Hello TSMer,

please give me your estimation, what you think about some facts we are
confonted in a tsm project:

approximately 200 tsm clients (windows, unix) with a total of 7 tb of data.
800 gb per day to backup, backup window 4 hours
many db applications, so there are a lot of more tsm nodes to handle.

the backup concept of the customer gives us a total storage of primary data
of 110 TB after 2 years. (without yearly inrease of data, which
is estimated as 50 % per year), so you will  get some 250 TB+ in 2 years.

our customer has a 3584 with lto2 (4 drives), a 3494 with 8 drives (E1A)
and likes to have one or tsm servers on w2k, which i think, that
w2k is not able to handle this environment (let me know your suggestions
about this).

one requirenment is to restore one client (100 GB, many small files) in
maximal 4 hours.

let me ask you some questions:

where would you backup your primary data, to 3590 E1A or to lto2? (please
distinguish between small and big files)

I think collocation is a must, do you think too?

do you think, that the drives can handle this amount of data?

so let me tell you a tsm feature, which i miss:

what about migrating only inactive files from a diskpool?

you will always have the latest backups on your fastest storagepool, never
mind about fragmented tapes and restore performance of small files.
think about the always incremental strategy of tsm and the growing of
stored data with unnecessary full backups.

this feature implemented as node or stgpool parameter (like
will improve tsm restore performance immediately.

please let me know, what you think about my suggestions.

with best regards

Stefan Savoric

PROFI Engineering Systems AG

Otto-Röhm-Strasse 18
64293 Darmstadt
Tel. 0 61 51/82 90-76 29
Fax 0 61 51/82 90-76 10
Mobil 0171/794 54 46

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