Hi Peter

I'm waiting with excitement on answers to your question... I have asked the same 
question earlier (around the 21. of may) - and I have never received a answer! 

If you are going to use the St. Bernard OFM (which by the way aren't supporting 
NetWare 6 yet - but it's in pipeline), there are some considerations to take... maybe? 
I haven't been able to verify with Novell aboout GroupWise 6, but in GroupWise 5.5 
there was an issue. The funny thing is, that the TID I have received from St. Bernard 
isn't on the Novell's homepage anymore. But I have it, and if your are interested I 
can mail it to you.

So still waiting on the answer on support on GWTSA.NLM (which by the way is supported 
both by CA and Veritas...).


Flemming Hougaard

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Peter Pijpelink - P.L.C.S. BV Storage Consultants
Sendt: 22. juli 2002 16:29
Emne: question about Netware 6 and Groupwise TSA/GWTSA


Does anyone know anything about the backup and specially the recovery of
Netware 6 Groupwise?
Does TSM support the TSA and GWTSA modules to backup the Groupwise
databases online? Downtime is not an option in this case. We also thinking
about using st Bernard OFM to backup Groupwise, anyone has experiences to

It seems that Veritas had written a module to backup Groupwise online by
using the GWTSA module and so... Tivoli Development, any plans??

The groupwise enviorment is approx 15 GB. We do not have problems with
making a select backup every day. I also saw that some people use a
incl/excl and do a online backup with a large of open file retries. Are you
able to restore/recover the Groupwise database correctly by using that method?

looking forward to hear your experiences and ticks (maybe treats)



met vriendelijke groet,
with regards,

Peter Pijpelink

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