Hi All,

I'm attempting to move TSM from being a point backup solution for a particular 
application to an enterprise solution, in an environment where the customer is king 
(and thinks he knows it all).

As most application owners are used to individual tape dumps, I'm getting a lot of 
requests to just duplicate what the tapes did, i.e daily backup kept for a week, a 
weekly archive kept for a month and and a monthly archive kept for a year, with no 

I inherited the management classes here and the default is unlimited versions, 
retextra 28, retonly 365

So far I've kept with this as it mostly saves me having to run those monthly archives, 
but as the empire expands I'm having a lot of trouble with temporary and uniquely 
named files  hanging around for a full year.  Its not a problem now but will be if I 
don't address the issue. I started coding exclude lists, but as every machine has a 
different setup it is hard to come up with general rules (e.g. two NT servers set up 
and maintained by the same people, one has oracle archive logs in \oraarchive and the 
other in \ora_archive)  so the   task will quickly get out of hand.

I can encourage users in the long term as we will soon set up a billing strategy, but 
it is a government department and it will take at least a year for billing to bite.

So, what default retentions are you using? and how do you discourage monthly archives 
of everything?

To keep traffic on the list down, email direct to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
I'll collate and post a summary.



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