Hi, ref:

> Date:    Fri, 20 Feb 2004 07:39:42 -0500
> From:    Rajesh Oak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Operational Reporting seems to be working fine at my site.  The
> only flaw is in the report for the Exchange Backup.  Since we
> execute a batch file which kicks off the Exchange backup, the client
> summary shows successful everytime the batch file is executed
> successfully. After that it has no idea if the actual backup
> fails. Wierd thing is for SQL backups we do the same thing but it
> looks for errors in the actual SQL backups and reports it in the
> client schedule summary.  Hope this is fixed ASAP because now I have
> to run a script which looks for the Exchange backup seperately.

The administrative schedule section will display the actual return
code but the client section will map return codes according to some
rules described in the TSMOR 5.2.2. readme file (tsmrept_readme.txt)
You can search for "Result values for the Client Schedule section"

Currently the best way to display information on DP clients in TSMOR
is to add one or more extension sections. You can do this by clicking
the Add button in a report's property sheet and adding a section name
and select statement or query.  Here are some example extensions for

Extension: Exchange - Schedules Failed

select -
  substr(char(actlog.date_time), 1, 16) as "Date/Time", -
  actlog.message -
from actlog -
where actlog.date_time between '%s' and '%s' and -
  actlog.msgno=2579 and -
  (message like '%%_EXC%%')

Extension: Exchange - Schedules Missed

select -
  substr(char(actlog.date_time), 1, 16) as "Date/Time", -
  actlog.message -
from actlog -
where actlog.date_time between '%s' and '%s' and -
  actlog.msgno=2578 and -
  (message like '%%_EXC%%')

Extension: Exchange - Filespaces not Backed up in last 24 Hours

select -
  filespaces.node_name as "Node Name",-
  filespaces.filespace_name as "Filespace Name",-
  filespaces.filespace_type as "Filespace Type",-
  substr(char(filespaces.backup_start), 1, 16) as "Backup Start",-
  substr(char(filespaces.backup_end), 1, 16) as "Backup End" -
from filespaces -
where filespaces.backup_end not between '%s' and '%s' and -
  filespaces.node_name like '%%_EXC%%'

Extension: Exchange - Activity Summary

select -
  node_name as "Node Name", -
  platform_name as "Platform", -
  activity as "Activity",-
  number as "Session",-
  substr(char(start_time),1,16) as "Started",-
  substr(char(end_time),1,16) as "Ended",-
  sum(bytes) as "Bytes Transferred", -
  successful as "Successful" -
from summary,nodes -
where end_time between '%s' and '%s' and -
  platform_name = 'TDP MSExchg' -
group by node_name, platform_name, activity,-
  number,bytes,start_time,end_time,successful -
order by "Started" desc

Some of these samples are set up to expect that DP for Exchange node
names end in _exc. For example if you had exchange nodes named
serverx_exc, servery_exc, and serverz_exc they would appear in the
results. This type of filtering can be removed or updated to match any
environment. For example you can look for other messages such as
ANE4993E in the actlog as Bruce mentioned.

For more information on the role of the % character in the select
statements see the TSMOR 5.2.2 readme file and search for "How to use
variables in select statements"

TSMOR has a SQL select statement builder to help build select statements.
For example, on the extension editor dialog you can click the Advanced
button to get to it.

Also some sections take longer to process than others and in part
it depends on the complexity of the query and the load on the server.
TSMOR provides a timing summary section which provides detailed per
section timing information so that you can determine where time is
spent producing a report. This helps determine if and where queries
need to be optimized.


Mike Collins
Tivoli Storage Product Architecture

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