Hello Guillaume

Regarding Open File Managers you should check out http://www.stbernard.com/ they 
provide solutions for certified for TSM, NetWare 6 is for the time being not supported 
- but will be in a month or two. Is it regarding GroupWise 6, then I'm sorry to tell 
you that the GWTSA.NLM isn't supported by TSM - have asked IBM for this, but haven't 
received any answers on the upcoming of such a support.

Regarding ordinary backup, just remember to patch your server with TSA5UP9 - or else 
you might get some trouble.

Regarding backup of cluster, you might need to look at the following TID:

Good luck ;-)

Flemming Hougaard

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Guillaume Gilbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 12. juli 2002 16:20
Emne: Questions concerning Netware backups

Hi all

We are going to be backing up some Netware soon and I have a few questions from the 

They use Open File Agent from ArcServe. Is there a similar solution fro TSM?

I searched the archives for posts concerning backing up Novell clusters and what I 
found wasn't to clear. It seems there is no clear cut solution like with MSCS. Is
anybody backing up a Novell cluster succesfully?

Also, this is the first time I'll be dealing with Netware. Are there any gotchas I 
should be aware of or does the manuel tell everything I need to know? The client
version will probably be 5.1 as will the server.

Thanks for the help

Guillaume Gilbert
CGI Canada

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