I'd like to update what I said yesterday about this.

An audit vol on the tape turns up 4600+ damaged files.  Of these, about
4500 show that they were infected by the "Love Bug" in May (the rest
probably were also).  I'll probably have to do an audit on as many volumes
as I can identify that were written about the same time to see if any
similar damaged files show up.  However, management is going to want to
know if this is coincidence or if there is something to worry about in all
of this.

What follows is my original note from 9/12/00.

Last night for about 50 minutes my log is filled with ANR9999d messages:

09/11/00 18:13:39 ANR9999D ssrecons.c(2219): Invalid magic number found in
frame header. 09/11/00 18:13:39 ANR9999D ssrecons.c(2226): Wrong segment
group id found in frame header. 09/11/00 18:13:39 ANR9999D
ssrecons.c(2232): Wrong sequence number found in frame header. 09/11/00
18:13:39 ANR9999D ssrecons.c(2238): Actual: Magic=C17E236D,
SrvId=1348860418, SegGroupId=).0/*/'*(/+.,-0/0,,, SeqNum=-1086661548.
09/11/00 18:13:39 ANR9999D ssrecons.c(2245): Expected: Magic=53454652,
SrvId=0, SegGroupId=97389871. SeqNum=3.

The numbers change, but the message is the same.  What does it mean?

AIX 4.3.3

Fred Johanson
System Administrator, ADSM
University of Chicago

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