Newspapers today were 


 over the prospect of a 

Narendra Modi versus Arvind Kejriwal battle

 in Varanasi. It ain't gonna happen. A battle of wits between a
tantrum-throwing kid and its parents will always attract attention in the
mall, but the

issue can be settled only at home once the parents have survived the
embarrassment at the mall.


While the media would gain TRPs and readership from this engrossing
electoral battle, the idea makes no sense from Modi's point of view, even
though Modi

strategists have been debating the value of getting their man to fight from
Uttar Pradesh to raise the profile of the BJP's efforts in this crucial


Battle begins from UP


Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal. 


For Modi, a fight against Kejriwal in UP is a lose-lose-lose issue no matter
what the outcome. For Kejriwal, it's win-win-win. So far Modi has been

ignoring Kejriwal - the right strategy - and focusing on sending his own
message to the electorate directly. When you are running a race, you should

focused on the finishing post, not other participants. Kejriwal's goal, on
the other hand, is not to win, but trip the front-runner and make the

He is seeking a fight with Modi and has been obsessively trolling him on
public platforms. Nothing would serve his interests better than for Modi to

note of him.


To explain the situation that is now developing, it is best to use the
analogy of the tantrum-throwing spoilt kid at the mall. The kid wants a

and so far the parents have declined the request. So what will the kid do?
If he is used to getting what he wants by screaming his head off, he will

do so.


At the mall he instinctively knows he has an advantage: at home, his parents
can choose to ignore him for a longer period than at the mall, where

within earshot will be either watching the fun or silently hoping that the
parents will give him his lollipop and stop the nuisance. I have seen this

happen in airplanes where, when confronted with a tantrum-throwing kid,
parents are forced to concede as they themselves can't bear it, even as
other passengers

shoot hostile looks at the parents for failing to control the kid.


Public spaces are particularly hostile to parents trying to discipline a kid
- especially when the kid is good at throwing tantrums. Only parents with

nerves of steel can win this battle. At every stage, as the bawling rises to
a crescendo, most parents develop a wish to throttle the kid or at least

him, but this is exactly the wrong strategy. This makes the public not only
anti-parent, but pro-kid too. It is lose-lose-lose.


The best strategy for the parent to adopt in this scenario is to abandon the
shopping, take the kid home and let him continue with this tantrum till he

himself gets tired of it and accepts defeat. You can't win against such a
kid by indulging his tantrums.


Back to 

Arvind Kejriwal.

He is a megalomaniac posturing as a humble servant of the people. Having
thrown a tantrum in Delhi and defeated Sheila Dikshit, he has decided that

needs more tantrum-throwing opportunities - this time at bigger targets. He
is looking for new scalps. Taking on Modi is not about anything but feeding

Kejriwal's own ego. The Dikshit victory has gone to his head.


Anyone who has watched Kejriwal in action for two years will know he is a
tantrum-thrower par excellence. Once the 


 movement died down in 2012, Kejriwal launched his political party and spent
the first few months throwing mud at everybody - all politicians and

he could think of. When he came to power in Delhi, he continued his tantrums
- first with his dharna to get some hapless cops suspended, and later to get

out of the CM's gaddi where his tantrums didn't work as well. In fact, it
was alienating him from the public. As CM, he found the public saw him in

role of parent, not kid, which is why he was eager to get back into the pram
and start bawling. So he threw another tantrum over the Jan Lokpal Bill and



If you need any proof that Kejriwal is about tantrums and little else, you
can do no better than to read his 

recent statement that communalism is a bigger threat than corruption.

 For a man who till the other day claimed corruption as the country's
biggest scourge, this is strange. Unless one realises that without making
this shift

he can't throw further tantrums since, the corrupt Congress seems vanquished
and Modi does not look like an easy target for an anti-corruption campaign.

This is why he shifted the goalpost to communalism. To continue on the path
to martyrdom, you need bigger enemies, real or imagined.


Having gotten his lollipop by throwing a tantrum against the Congress in
Delhi, Kejriwal now needs a fresh reason for throwing another. He has found

in Modi and communalism.


In indicating that he may fight Modi in Varanasi, Kejriwal is playing
super-smart. If Modi doesn't fight from there, it will seem like he ran
away. If

he fights and loses to Kejriwal (most unlikely), it will be a huge coup. If
Modi wins by a small margin, Kejriwal will claim moral victory. If Modi wins

big, Kejriwal will claim money power defeated him. This is why Kejriwal is
practically trying to psyche Modi into fighting him in Varanasi.


Whatever happens in a Modi versus Kejriwal fight in Varanasi, it's a
win-win-win for the latter and lose-lose-lose for Modi. When one man has
nothing to

lose and the other has everything to lose, it is a fight best avoided by the
one who has everything to lose - in this case Modi.


It makes no sense for Modi to fight from Varanasi just to give Kejriwal a
reason to smile. Consider what could easily happen: in this scenario, it

be a straight fight since all other parties will opt out in the hope
Kejriwal will pull off a miracle. Since Kejriwal will be banking on the
minority vote,

the BJP will seek a reverse polarisation in UP. This is exactly what Modi
has avoided so far by keeping his focus on development. Kejriwal will end up

communalising the issue by repeatedly throwing a tantrum on communalism, and
Gujarat 2002, and make polarisation a reality. In UP, Kejriwal will dictate

the agenda and sour Modi's non-sectarian pitch. Not only that, Modi's real
battle is not in Varanasi, but the whole of India. Varanasi will be a huge

- and a waste of time for him.


If the best strategy for a parent confronting a tantrum-throwing kid at the
mall is to take him home and let him realise that tantrums don't pay, Modi

should adopt this strategy. Let Kejriwal fight him at home in Gujarat. If we
assume that most Gujaratis would like nothing more than to see one of their

own sons as PM, Kejriwal will get his comeuppance.


You don't indulge a tantrum-thrower by tossing him a lollipop.

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