We have a 3584 with 6 3580 (LTO) drives and 3494 with 14 3590E1A drives
shared between 3 AIX servers containing 4 TSM servers.  The 3590 drives are
SCSI attached to 2 san data gateways which are attached to 2 brocade
switches and the AIX servers are also attached to the brocade switches.  I
have tsmsvr2 as the library manager.  I want to do DRM on tsmsvr1 which is a
library client.  I know that you do the checkins and checkouts of the
library on the library manager with is tsmsvr2.  Is DRM intelligent enough
to tell tsmsvr2 to check out the tapes when I do a move from mountable to
courier or is this going to fail miserably causing me great grief and
aggravation or work perfectly or do I have to do some fine tuning?

Anybody know?  Anybody do this before?

Becky Davidson
Data Manager/AIX Administrator
EDS/Sara Lee Bakery Group
voice: 314-259-7589
fax: 314-877-8589

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