Wanda Prather wrote:

> Sadly, after being a rabid fan of TSM for several years now,

Me too.

> I have finally
> started recommending to some people that they NOT install it.

ME TOO! The first time, I recommended NOT to install the TSM client was,
as luck would have it, yesterday. It was a MAC; who needs backup software,
if it is unable to restore? (As a colleague pointed out: the service we
offer is not backup, it is RESTORE.)

> ...
> Tivoli Marketing is making it impossible to champion this product any more.
> The current licensing scheme is so bizarre that you can't get the same quote
> ...

While we are at it: What are the costs of a TSM client on an end-user
workstation? Tier 1 would mean 7 management points, but somebody told me,
that the tier scheme only applies to servers, and that an end-user
workstation costs 4 points only.

Anyway, the management point scheme only makes sense to me, if it is
possible, to just tell the server the number of points I have bought,
and not having to register different license types (where it is even not
possible to distinguish the client tiers). The server should know, how
many points are needed. If not, why should I worry?

> It's a shame, because I know how much good work has gone into the server end
> of this product, and I think it is still the best of breed.  But I think
> there may be a lot of sites, including this one, where there will be serious
> consideration of an alternative product when the contract comes up for
> renewal.
> My opinions and nobody else's....

Mine too, and it is good to hear that others feel the same ...

Reinhard Mersch                        Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung - ehemals Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Roentgenstrasse 9-13, D-48149 Muenster, Germany      Tel: +49(251)83-31583
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Fax: +49(251)83-31653

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