I am using the VMFOLDER option, using one folder per datamover and so
dividing the backups across multiple VM datamovers. Only disadvantage is
that the TDP for VE GUI does not understand that option and is unable to
manage the schedules. Just by putting the VM in the folder and it is being
backed u
Hi Sergio,
The statement in the Admin Guide refers to data encrypted by the TSM
client. It is as you surmised, via include.encrypt. The TSM server does not
otherwise know the contents of the files that are stored, so if the data is
in some encrypted state by a 3rd party, the TSM server is not awar
We are not doing it that way because when new VMs are created, the maintainer
of the schedule or script has to first learn there is a new VM and second
update the schedule/script. We use VMHOST=hostmachine to automatically back up
all VMs on a host. Actucal we use a -NB suffix on VM names that
Here's an excerpt from official TSM documentation for TSM Server 7.1 as a
limitation for deduplication:
Encrypted files
The Tivoli Storage Manager server and the backup-archive client cannot
deduplicate encrypted files. If an encrypted file is encountered during data
deduplication processing, t
I've seen the complex backup commands people are using to schedule backups.
A previous email showed command
-vmfulltype=vstor -vmbackuptype=fullvm -asnodename= -domain.vmfull="VM=" -MODE=IFIncremental
My current method is to create a .bat file and execute it as a scheduled
command script.
The sc
We typically see VM restore speeds at 2/3 or 1/2 the rate of standard
file-level incremental restores. That's from a FILE devclass with a 50GB
volume size. We're still offsiting to tape, however, so we do monthly
fulls of the production VMs so we have a relatively recent full copy for
DR purposes
I've not seen a better way to find backed up VM than to use the occupancy data.
We have multiple data movers which are proxies to a single TSM node so all the
VM backups are under a single node. I have two script that I use regularly.
One finds all the VM backups that contain the supplied str
I'm still using the defaults. I've seen occasional spikes in backup duration
and had not considered that it might be caused by a megablock being backed up
again. Most of our backups run in about 10 minutes, but occasionally take 1.5
The only way I've found to get a list of back
Are you using the default of 50 for mbobjrefreshthresh or have you adjusted
that value? If so, how did you determine what to change it to?
David Ehresman-
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Schneider, Jim
Sent: Thursday, Au