To prepare an intervention on our tape robot I defined a new storage pool STG3
on another deviceclass. The new storagepool is set as nextstg on the primary stg
STG1 and the other stgpool STG2 is set as next on the new stgpool STG3. When I
want to restore a file residing on STG2 I get the following messages:

Date/Time                Message

--------------------     ----------------------------------------------------------

06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANR5035E Dynamic allocation of tape unit ATL2 failed,

                          return code 4, error code 38660, info code 0.

06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume 202225 - mount


06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANR5035E Dynamic allocation of tape unit ATL2 failed,

                          return code 4, error code 38660, info code 0.

06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume 202225 - mount


06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANR0542W Retrieve or restore failed for session 4314
                          node BW0102 (OS/2) - storage media inaccessible.

06/07/2001 14:22:17      ANE4035W (Session: 4314, Node: BW0102)  Error
                          'd:\restore\Rvisual.dbf': file currently unavailable

I thought I file on the stgpool STG2 could be found or am I wrong?

Michel Engels

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