


While I understand that such attitudes can and do come from ignorance and that 
personal re-education of the boss may have been in order, I find it difficult 
to believe this individual made these comments without deliberate and 
calculated planning.  Ok, maybe you could have condiscended to his ignorance 
and had a one to one discussion with him about the matter, but someone in that 
kind of a senior position knows better than to make these remarks.  I object to 
the notion that we are here to educate sighted people about what blind people 
can do at the expense of our careers, relationships, education or whatever it 
is we are trying to accomplish.  A point of interest is that one belief of 
Martin Luther King and his colleagues during the black civil rights movement 
was that it was not the responsibility of black people to educate white people. 
 It was white people's responsibility to educate themselves.  We could apply 
this to many different situations as well, not just blindness.  When we 
encounter a person of a different disability than ours or from a different race 
or religion do we expect them to give us a 101 course in whatever it is they 
are?  I would hope not.


If you do choose to pursue something be sure that everything is in writing so a 
paper trail exists.  


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