On Saturday 25 May 2013 21:44:55 Jonathan Rigsby wrote:
> Hey everyone, I'm really excited about the Vivaldi tablet and Plasma
> Active, hence the reason I'm on this mailing list :D. I have an
> Allwinner A10 tablet which was, until the upgrade to dual core SoCs
you can see here
if (either under nemo/ or plasma-active/) there is an image exactly for your 

otherwise you would have to adapt it a bit (starting probably from the one for 
cobi) where adapting means providing the proper u-boot and "script.bin" imaes 
for that tablet model
(the vivaldi specific image probably would be a bit harder since the eoma68 
boots in a slighty different manner compared to the other a10 devices)

> (congrats on that BTW :D), the same as the Vivaldi tablet. I tried
> booting Mer (in order to get Active) off an SD card, but since it was
> made for TI OMAP SoCs it didn't work. So my question is where can I go
> to get the image or source code (I want Active so much I'm willing to
> perform my first ever source code compilation) that you were using on
> the Vivaldi before the upgrade? Also I assume the dual core SoC your
> using now is the A13, is that right? Hope you can point me in the

is an A20. Luckily a10 and a20 are completely compatible kernel wise

> direction and thanks for all the hard work KDE does. :)

and thanks for your entusiasm, any help is always appreciated :)

Marco Martin
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