Hi TSMites

I am n't clear on the stuff i read from Admin and reference guides on

There is no clear explantion on polling and randomization. There is no
doubts on Prompted mode.

But if the schedmode is set to polling on clients , How the server is
alloting slots for the clients?

Is there any command to get  to know those time slots? ( We can get to know
the next slot by reading dsmsched.log on client site, its a tedious job
checking on 100 odd clients ).

What happens if the client missed the first solt? ( i believe server will
assign one  more slot using randamization and it continues till the end of
startup window.??? Am i correct or is there any fixed number for it??)

 For example, there is a 50 client environment on 10/100 Mbps all connected
to 12 port Switch, each client has daily incremental data of 500MB, and the
workstation on times are from 8:30AM to 5:30PM

1.Whats the Ideal duration parameter for the above env? ( if i keep dur=8
duru=hours , backup of some clients may start at 5:15PM and there won't be
much time to finish the backup successfully.All desktops will be switched
of at 5:45 PM ).

2.How to calculate maxschedsession for the above? ( if i give
maxschedsesions 40 number (not percentage) for 50 clients there will be a
network bottle neck)

3.How to calculate randamization for the above scenario?

4.Under what circumstances the client may miss the schedule? (
maxschedsession is set to 30 number for 50 clients, all clients are powered
on and client schedulars are active, queryschedperiod is set to 3 hours )

5.Whats meant by q event status "?"

6.Does resourceutlization parameter works for schedule sessions? ( i only
see one schedule session per client eventhough resourceutilization is set
to default value 2 ).

7.Whats the timeout value for schedule session?

Elaborate on how polling mode actually works


Raghu S Nivas
Consultant - TSM
DCM Data Systems Ltd
New Delhi


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