their many imitators, is taking something as old as 
human civilisation - word of mouth - and formalising it in a single space,
giving consumers once unimaginable access to the recommendations of friends and 
the 'wisdom of crowds'. Roy de Souza formally launched Zebo in September
and says it already has 5 million regular users. 'The things that work best on 
the net are things that work in the real world. If I wanted a new car, I
would call my friend for his advice. It's what human beings do and the internet 
makes it a lot easier to tap that knowledge.'

The latest start-ups are finding out how we can navigate the billions of web 
pages, remember the best bits and tell our friends. The answer so far has been
social bookmarking sites, such as del.icio.us, which allow you to retain pages 
for yourself and show them to others. Now come Blue Dot, Netfish, Plum and
3B, each offering new ways of remixing and 'mashing up' the web to suit your 
taste - and to share with others.

Plum, set to launch publicly this week, invites users to collect and annotate 
web pages, blog posts, photos, email, feeds, music and other elements, 
share them and then see whose collections are closest to their own.

This is the fifth internet start-up for a Norwegian, Hans Peter Brondmo, 44, 
who estimates the cost at up to 10 times less than a decade ago, partly because
the web allows him to employ staff in half a dozen countries.

Speaking in his glass penthouse study overlooking San Francisco Bay, he said: 
'We tear things out of magazines but not out of websites; I'd like to tear
pages out of websites. There is intelligence on the net and it's you.' The 
website 3B allows you to build a '3D village' out of favourite photos and web
pages, represented as giant wall panels through which you can guide a digital 
representation of yourself, or avatar, and chat with avatars controlled by
friends. The graphics are reminiscent of Second Life, the hugely popular 
virtual world where real money changes hands, and offer a glimpse of a possible
future in which the entire web will be more aboutvision and touch and instinct 
than text. Its founder, Nicky Morris, 41, is a British woman in an American
man's world.

'I love coming here,' she said. 'There is a fundamental entrepreneurial 
difference between here and Britain. Just as everyone in LA is a budding actor,
everyone in Silicon Valley has a business plan.' Everyone has a business plan 
but not everyone knows how to turn popularity into profit. Does Web 2.0 equal
Bubble 2.0? The general consensus is no, because this time high speed broadband 
connections are widespread, companies need less start-up capital and the
most outrageous megabucks are flowing not from public investors but private 
companies. News Corp bought MySpace; eBay acquired Skype; Google and Yahoo!
gobbled up numerous start-ups, among them YouTube, the video sharing site with 
the strapline 'Broadcast yourself'.This was sold to Google last month for
$1.65bn on the basis of people traffic rather than revenue, earning a fortune 
for the three young men who devised it in a garage.

Get rich

For some it's a perfect get-rich-quick scheme: identify a feature missing from 
Google or Yahoo!, set it up cheaply from a coffee shop, attract enough eyeballs
and headlines and hope for a quick sale. This is the art of 'flipping'. There's 
a saying in the valley: 'Build to flip versus build to last.'

Once known as the 'Valley of Heart's Delight', it runs south from San Francisco 
Bay between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range. The land once
grew millions of apricot, cherry, plum, prune and peach trees. Then came the 
technology companies, led by Hewlett Packard in 1939, galvanised by the 
here of the world's first silicon integrated circuit, or computer chip.

By 1971 a journalist had coined the phrase 'Silicon Valley', a series of 
hotspots such as Palo Alto, Mountain View and San Jose now home to thousands of
hi-tech firms including Adobe, Apple, Cisco Systems, eBay, Google, Intel, Sun 
Microsystems and Yahoo! Microsoft is headquartered near Seattle in Washington
state. Roughly half of America's venture capital is concentrated here, 
providing the finance to fuel the revolution. Michael Malone, author of a book 
the area, relished 'the thrill of being in the cockpit of one of the greatest 
technological and social transformations in history'. This is an America
where Sixties idealism and belief in the transformative reach of technology 
never died, and where George Bush and terrorism seem distant spectres.

But Merrells, the Yorkshireman and co-founder of embracemobile, which has 
brought market research to the mobile phone, admits the valley has its downside.
'You can't get away. Even if you drive for miles you'll find other people who 
are also trying to escape Yahoo! and Google. I remember lying by a camp fire
under the stars and someone coming over and saying, "Are you John from 
Netscape?" It can seem parochial because everyone's obsessed with the deal 
just done. Everyone talks about "Did you see the YouTube deal?", but that's all 
anyone can talk about.' Some of the bucolic innocence that drew tourists
to the valley a century ago has been sacrificed to roads and motels and 
nondescript buildings that belie the digital alchemy happening within their 
But to most eyes this is a paradise, the America would-be immigrants dream 

Nowhere is this more true than in Woodside, a town dubbed 'the Beverly Hills of 
Silicon Valley', where billionaires are more numerous than in Los Angeles
and ride their horses among the forests of redwoods, oaks and eucalyptus. 
Property rarely becomes available and local people estimate the average price
of a two-bedroom house at $6m. Woodside residents include Michelle Pfeiffer, 
the Hollywood actor, and singers Neil Young and Joan Baez, while Steve Jobs,
the chief executive of Apple, and Larry Page, co-founder of Google, are said to 
have homes here. The elite of the elite live on 'Billionaires' Row' where
crime is so rare that front doors are left unlocked and ignition keys remain in 
expensive parked cars.

At the town's heart since 1991 has been a diner, Buck's of Woodside. At 8am it 
is packed with people debating, engaging, persuading. For it is here that
some of the most important deals in internet history have been struck, as some 
of the world's wealthiest venture capitalists give the thumbs up or down
to would-be entrepreneurs over their breakfast burritos and black coffees. 
'Over there, table 15, is where Hotmail was founded,' said the diner's owner,
Jamis MacNiven. 'Netscape had a lot of its early meetings here and PayPal got 
their funding here. Yahoo! was turned down twice for funding here.

'In the last two-and-a-half years there's been a vibrancy increasing,' added 
MacNiven, 57, wearing a black shirt with vivid cowboy-boot motifs. 'It's like
a hum in a hive and right now it's very loud and the thinking about Silicon 
Valley is overwhelmingly optimistic. We're back to where we were in 1999, but
without the craziness.'

The venture capitalists are the dream makers and breakers. They spot, support 
and sometimes 'incubate' new hi-tech companies. Like the royal patrons of
Renaissance artists, their favours are eagerly sought and can make the 
difference between obscurity and a mansion on Billionaires' Row. When they 
wrong on a start-up flop, millions of dollars are written off with a shrug: the 
penalty for backing a loser is small change compared to the penalty for
failing to back a winner.

Better to fail

Welshman Michael Moritz, senior partner at Sequoia Capital on the hub that is 
Sand Hill Road, had the vision to nurture and champion Google, PayPal, Yahoo!
and most recently YouTube, an $11.5m investment which reportedly returned $495m 
- a forty-threefold increase in just over a year. Such maths has created
a less hard-edged version of US capitalism: entrepreneurial failure is regarded 
as positive, a learning curve. You failed? Here's more cash. You failed
again? Here's more cash. Better to fail five times and learn, it is said, than 
to succeed first time and learn nothing.

When the dotcom bubble burst, venture capitalists described it as a 'nuclear 
winter'. But in the first three quarters of this year they raised $455m for
Web 2.0 companies - more than twice the amount that had been raised over the 
same period in 2005. The YouTube deal has concentrated minds on Web 2.0's
potential and whether user traffic really can be given a commercial value 
through online advertising or other means.

Something else is stirring, however. It is already being called Web 3.0 and it 
offers the possibility of the most profound change the internet has yet seen.

Nova Spivack, 37, is the chief executive of Radar Networks, a San Francisco 
company currently in 'stealth mode'. Next year, building on technology used
by the US military and intelligence agencies, he intends to pioneer Web 3.0, or 
the 'semantic web'. According to his vision, the semantic web will offer
new ways of mining and searching for information. It will use new content and 
applications to 'understand' the meaning of words and their contexts, making
search results more precise and rewarding. Whereas current search engines, 
including Google, work by finding a match for the keywords you've entered, the
semantic web will be capable of answering questions like, 'How many times have 
Manchester United won the FA Cup?'

Spivack, sitting in an air-conditioned conference room with blinds drawn, 
explained by example. 'If you do a search on Google today for publications with
headquarters in London, Google will find any page that merely has the word 
'publication', 'London' or 'headquarters' in it. It doesn't understand what
you mean, what a publication is, the relationship of a headquarters in a 
location - it doesn't connect these dots together. What the semantic web 
is a way of formally, explicitly, defining exactly what you mean when you say a 
publication and when you state that it has a certain kind of relationship
with a certain place, by finding a way to put that meaning into the context in 
an invisible way that software can see. Applications can then start to search
for things in a more human, intuitive way.'

He said this would allow the web to function like a single coherent database: 
'The web will move from a bunch of silos and separate applications to something
that starts to feel much more like one seamless medium. Your user identity, 
your account, your search history, your personalisation and preferences will
travel with you wherever you go.

'All your information will be connected, searchable, organised and manageable 
wherever you are. In many ways it will bring the web to you instead of you
having to go to the web. Web 3.0 means the third generation web, and I think 
that's what the next 10 years will be about.'

If Web 2.0 put users at the centre, Web 3.0 is about an infrastructure that 
will give them new possibilities. It would be impossible for two geeks in a
coffee shop to find the immense processing power needed to create the semantic 
web. But not for Google, with its huge array of talent and resources. Spivack,
however, believes he has stolen a march on the giant.

'I think we're building something equally big right under their nose. They're 
too busy running Google. We've discovered a goldmine in their own backyard.'

The ultimate vision of Web 3.0 is of a collective 'global mind' which 
increasingly resembles the human brain. Every person on the internet will 
as its consciousness, from whose chaos will emerge cohesive patterns of thought 
and decision, perhaps even a sense of 'self'.

When the first web was born in the Nineties, the typical home computer was used 
as a toy to play games and coffee shops were places where people went for
coffee. Most of the young gunslingers in Ritual Coffee Roasters were yet to 
start high school, still less dream of 'flipping' for a billion dollars. Today,
concocting businesses from their laptops, reordering the way people run their 
lives, they are living proof that the pace of evolution is accelerating.

For users, the web's opening phase allowed us to look at text on a screen, 
maybe with static pictures: it was about information. Now it's about community,
making our own content and sharing it with others: text, audio, movies and 
more. And 10 years from now? In the cascade of ideas even the Google boys begin
to look like old hands and the only question for the money men, their dotcom 
confidence restored, is whether they can keep up. The question for the rest
of us is where are we heading, how we will use the internet, a never-ending 
exercise in the art of the possible.

And it will have begun here, in the valley, where optimism about progress is 
undimmed and everyone is potentially something.


Vikas Kapoor,
Yahoo ID:
Skype ID: dl_vikas
Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.
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