Hi all,

I solved the problem.

I get the data back in the original pool by MOVE NODEDATA from the wrong pool to the 
right pool.

10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: MOVE NODEDATA
                       sa000214 FROMSTGPOOL=STKL40POOL TOSTGPOOL=STKL40POOL2    
                       TYPE=ANY MAXPROCESS=1 WAIT=NO RECONSTRUCT=NO             
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR1643I MOVE NODEDATA: All file spaces for node SA000214,
                       will be moved.                                           
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR0984I Process 92 for MOVE NODE DATA started in the     
                       BACKGROUND at 17:32:29.                                  
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR1284I Move node data started as process 92.            
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR2110I MOVE NODEDATA started as process 92.             
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR0609I MOVE NODEDATA started as process 92.             
10/20/2004 17:32:29   ANR1157I Removable volume 000033 is required for move     
10/20/2004 17:36:13   ANR8337I LTO volume 000033 mounted in drive STKL40DRV0    
10/20/2004 17:36:52   ANR8337I LTO volume 000024 mounted in drive STKL40DRV1    
10/20/2004 17:39:05   ANR1288I Move node data process 92 ended for storage pool 
10/20/2004 17:39:05   ANR0986I Process 92 for MOVE NODE DATA running in the     
                       BACKGROUND processed 172 items for a total of 51,962,204 
                       bytes with a completion state of SUCCESS at 17:39:05.    
10/20/2004 17:39:05   ANR1290I Move node data from storage pool STKL40POOL to   
                       storage pool STKL40POOL2 has ended.  Files Moved: 172,   
                       Bytes Moved: 51962204, Unreadable Files: 0, Unreadable   
                       Bytes: 0. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tuncel Mutlu (B.T.B.S.V.Y.G.) 
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:10 PM
To: ADSM-L (E-mail)
Subject: wrong MOVEDATA operation

Hi gurus,

TSM 5.2.0 on Windows 2000 + STK L40 Lib - 2 IBM LTO drives

I had to move data from one cartridge to its pool, but I selected a wrong pool. I 
realized the error and I canceled the process (with "cancel process #"), because the 
cartridges were still not mounted (the cartdridge is in primary pool, and the wrong 
pool is also a primary pool), but it has already copied 172 items (52 MB). How can I 
find which data has gone wrong or how can I rebuild the cartridge (may be from the 
copypool) ? Both the primary pools have copypools.


Tuncel Mutlu

10/20/2004 15:50:38   ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: MOVE DATA    
                       000022 STGPOOL=STKL40POOL WAIT=NO RECONSTRUCT=NO         
10/20/2004 15:50:38   ANR1157I Removable volume 000022 is required for move     
10/20/2004 15:50:38   ANR0984I Process 89 for MOVE DATA started in the          
                       BACKGROUND at 15:50:38.                                  
10/20/2004 15:50:38   ANR1140I Move data process started for volume 000022      
                       (process ID 89).                                         
10/20/2004 15:50:38   ANR0609I MOVE DATA started as process 89.                 
10/20/2004 15:51:23   ANR8337I LTO volume 000033 mounted in drive STKL40DRV1    
10/20/2004 15:51:34   ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: CANCEL       
                       PROCESS 89                                               
10/20/2004 15:51:34   ANR0940I Cancel request accepted for process 89.          
10/20/2004 15:51:39   ANR8337I LTO volume 000022 mounted in drive STKL40DRV0    
10/20/2004 15:52:33   ANR1143W Move data process terminated for volume 000022 - 
                       process canceled.                                        
10/20/2004 15:52:33   ANR0986I Process 89 for MOVE DATA running in the          
                       BACKGROUND processed 172 items for a total of 51,962,204 
                       bytes with a completion state of FAILURE at 15:52:33.    


Bu e-posta ve muhtemel eklerinde verilen bilgiler kişiye özel ve gizli olup, yalnızca 
mesajda belirlenen alıcı ile ilgilidir.Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen göndericiye 
bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye açıklamayınız, herhangi 
bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir 
finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi 
bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve 
bütünlüğünün garantisi verilmemekte olup, önceden bildirilmeksizin 
değiştirilebilecektir.Bu mesajın içeriği Bankamızın resmi görüşlerini 
yansıtmayabileceğinden Akbank T.A.Ş. hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu kabul etmez.

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