
This invite below has come rather late, however,

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 URL: http://www.24framesdigital.com/cis/webcast/avma/

Message copied below.

Harish Kotian


Dear Friends,

Apologies for reaching out to all of you on a different matter. I have changed 
the subject of the mail to reflect this. We are organising a broadcast media 
accessibility tutorial along with ITU and ITU-APT foundation. There are a few 
seats left for participation. Could I request you to fwd this mail to your 
contacts in the broadcast industry with a note highlighting its importance.

ITU Tutorial on Audiovisual Media Accessibility


Thanks in advance,


ITU Tutorial on Audiovisual Media Accessibility

At the invitation of CIS, in cooperation with the ITU-APT Foundation of India, 
ITU is organising a two-day Tutorial on Audio Visual Media Accessibility from 
March 14 to 15, 2012 at the India International Centre, New Delhi, India. The 
Tutorial will be preceded by the fourth meeting of the Focus Group on Audio 
Visual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) on March 13, 2012. This meeting will take 
place at the same venue and will also be hosted by CIS, in cooperation with the 
ITU-APT Foundation of India.

When  Mar 14, 2012 08:00 AM to

Mar 15, 2012 05:30 PM

Where India International Centre, New Delhi

Add event to calendar   vCal 

iCal <http://cis-india.org/accessibility/itu-tutorial-delhi/ics_view>

Cross-posted from the International Telecommunication Union website 
 . Register online for the event here 


Several tools will be used in the two-day tutorial, namely ITU publications 
relating to the field. To name two amongst the most recent ones, Accessibility 
to Broadcasting Services for Persons with Disabilities and Making Television 
Accessible" Report, G3ict-ITU, November 2011.


The programme of the ITU Tutorial on Audiovisual Media Accessibility will 
provide an in-depth insight of topics and measures to improve the accessibility 
of AV media: Captioning (pre-prepared and live), Audio/Video Description and 
spoken captions, visual signing and sign language, emergency access services. 
These topics will reference examples from digital broadcast television and 
mobile telephony media. Participants will gain a better understanding of:

1.    How to Get started - strategies for establishing and expanding new 
accessibility services (how it can be done, what it costs, what business models 
exist to ensure the viability of accessibility services);

2.    How standards can help developing countries plan and implement the 
transition from analogue to digital TV (what issues need to be addressed to 
optimize the Digital Dividend; making sure that various groups of vulnerable 
viewers are not disenfranchised by the digital switchover);

3.    Human resource development for improved usability and accessibility 
(closely tied to work being done by the Audiovisual Media Accessibility Focus 
Group's Working Parties).


Regulators and legislators working on measures to improve digital media's 
compliance with international accessibility conventions and directives; 
Accessibility service advocates from organizations representing persons with 
disabilities; Media executives from public service and commercial TV channels 
seeking compliance with media accessibility regulation; Pay-TV operators; 
Consumer electronics manufacturers; Consumer electronics wholesalers and 
retailers examining the business implications of demographic changes and media 


The tutors are leading experts in the field from industry and either 
participated in the writing of the handbook or contribute to the work of the 
ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility.

Draft Programme

FG AVA Tutorial Programme - 14-15 March 2012

Day 1 - Wednesday 14 March 2012


Introduction to the seminar (Tutor: Mr Peter Olaf Looms) LO1. Introduction to 
media and accessibility and LO5. Legislation, regulation and standards

*     The Big Picture: Value chains and their stakeholders for the main areas 
of media accessibility (current and future ways of delivering digital content 
to their users)

*     The legal and regulatory framework of accessible media

LO2. The rationale of accessible television

*     What kinds of users have difficulties benefiting from using media?

*     What is the nature of their difficulties?

*     How many people are affected?

*     What impact does literacy have on accessibility?

*     What are the issues facing accessibility in multilingual societies?

*     Using the University of Cambridge exclusion calculator for rough estimates


What do we mean by "Television" when talking about accessibility?

*     Public safety announcements (e.g. in connection with earthquakes, 
tsunamis and health hazards)

*     The programmes themselves

*     How many people are affected?

*     Access services (including subtitling, audio description, visual signing, 
audio subtitles and speaking interfaces)

*     Making consumer electronics more "intelligent" and assistive

Day 2 - Thursday 15 March 2012


LO3. Access services - the options (subtitling, audio description, visual 
signing, audio subtitles and speaking interfaces) (Tutors: Dr Pilar Orero & Dr 
Takebumi Itagaki) Participants will get the chance to see & discuss examples 

*     Different reading modes for subtitling by respeaking

*     A Bollywood film with audio description

*     Bilingual subtitling

*     Audio subtitling

*     Audio subtitling prepared by text to speech synthesis

*     Clean audio

There will be an introduction to

*     Workflows for producing and delivering access services

*     Bandwidth requirements

*     Costs (capital and operational)

LO4. Accessibility and business models and LO5

*     What is a business model?

*     Business models for television receivers

*     Business models for television access services

*     Legislation, regulation and standards.


LO6. Putting it all together - group activities to apply what we have discussed

*     Edward de Bono's 6 thinking hats (structured discussions)

*     Planning Poker (breaking down the requirements and estimating who is 
going to do what to implement the strategy)


Learning Resources

*     "Making Television Accessible 
<http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/sis/PwDs/Documents/Making_TV_Accessible-E-BAT.pdf> " 
joint ITU and G3ict Report (in English).

*     Accessibility to Broadcasting Services for Persons with Disabilities 
ITU-R Report 

*     Podcasts (integrated slides and audio) in English from the Danish 
Technical University and the IT University of Copenhagen on Agile Project 
Management and on Accessible Media issues.

*     Case work (handouts) on USB sticks.

Learning Activities

*     Lectures

*     Pair Work

*     Case work in groups

See the agenda on ITU website 

 Related Information

Documentation and   Registration

 General Information

*     Host: Centre for Internet and Society, New Delhi, India in cooperation 
with the ITU-APT Foundation of India

*     Organized by: ITU <http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/>

*     Date: 14-15 March 2012

*     Venue: India International Centre,

      Seminar hall no. 1, 2 and 3 main building

      #40, Lodi Road, Max Mueller Marg,

      Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001.

      E-mail : cbo....@nic.in<mailto:cbo....@nic.in>;

      Website: www.iicdelhi.nic.in<http://www.iicdelhi.nic.in> 

      Map from airport to IIC: http://maps.google.co.in/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

*     Practical Information (including hotel accommodation, transportation, 
visa and health requirements) (coming soon)

Host country contact persons:

Sunil Abraham (Executive Director)

mail: su...@cis-india.org<mailto:su...@cis-india.org>

Nirmita Narasimhan (Programme Manager)

mail: nirm...@cis-india.org<mailto:nirm...@cis-india.org>

Ajoy Kumar (Administrator)

mail: a...@cis-india.org<mailto:a...@cis-india.org>

Office details:

Centre for Internet and Society

194, 2nd C Cross,

Domlur 2nd stage,

Bengaluru: 560071

Tel: +91 80 25350955, +91 80 40926283

website: www.cis-india.org<http://www.cis-india.org> <http://www.cis-india.org/>

Convening Letter, Registration and Programme

*     Convening Letter

*     On-line registration

*     Draft Programme (coming soon)

Organized by:


Hosted by:



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