Thank you very much

Quick but right...


                      Tony Morgan                                                      
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Pour :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
                      ISBANK.COM>              cc :                                    
                      Envoyé par :             Objet :   Re: Web server deconnection   
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor                                                 
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
                      15/01/2004 11:32                                                 
                      Veuillez répondre                                                
                      à "ADSM: Dist                                                    
                      Stor Manager"                                                    

FYI: quick response... I'm busy!!  Rgds.Tony


SET WEBAUTHTIMEOUT (Set the Web Time-out Interval)

Use this command to set the time-out interval for the administrative Web

interface. After the interval elapses, an administrator must re-enter the

administrator name and password.

Privilege Class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


>>-Set WEBauthtimeout--minutes---------------------------------><


minutes (Required)

     Specifies the time-out interval in minutes. The minimum value is 0,

     which means that the administrators are never timed out. The maximum

     value is 9999. The default is 10.



Set the time-out interval to 15 minutes.


     set webauthtimeout 15

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas Launay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 January 2004 10:28
Subject: Web server deconnection


a little question: when I use the web console to manage the TSM server, I
have to reconnect if I don't use it during 1 or 2 minutes...It's painful...

Is there a place to set it?

Thank you


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