I am attempting to schedule a restore from one Novell  server to another. I
have the schedule working and the restore completes successful.
My problem is after the restore completes the session is left open.
 Is there a way to suppress the prompt, like the -noprompt option on the
delete command. Below is an example of what is displayed on the server
after the restore completes:

Restoring         174,964
/SYSI.TXT [Done]
Restoring      25,380,352
TMS.TXT <46%> [ - ]
ANS1809E Session is lost; initializing session reopen procedure.
A Reconnection attempt will be made in 00:00:00
... failed

>>>>>> Restore Processing Interrupted!! <<<<<<
ANS1369W Session Rejected: The session was canceled by the server

Total number of objects restored:     5,929
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:    14.49 MB
Data transfer time:                  206.77 sec
Network data transfer rate:           71.78 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:         28.83 KB/sec
Elapsed processing time:           00:08:34

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