Hi Noah,
I prefer the sysprep/copy method; although using the differencing disks option 
is attractive.
The oringinal system I'm going to SYSPREP is always mutli-homed. The first NIC 
I put into Host Only mode so it talk to other Hosts on my system. The second 
NIC I NAT/Bridge to the external network. I use the second NIC to update the 
system imediatly before SYSPREP then disable it from within Windows then later 
after I've built a new image, I can re-enable it if I need to give the server 
external access. (One important point here, Virtual Servers/PCs appear on the 
network no differently than a regular server, so they are vulnerable to a virus 
and the like.) 
Another funny item to note. A while back I needed to allow VS to access a 
VMWare workstation image running on the same machine. If you enable the Virtual 
Server Switch (I think it is called Virtual Networking Services now...) on 
VMWare's VMNET0 NIC the two Host Only modes were joined. I haven't tried this 
in the final release version of VS, but I bet it still works.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Noah Eiger
Sent: Fri 11/19/2004 3:24 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: Virtual Server 2005



Is anyone using Virtual Server 2005? I am running a TechNet demo copy and had 
some questions. Documentation and support has been spotty (e.g., the newsgroup 
is not up and running yet). Here are a few questions. Any thoughts or pointers 
to web resources appreciated.


-          I can't seem to figure out how you would set up a virtual network 
(using a virtual w2k3 server for dns, dhcp, etc.) and then route that out to 
the Internet. I guess one would need a virtual router/gateway. I think the 
virtual DHCP server does this.

-          Is it possible to setup a virtual network that could also interact 
with other OS machines (e.g., Linux, MacOS X, etc.). I want to setup a virtual 
Windows network but also allow other OS machines to access file and directory 
services and Exchange.

-          How would you duplicate virtual machines? It seems that once you 
have built a single W2k3 server and patched it, you could simply copy it and 
then sysprep it.


Any thoughts? Thanks.


-- nme



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