I am trying to set up a DB2 backup using TSM. My test instance is db2inst1.

AIX 5.2
DB@ 8.1
TSM  Client 5.2.2
TSM api 5.2.2

All are the 64 bit versions.

The following variables were set in the .profile of user db2inst1:

export DSMI_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64
export DSMI_CONFIG=/home/db2inst1/tsm/dsm.opt
export DSMI_LOG=/home/db2inst1/tsm

As root, and with the above DSMI variables set in the environment,
db2inst1/sqllib/adsm/dsmapipw was executed without error and verified with
db2adutl query. The above environment variables were used, as confirmed by
looking at the results and a trace.

Logged in as db2inst1, and after verifying that the environment variables
are ok, I executed the "db2 backup db sample use tsm" command and the
backup was successful. The problem is that the environment DSMI variables
above were ignored and the defaults were  used. This is confirmed by a

Can anyone suggest why this is happening. Thanks in advance.

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