Dear Christian,

Thank you very much for your detailed revision,

Please see inline our comments.

On 16/8/21 16:40, Christian Amsüss wrote:
Hello CoAP-EAP authors and involved groups,
(CC'ing core@ as this is a review on CoAP usage),

I've read the -03 draft and accumulated a few comments; largely in
sequence of occurrence.

Over all, the protocol has improved a lot since I've last had my eyes on
it. Several comments below are about how prescriptive the message types
are. I believe that this should be resolved towards generality, or else
the usability of this protocol with generic CoAP components will be
limited (or, worse, still implemented and then surprisingly

* Figure 1: For readers new to the topic of EAP, I think that it might
   be useful to extend this to cover also the EAP server or AAA
   infrastructure, if that can be covered without too much complication.

   Suggestion (without illusions of correctness):

            IoT device            Controller
          +------------+        +------------+
          | EAP peer/  |        | EAP auth./ |+-----+[ AAA infra. ]
          | CoAP server|+------+| CoAP client|+-----+[ EAP server?]
          +------------+  CoAP  +------------+  EAP?
                   \_____ Scope of this document _____/

                       Figure 1: CoAP-EAP Architecture

[Authors] This is a good point. We did not include it at first, as having a AAA infrastructure is not mandatory. But the optionality can also be expressed in the figure. We will consider using this for the next version. Please also be aware that this architecture including AAA is assuming something called EAP authenticator in pass-through mode. Nevertheless, an EAP authenticator in standalone mode is also possible, where no AAA exists.

* `/.well-known/a`: [note: May be irrelevant, see next two items]

   If the designated experts don't go along with a
   very-short option (I'd kind of doubt you'd get anything shorter than
   `/.well-known/eap`) and if that puts you up against practical limits,
   using a short-hand option might be viable.

   So far there's no document for it and I've only pitched the idea
   briefly at an interim[1] (slides at [2]), but if push comes to shove
   and you need the compactness, let me know and that work can be

   [1]:    [2]:

[Authors] You are correct. This was addressed by the well-known URI experts and they have proposed to use /.well-known/coap-eap

* Discovering the Controller is described rather generically, but with
   CoAP discovery as an example.

   As long as CoAP discovery (as per RFC6690/7252) is used, that already
   produces a URI, which can contain any path the server picked. It has
   thus no need for a well-known path.

   Are there other discovery options envisioned that'd only result in a
   network address? Only for these, a well-known path would make sense.
   (And then it's up to the envisioned client complexity if one is

[Authors] This is related to the next point. As long as the IoT device sends the resource for the authentication in this case we would remove the need for the well-known in the IoT device.

   For comparison, RD[3] explores some of the options. A path may be
   discovered using CoAP discovery as `?rt=core.rd*` right away from
   multicast. Or an address may be discovered using an IPv6 RA option,
   with CoAP discovery acting on that address. Only for cases of very
   simple endpoints, it also defines a `/.well-known/rd` name that can be
   used without CoAP discovery (and thus link parsing) happening
   beforehand. The same rationales may apply for EAP (the devices using
   the resource are mostly servers, otherwise, and send a very simple
   request to start things), but again that's only if the address was
   discovered through something that's not CoAP discovery already.


[Authors] This is a good point. We may need to add a discussion of how the service can be discovered since, as you commented, there are different ways to do so. Our initial idea was to contact directly with the Border Router, which is consistent with what you comment about receiving the IPv6 RA to receive the IPv6 Address. Hence the communication would be directly using the /.well-known URI and the discovered IPv6 address.

* For message 1, why does this need to go to a fixed resource? There has
   been previous communication in message 0 in which the resource could
   have been transported.

   Granted, it's not as easy as in messages 2-to-3 etc where the
   Location-* options are around, but the original message 0 POST could
   just as well contain the path in the payload.

   There are options as to how to do that precisely (just the URI
   reference in text form, or a RFC6690 link, or a CBOR list of path
   segments, or a CRI reference[4] -- if the latter were in WGLC already
   I'd recommend it wholeheartedly), but either of them would stay more
   true to the style of the other messages in that the earlier message
   informs the path choice of the next ones.

   An upside of this would be that it allows better behavior in presence
   of proxies (see later), even though it may be practical to not spec
   that out in full here. (But the path would be open for further specs,
   and they'd just need some setting down of paving stones).


[Authors] This is an interesting proposal. This is a good alternative to having to use the well-known URI in both entities, leaving it only for the first message from the IoT device to the Controller, which makes sense.

* (Bycatch of suggesting URIs): It may be worth mentioning that the
   NON's source address can easily be spoofed. Thus, any device on the
   network can trigger what the authenticator may think of as a
   device-triggered reauthentication, and the device may think of as an
   authenticator-triggered reauthentication (provided it works that way,
   see below when reauthentication is mentioned again).

[Authors] But this case would not be possible since we mention that (re) authentication is initiated by the device. Thus, when the device sees an authenticator triggered re-authentication will discard that.

   Even sending full URIs in message 0 would be no worse than the current
   source spoofing.

   Sending URI paths in message 0 would make this minimally better
   because the attacker would need to guess (or observe from the network)
   the CoAP server's path.

[Authors] Correct.

* In 3.1 General flow, the message types are described in high detail.
   CoAP can generally be used with different transports (some of which
   don't even do NON/CON). Also, while I think it's reasonable to expect
   that a CoAP implementation can deal with requests coming in as either
   CON or NON, I'd expect that some don't offer all possible choices to
   applications. (A very constrained device may only send NON requests,
   or an implementation may decide autonomously whether to send
   piggy-backed or not).

[Authors] Regarding this, it is worth noting that, except for message 0, the constrained device (CoAP server) is not sending requests but responses. Therefore, it will receive CON requests sent by the non-so-constrained CoAP client (EAP authenticator)

Regarding piggybacking, it would be a requirement for this specification, with the goal of saving messages.

   Can you clarify as to what of this is meant to be normative and what

   My recommendation is to state that what is prescribed is the flow of
   requests and responses (which is what CoAP provides to the next
   layer), while notes on reliable transmission are recommendations for
   CoAP-over-UDP/DTLS. A similar statement, which I like a lot, is
   already in 3.2 on error handling.

[Authors] This may be tricky as per the operation of CoAP-EAP. See comments below.

   (I can serve examples of how subtle incompatibilities can develop but
   go unnoticed, but I'd only go through that if this is all really
   intended to be prescriptive).

[Authors] In principle, they are intended to be prescriptive. Therefore, it would be really appreciated if you list the incompatibilities you have in mind.

Having said this, relaxing the piggybacked responses in the specification is something that we understand that should not be a problem, except the “undesirable” increment of messages over a constrained link.

About the usage of NON or CON, the situation is the following. First of all, as mentioned, the CON request is done by the Controller, which is assumed to be a not-so-constrained device. So we do not foresee a problem there. In any case, we have spent several cycles trying to think how everything would work in the case of using NON, assuming the HATEOAS approach.

As Mohit Sethi also commented, “EAP  provides its own support for duplicate elimination and retransmission, but is reliant on lower layer ordering guarantees” (from RFC 3748).

Therefore, there was a chance to use NON requests and responses with the help of EAP. To achieve  “ordering guarantees” we have the HATEOAS approach, but in the case of using NON request and responses, as we see it,  the CoAP server would need to handle two resources at the same time. This is the reason. If , for example, message 4 (below) is lost (where the new resource is informed), the CoAP client will not know that the following NON request in the sequence should go to resource /a/y . The only resources still known by CoAP client is /a/x. That means that resource /a/x MUST not be removed yet from the CoAP server. So the CoAP server keeps two resources: current step /a/x and next expected step in /a/y.  If a message from the CoAP client arrives to /a/x it MUST be considered a retransmission from the EAP authenticator state machine because the CoAP client did not receive the new resource /a/y. This EAP retransmission is handled by the EAP peer state machine, though at the application level we could silently discard the payload. However if the NON request arrives to /a/y in message 5, it means that the CoAP client received message 4. In such a case, /a/x is removed , /a/y is the current step and, for example, /a/z becomes the next expected resource.

NON [0x8694] POST /a/x |

              |                            Token (0xac) |

              |                     Payload EAP-X-Req 1 |

           3) |<----------------------------------------|

              | NON [0x4754]                            |

              | Token (0xac)                            |

              | 2.01 Created Location-Path [/a/y]       |

              | Payload EAP-X-Resp 1                    |

           4) |---------------------------------------->|

Moreover, each retransmitted EAP request will go to a newNON request to /a/x (with different token values). It may happen that both arrive to the CoAP server that answers with two different NON responses saying that the next resource is /a/y. If one of the NON responses indicating /a/y arrives very much later when the interaction moved forward and it is in resource, let’s say, /a/z, when CoAP client sees /a/y will think that next rsource is let’s say /a/y instead /a/z. That, the CoAP client will process the “old” NON response that said /a/y , when that resource is not available. Therefore the CoAP client would need to keep track, at the application level, of the resources already seen. Otherwise, the CoAP client might get confused. Therefore we are carrying the complexity to the application when this is something it could be solved with CON requests at CoAP level.

Finally, another problem we see is that EAP success is not retransmitted, so we believe that, at least, would require a CON request.

Therefore, when NON request and responses are used, we need to specify this kind of behaviour in the CoAP server. And that behaviour changes if we are using CON requests because keeping two resources is not necessary.  Is this reasonable?.

* The reuse of the empty token only works if the peers actually respond
   with piggy-backed responses, so that's where enforcing the above rules
   would give some benefit -- but at the cost of losing existing CoAP
   implementations that make no guarantees as to how the response will be
   sent as long as it's reliable.

[Authors] The use of the Token empty in this case is just proposed as an optimization to be used when possible. This is not intended to be prescriptive. And using NON request and responses we believe should not have an empty value.

* Proxying: As it is right now, this protocol just barely works across
   proxies, and only if they support CoAP-EAP explicitly. (And while it
   may sound odd to even consider that, bear in mind that they are used
   in a very similar way in RFC9031).

   While it's a bit open whether all CoAP-based protocols should
   reasonably be expected to work across proxies or not, a remark (maybe
   before 3.1?) that "If CoAP proxies are used between EAP peer and EAP
   authenticator, they must be configured with knowledge of this
   specification, or the operations will fail after step 0."

[Authors] Based on your comment, it seems there is no guarantee that any CoAP-based protocol would work across proxies. Our question is whether there is any adaptation or change that would favour working through proxies. At the research level, we worked with proxy and you are right, our assumption is that proxies support CoAP-EAP explicitly ( <>).  Since we are trying to avoid right now anything tailored to CoAP-EAP and only using CoAP as a means of transport for the exchange, why do you think this would not work with proxies?

* 3.2.2: The use of RST is rather unusual here, for the same reasons as
   the prescriptive message types.

   A response of 5.03 (Service Unavailable) has roughly the same size,
   is available independent of transport, and on most libraries *way*
   easier to use, if they support sending an RST to a well-formed message
   at all.

   (Furthermore, the sender of the 5.03 can encode an estimate of the
   remaining unavailable time in the Max-Age option; not sure if that is
   of any help here).

* 3.3.1: "received with the ACK", "sends piggybacked response" are,
   again, overly specific. "received in the last response" and "sends a
   response" could work as replacements even if message types are

[Authors] We used RST as the examples of the CoAP RFC seemed to convey that meaning when the endpoint is not in a position to respond to the request, but this seems to be an easier way to achieve the same goal. And as you say, if this is easier on implementations we should strive for that.

* 3.3.1: "after the maximum retransmission attempts, the CoAP client
   will remove the state from its side".

   So the device that's being kicked from the network can delay its own
   eviction for about a minute as long as it doesn't answer?

[Authors] This is an interesting use case. To avoid this, we may have to change the behaviour, to a NON-message and just remove the state.

* 3.3.2: Is reauthentication always triggered by the EAP peer, or can it
   also be triggered by the authenticator? If the latter, will the
   authenticator use /.well-known/a again, or POST something to the
   resource from where it'd DELETE in 3.3.1?

[Authors] The answer is yes, EAP peer always triggered the re-authentication, as it is the one interested in maintaining its membership within the domain, or even it could be dormant at some points. A use case for these is LoRaWAN nodes, that have the capability of starting the communication regardless of their class, whereas the Network server may not send a message until it has received something from the IoT device.

* cryptosuites: What's the upgrade model of that hardcoded list? As it
   is now, it looks pretty static, so updates would be through updates of
   this document. The obvious alternative is an IANA registry with
   ranges, policies and the usual pros and cons.

   Then again, this is not the first nor last time AEAD algorithms with
   their parametrization and hash functions are assigned aggregate
   numbers (I-D.ietf-lake-edhoc comes to mind which has asymmetric algs
   in the mix too; probably others as well); can we deduplicate this with
   anything? (Possibly by bringing this up with COSE or OSCORE people).

[Authors] In the next version we will propose a structure to add different parameters to the CoAP-EAP exchange. Within these parameters, we considered the extensibility of the crypto suite algorithms.

* OSCORE derivation: Is it cryptographically necessary to derive *both*
   a master secret and a master salt through KDF? (Sounds like a
   needless step to me, as both only go into KDF once more when the
   actual OSCORE parameters are derived). I *guess* there's a good reason
   why the MSK is not used as the OSCORE IKM right away and the CSO as
   OSCORE master salt, but it'd help to have at list a comment here on
   why that's needed.

   (It may be useful to compare this step to the HKDF steps in OSCORE;
   their info element is always a 5-element array with a 4th "type"
   element of "Key" or "IV"; other extractions might just hook in there
   with different type values, maybe, and save everyone an extra handling

[Authors] You are right, there should be a clarification on why this is done the way it is. The main purpose is to use MSK  as the root key for key derivation. It is common practice with the usage of the MSK. If say key were compromised, another one could be derived from the MSK, without having to resort to a new bootstrapping to refresh the MSK.

* OSCORE ID derivation:

   * Randomly assigned full-length ideas look like an odd choice. They
     are excessively long (nonce length - 6 is 7 for the MTI
     AES-CCM-16-64-128 and shorter for other current ones, but I doubt
     that keeping the IV *short* is necessarily a design criterion for
     future algorithms).

     What commonly happens here (eg. in the ACE-OSCORE profile, or in
     EDHOC) is that each party picks a recipient ID out of its pool of
     currently unused IDs. This makes for shorter keys, and allows the
     client to be sure that no two peers use the same context.

     Any chance something like that can still make it in?

[Authors] Did not see that as random but parametrised according to the crypto suite. We will try to make this as straightforward as possible following your comments.

   * If the parties happen to be assigned the same sender ID, bad things
     happen (identical key derivation, nonce reuse, nuclear meltdown).

     If the current pattern of KDF'ing IDs stands, this needs to be
     prevented explicitly.

[Authors] Since the Sender and recipient IDs, are derived from the MSK, which is assumed to be fresh key material, I think this should not be a problem.

   * The derivations of "OSCORE RECIPIENT ID" and "OSCORE SENDER ID" are
     confusing as they each need to happen on both sides, and the terms
     will match on one and need to be opposite on the other.

     (I couldn't even easily find which is intended to be which).

     My suggestion is to derive "OSCORE EAP PEER SENDER ID" and "OSCORE
     AUTHENTICATOR SENDER ID" instead. (Or preferably shorter strings).

[Authors] Good point, thank you. We will address this according to your suggestion.

* Exmaples: Do you envision particular EAP protocols to be used in the
   given examples?

[Authors] We consider the examples to use lightweight EAP methods. This could be EAP-PSK for instance.

Best regards
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