Not sure if this is off topic (hope not).
We currently use Office 2003 and have done for a while.  Over about the last two weeks we have had a growing problem.  When a user tries to start an office application they get an error saying that office is not installed for this user and to run setup.  This only happens on machines where we have installed Office via a GPO.  At first we thought it was only on machines that had been installed recently and that it might be a corruption on our admin install however then it started to happen on machines that have been working fine. 
Sometimes two users will get the error if they swap PC's with each other it will work fine for both of them.
We have also tried manual installs of office on some PC's from the same admin install point and they work fine.  If you reapply the GPO to the machine they no longer work.
Anyone got any ideas that may be able to help me out? 

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