Hallo TSM'ers,

I have a situation where it seems the subidr option is being ignored for
a backup.

>From the base TSM install dir I created the following directory


and placed a file called testfile within it.

What follows is a transcript from some testing I did, that appears to
show that even with 'subdir yes' in the dsm.opt subdirs are only being
backed up when I use the -subdir=y option on the TSM> command line. The
O/S & TSM client details are;  

SunOS lomond 5.8 Generic_108528-25 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-880
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 2,
Level 0.0
TSM  Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.3

If anyone can say what I'm doing wrong, or confirm it as a problem,
would be much appreciated.


tsm> q pr
ANS1138E The 'QUERY' command must be followed by a subcommand
tsm> q pr

# pg dsm.opt
SErvername       carsington
subdir yes

# dsmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 2,
Level 0.0
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2003. All Rights

Node Name: LOMOND
Session established with server CARSINGTON: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.3
  Server date/time: 07/14/04   11:20:11  Last access: 07/14/04

tsm> i ./*

Incremental backup of volume './*'
Successful incremental backup of '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/*'

Total number of objects inspected:       28
Total number of objects backed up:        0
Total number of objects updated:          0
Total number of objects rebound:          0
Total number of objects deleted:          0
Total number of objects expired:          0
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
Objects compressed by:                    0%
Elapsed processing time:           00:00:04

tsm> i ./* -subdir=y

Incremental backup of volume './*'
Directory-->                 512 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/sub1/sub2
Normal File-->                 0
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/sub1/sub2/testfile [Sent]
Successful incremental backup of '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/*'

Total number of objects inspected:      128
Total number of objects backed up:        2
Total number of objects updated:          0
Total number of objects rebound:          0
Total number of objects deleted:          0
Total number of objects expired:          0
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
Objects compressed by:                    0%
Elapsed processing time:           00:00:04
tsm> quit

# touch sub1/sub2/testfile2

# vi dsm.sys
   SErvername           carsington
   NODENAME             lomond
   TCPCLIENTAddress     lomond
   COMMmethod           TCPip
   TCPPort              1500
   TCPServeraddress     carsington.cop.eme.uk
   COMPRESSION          No
   SCHEDLOGNAME         dsmsched.log
   SCHEDMODE            Prompted
   COMMRESTARTDuration  30
   COMMRESTARTInterval  60
   ERRORLOGRET          7 D
   TCPNODELAY           YES
   NFSTIMEout  10
subdir y

# vi dsm.opt
SErvername       carsington
* subdir yes
# dsmc
ANS1036S Invalid option 'SUBDIR' found in options file
         at line number : 36
         Invalid entry : 'subdir y'

ANS1038S Invalid option specified
# vi dsm.sys
   SErvername           carsington
   NODENAME             lomond
   TCPCLIENTAddress     lomond
   COMMmethod           TCPip
   TCPPort              1500
   TCPServeraddress     carsington.cop.eme.uk
   COMPRESSION          No
   SCHEDLOGNAME         dsmsched.log
   SCHEDMODE            Prompted
   COMMRESTARTDuration  30
   COMMRESTARTInterval  60
   ERRORLOGRET          7 D
   TCPNODELAY           YES
   NFSTIMEout  10
# vi dsm.opt
SErvername       carsington
subdir yes
# dsmc
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 2,
Level 0.0
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2003. All Rights

Node Name: LOMOND
Session established with server CARSINGTON: AIX-RS/6000
  Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.3
  Server date/time: 07/14/04   11:22:16  Last access: 07/14/04

tsm> i ./*

Incremental backup of volume './*'
Successful incremental backup of '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/*'

Total number of objects inspected:       28
Total number of objects backed up:        0
Total number of objects updated:          0
Total number of objects rebound:          0
Total number of objects deleted:          0
Total number of objects expired:          0
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
Objects compressed by:                    0%
Elapsed processing time:           00:00:04
tsm> i ./* -subdir=y

Incremental backup of volume './*'
Normal File-->                 0
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/sub1/sub2/testfile2 [Sent]
Successful incremental backup of '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/*'

Total number of objects inspected:      129
Total number of objects backed up:        1
Total number of objects updated:          0
Total number of objects rebound:          0
Total number of objects deleted:          0
Total number of objects expired:          0
Total number of objects failed:           0
Total number of bytes transferred:        0  B
Data transfer time:                    0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate:            0.00 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate:          0.00 KB/sec
Objects compressed by:                    0%
Elapsed processing time:           00:00:03

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