In other environments, I've used MOVE DRM REMOVE=untileefull with
scsi/fibre attached 3584 and it works fine.

In this environment, we have a library manager and 4 library clients.
The 3584 has 20x 3592-E05 drives and 64 virtual I/O slots.

MOVE DRM REMOVE=BULK works fine from the library clients and the
library manager.

When trying REMOVE=UNTILEEFULL from the library clients:
A) A request posts on the library manager stating that all I/O slots are
full or inaccessible and it can't move the one specific volser out.

B) This request blocks all other robot activity from the LM and all of the

C) CANCEL PROC of any MOVE DRM, CHECKIN or LABEL process will not

D) CANCEL REQ on one request will simply pop up for the next tape.  If
MOVE DRM was cancelled, then that LC's process will free up and the next
LC will cause a request to post on the LM.

The Virtual I/O slots look and operate like normal I/O slots to TSM, and
REMOVE=BULK works for CHECKOUT and MOVE DRM on all of the LCs and the LM.

At this point, I'm not sure if the issue is that library sharing can't
handle UNTILEEFULL, or if the virtual I/O slots are a problem.

I was hoping to hear if anyone else was doing something similar, or had
similar problems.

TSM is on AIX all/around.
Atape is 10.6
AIX is

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